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Show A new and complete line of Cedar Chests 5j to select from, over 20 styles. Prices JGft Jjffi range from $9.00 to $30.00. JjO The full and complete line is now on dis- play and choosing is better now than it ftRji IJy will be later. The prices have been mark- 4y ed very moderate and the values are good. Select your Cedar Chest early and we will crw store it for you until Xmas or when S Iffe wanfed- 5jB Good selection of Basswood, matting cov- ered utility boxes, priced from $5.00 to sfiEfo $10.00. Will not warp or twist. Superior JJ construction. Covered in best grade of Japanese matting. NOTCE. To Whom It Way Concern I have sold my interest in the Grant Motor Works to L. J. Haight. who will assume all b'Us and obligations. E. P. ARCHIBALD. Advertisement. atilLS B i i wyMMM , ' il I Announcement I II beg to announce to the citizens of Ogden and H vicinity that I have opened an exclusive Men's Shoe Store and High Class Repair Factory at 370 Twenty- a fifth Street, Broom Block. I will sell men's medium and high grade Dress and I Work Shoes. 1 have secured the Agency for such well known S i makes as Florsheim. Thompson Bros., Kelly-Buckly, my lf ft and the John Meirer's Railroad shoes. j- For the past ten years I have been engaged ex- I ! clusively in the shoe trade in the city of Reno, Nevada. S omp31 where I succeeded in building up the largest men's shoe B and repair trade in that state. r6jW- I will sell for cash only, and will be able to give Q 2 much better values than I could were I to do a credit I ud business. I have a nice, clean, comfortable store where men, B s. women and children may wait while their shoes are be- ing repaired. gtfj I will absolutely guarantee every pair of shoes I sell B to be as represented. The same applies to our repair 1 1 department. 1 Soliciting a portion of your shoe trade, I am yours B j for value, service and comfort, I Wm. Flett THE SIGN OF SHOE SATISFACTION. I fLETT I I EET I J Brown Carlson Treseder Clothiers and Furnishers 2421 Wash. Ave. You Must Bo Suited Hera. Advert Isenoant 00 ATTENTION, W. 0. W. There will be a card party Thursday Thurs-day evening. Nov ."th, at Woodman H n 11, tn which members anJ their friends are invited. ( Advertisement.) uu 1 Read tbe Clacslfled Ads. Coming Sunday "The Painted World," and Julia Swayne Gordon, at the Globe. Advertisement. NOTICE, 0. 0. 0. All members are requested to met at the Owl Hall, 2116 Wash Ave , at 1:30 p. m. Friday to attend the funeral fun-eral of Bro. W. H. Wright (Signed! T 0. IVERSON, President. JOE CROMPTON, Sec. Advertisement. nn CO John Bunny i at the Globe today in a roaring comedy. Advertisement. i rzi . . " I FOR SALE 120 ocre.. two and a half mile, from Se'iW MB town; part cleared; no improvements. S2400- I ' . -T5WH3fWr!Er PfKf&lA'"' KjHH ' -MmHSi H Every man dreams of H owning a place like this ' ill some day. ''fWM H Happy Hollow m I ; BY WILLIAM R. LIGHTON is the story of a man who read this twtJ 111 III advertisement, bought the farm 13 H It is your way out, too! """x I In the issue of the COUNTRY m GENTLEMAN W ?Wg that is on the news-stands today. I' ' ' Five Cents the Copy, of All News Agents ' 'Wf- '' ' NL l' Or, $1.50 a Year (52 issues) by Muil, Ordered w4'f ir-'!'' ' 4 ' 7 ill $&$$!& S Through Our Subscription Agents or PUBLISHING COMPANY H Independence Square I '' " oo A chase to a ship. A dive into the sea. Rescued by an airship. A race between two passenger trains, and Alan rescues Rose; all shown in the 'Trey O' Hearts" at the Lyceum Ly-ceum today and tomorrow. Advertisement. See Alan Law make the 85-foot 85-foot dive into the sea. "Trey , O' Hearts" at the Lyceum Thursday and Friday. Advertisement. Ad-vertisement. oo MARCUS LOEWS VAUDEVILLE TODAY 3 Performances 3 p. m , 7:30, 9:15 r ", J 6 EXCELLENT ACTS j JOLLY AMD WILD T At l ' jwB - ttjL ROSE AND MOON BR V Song and Dances. I jBSKb ' wtHStB ALLEN MILLER & CO. In Maid Mary. THREE MORI BROS. Wonder Working Orientals. j BlWP KEYSTONE COMEDY - 10, 20, 30 Cants I Alice Hanson, Comedienne. ' i I I 0 www |