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Show EXPECTS FLEET TO COME OUT By E ASHMEAD BARTLETT London, Nov. 9.- In France and Bel-;gium Bel-;gium the Germans were eery where .repulsed with losses which prohibit a further offensive movement unlet.9 fresh reserves be brought up Are these reserves available0 If it is true that 150.000 fresh men have been collected, can they be spared for Belgium? Wc must bear In mind that when the situation in East Prussia. Poland and Galicla was far less critical than now, three corps which might hae changed the issue of the battle of the Marne were deliberately taken from Von Buelow's center army and sent east Their arrival temporarily relieved the situation there and led to the crushing defeat of Samsonoff's corps at Tannenburg, but this disaster was more than compensated for by tho failure of the campaign In France, followed by the retreat of all the German Ger-man armies to the north of the Aisne Any available reinforcements must be sent to the east and not to Belgium Belgi-um It is difficult to gauge what objective the German general staff sought to achieve by the offensive In northwest Belgium, or what was the ulterior object of this great concen-iration concen-iration of eleven army corps followed by a series of desperate assaults first on the Belgian line between Nieuport and Dixmude and then, when its failure fail-ure became evident, between Ypres and La Bassee against the British Why was Calais to be taken by October Oc-tober 26? Why was Ypres to be seized at all costs by November 1? Partly to enable the German armies to turn their faces against the lnad ing Russian millions. But this Is not the real truth Ger-jmany Ger-jmany had and still has ample men to defend her country against inva-I inva-I ders, both on the east and west. They tare an army now fighting without hope, they are hemmed in and cannot can-not extricate themselves. Their only hope for relieving their economic position po-sition ia a victory' fr their fleot As 'hey grow more and more desperate the chances of the fleet coming out grow greater and greater. Bordeaux. Nov. 9, via Paris, 12:57 p. m. Military attaches of neutral countries have been authorized by the French government to proceed to 1 the theatre of war operations. They , may visit particularly the battlefields ; on the river Marne. The attaches J will leave Tuesday or Wednesday and will be gone from fifteen to twenty I days. |