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Show WHAT DYSPEPTICS SHOULD EAT A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE "Indigestion and practically all form nf str.m;ich trouble are. nine times out of ten. due to acidity: therefore stomach sufferers should, whenever possible vvnii eating food that Is acid In its nature, or which by chemical action in the stomach develops addltv. Unfortunately, such i rule eliminates most foods which ir. ieasant to the taste is well as those Which nre rich In blood, flesh and nerve building properties This la the reason wii dyspeptics and stomach nt(Tor nre usually so thin, emaciated and laok-Ing laok-Ing thfit vital energy which can only c.imc from a well fori body For the benefit of those sufferers who have been obliged to exclude from their dirt all I starchy sweet or fatty food, and aro trying to keep up ;i miserable existence on gluten products, I would surrgoxt thrvt ! you should try a meal of any food or foods which v on mai like, in moderate I amount, taking Immediately afterward j n t. ispoonful Of blsurated maprnfHla In a little hot or cold water. This will neu- j trallze any acid which may be present. Or which may be formed, and Instead of thf u.juaI feeling of uneaslnes?. and full-' eness, you will find that your food agrees with you perfectly. Blsurated magnesia. Is doubtless the besl food corrective and antacid known. It has no direct action on th'- stomach; but b neutralizing the I ai I lit) of tho food contents, and thus re-moving re-moving the source of the add Irritation, which Inflames the delicate stomach lln- 1 Ing. It does more than could possibly be I done by any drug or medicine. As a physician, I believe In the use of medicine medi-cine whenever necessary, but I must admit ad-mit lhat I cannot see the sense of dosing an Inflamed and Irritated stomach with drugs Instead of getting i id of the acid the cause of all the trouble Get a little lit-tle blsurated magnesia from your druggist drug-gist eat what you want at your next meal lake some of the blsurated mag- nesla as directed above and 9ee If I'm not right." You can got blsurated mag- j nesla at A. It. Mclntyre Drug Co Advertisement. |