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Show HAND-CART PIONEER DIES. Spanish Fork. Nov. 9. Nearly 400 t3 people t rowded the Second ward meeting house yesterday afternoon to THI pay the last tribute of respect to Mrs. aou; I Priscilla Evans hand-cart pioneer and one of the firs! Bettlera of Spanish NE'. Fork. Bishop Benjamin Argyle pre- apai sided and made a short address. Other 1341 speakers were John P. Creer, Joseph A Reese and Joseph Brockbank John fOE Moore offered the invocation and dos William lex, the benediction. Appropriate music was furnished by the ward choir. Mrs Fred Lewis, Jr , yQ and Edward Williams each sang a ajsjj solo. There was a profusion of beautiful floral offerings Interment was In the City cemetery. 593 The death of Mrs. Evans closes a long and eventful career She was thi born In Wales eighty-four years ago, jj6ej and in 1856 married Thomas D Ev- mmr. ans and came to LTtah. She was one j y of the women who pushed a hand-cart j0g5 across the plains. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Ev-ans spent a few months in Salt Lake Citj and then came with the first settlers to Spanish Fork, where they 2742 made their home. Mr Evans died about ten years ago. Five sons and Hfjl seven daughters were born, and all floo; but two survive nvi ju 1 u. 1 Berlin, via The Hague. Nov 9 Via J men London. Nov 10, 7:55 a m Official v denial is made of the foreign reports ' ROC that General Yon Flindenburg the 24th German commander on the Russian front, and a 42 centimetre gun haa flF been captured by the enemy. 2360 |