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Show FREDDIE WELSH I HELD 10 DRAW I Chicago Boy Evens Up Hon- ors in Whirlwind Finish With Champion. I Milwaukee Nov. 9. Freddie WelBh of Wales, lightweight champion of the world was held to a draw in a Fiercely fought ten round contest here tonighi Under the law a referee's decision could not be given but it was the opinion of the newspaper experts that the Chicago ho evened up honors hon-ors by his hlrlu Ind finish. Welsh was rux pounds heavier than 1 the Chicagoan when the .hopped on the scales at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The champion, stripped, weighed 141. while White, in fighting togs, scaled 1 Mo The men have agreed to box I a: catch weights The huge auditorium which has a seating capacity of 10,000 was packed to standing room, when the boxers were called into the ring. Two hundred hun-dred women were scattered among the crowd. Fight by Rounds. ROUND ONE They did not shake hands Welsh put a left to stomach, missed a left to face and clinched Welsh put two lefts to stomach and light left to White's jaw Welsh missed left to chin and clinched White shot left to Welsh's head. Welsh put two lefts to body. White shot right to Welsh's head. White put left to Freddie's Jaw and right to wind They mixed in the center of the ring, the champion planted light ! eft to White's head. White stralghted the champion up with left hook to head and they went to a clinch. It was a tame round. ROUND TWO White blocked left and right and put a hard right to Welsh's ribs. Charlie missed a right swing and put two lefts to Welsh's face without a return. Welsh shot left to wind Whhe planted light left I to Welsh's nose. White drove right 1 to the Welshman's bead and clipped him on the chin as they came into a clinch White put a still left to stomach and righ to ribs White drove another left to nose Weish missed left and White planted a light right to Welsh's head. White had a shade of the round. ROUND THREE Welsh mixed it fiercely at start sending right and left to the Chicago boy's head White countered right and left to champion s jaw and followed it with five Btitt punches to the body. White drovc-another drovc-another to jaw but missed left jab. The Chicago bov straightened Welsh - up with an uppercut as they fell into a clinch. Welsh put a light left to head. White jolted Welsh with an uppercut and planted a right and left to the champion's body without B return. Welsh rocked White's head with left and right. White missed three lefr hooks and the champion put light left to the stomach at the close of the round White again had a shade. ROUND FOUR Welsh started with two lefts to head and punished Whito about the ribs as they went into a clinch Welsh again planted left to Whites Jaw, White retaliating wltn right to ribs Welsh forced White into a corner and landed half dozen punches to body without a return. W I lefa placed a light left to White's chin. White landed right to jaw and Welsh a left to nose WTelsh again landed left to nose, and repeated with left to lu-ad White jolted the champion cham-pion with a right uppercut and Welsh came back with two lefts to White's head. Welsh's round ROUND FIVE Welsh put left to White's stomach. Welsh drove two rights to Whites head and body elsh planted left to White's ribs and sent two more lefts to jaw and body White missed right and left to head and received two stinging punches to ribs. Welsh planted left to White's head and nut a right to the body. The champion drove right to head and one to ribs. He cuffed the Chicago Chi-cago boy around the ring with fie. vicious left hooks. Welsh danced away and laughed as White missed four punches to the head. Welsh's round ROUND SIX Welsh jolted White with left to head and the Chicago boy got in two right upper cuts The Welshman jarred the Chicagoan with two well directed lefts and White got in left to body and right to head. The Briton hooked White with left to chin and blocked the Chicagoan's return Welsh planted two lefts to Charlies head and right to nose White drove straight left to Welsh's mouth and Welsh got in two rights to his oppo nent's nose White missed two swings to the head as t'uj round ended Welsh's round ROUND SEVEN The champion drove left to White's nose and right and left to ribs White rocked the champion with a right uppercut Welsh put two lefts to the T'hicago-an'8 T'hicago-an'8 head. W hite missed two upper-cuts upper-cuts and Welsh cracked the Chi cagoan on the ribs with two right I hauders White put a left to the champion stomach and one to the head. White put left and right to the champion's head and Welsh drove two lefts to the body White Jolted Welsh with right and left uppercuts White put light left to the Briton's chin as the round ended. Even. ROUND EIGHT Welsh and White exchanged punches to head and body. Both mi-si'd swings to the head and the champion put hard left to Charlie's Char-lie's rib White booked Welsh with left and W'elsh came back with two to tbe Jaw. White landed right and left to Welsh's jaw and danced away from Welsh's swings. The champion then landed two lefts to head and another left to mouth as the round ended. Welsh's round by a shade. ROUND NINE They exchanged punches to body. Welsh missed two lefts to head White put left to the Briton's head and Welsh landed, drove right and left to jaw. White hooked the champion with two leftfc and thev exchanged punches to body In the center of the ring. White rocked the champion with two 'efts to jaw and forced hhn to back away. The Chicagoan drove three lefts and i right to the charnpion'6 head without (t a return. He forced the Briton intc a corner and punished him about the j body with stinging right and left banders. Whito drove two rights to Welsh's jaw as the round ended It I was White's round by a good margin ROUND TEN They shook hands I and mixed it furiously in the center I of the ring. W hite missed left and planted light right to the champion's nose. Ho forced Welsh into a corner and londed five punches without a re-1 turn. White opened a wound over the champion's eye and peppered him with rights and lefts to head. Blood trickled in'o the champion's eyes and I he fought wildly to ward off the Chicagoan's Chi-cagoan's savage attack White jolted the champion with left to jaw and forced W'elsh into a clinch. W hite put two lefts to Welsh's head and right to jaw White's round. |