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Show f I GET THE HABIT- fl It Pays USE STANDARD WANT ADS r.;iv Let the people know what Everybody read the Want Ad page it's the Um" vou have to offer If vou medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Want Ads are great aid t yuu exchange, Rooms and Houses for Rent, Help have a vacant room, ad- Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc. to sma11 business. A few vertise it. A two or three- ' " i- j -i . , ;n wan. i .,, , , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS llncS run dalIy COst bUt line want ad will help you Payable in advance One cent per word pef tn9er. , B f, . ... sell your surplus stock tlon N fi-'t insertion less than 26 cents. Tw0 or mor. little, but the returns Will rert of?i4. . ' lines, 25 cents per line per week 76 cents per line ner real estate, etc. month with no changes. surprise you. "First In Everything" WANTED MALE HELP NAVY offers you practical training. Fits you to earn good living Pay ; starts day you enlist, increases as ! you advance. Food, lodging, medical treatment, first clothing outfit, free. Healthy life With opportunities for travel and Improvement, American citizens only accepted. Apply Navy 1 Recruiting Station. Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City. SITUATIONS WANTED COMPETENT woman wishes house-cleaning. house-cleaning. Phone 2591 M 11-7-lwk WOMAN desires work cleaning ! house or any kind of housekeeping 1 work. Address Elizabeth Egbert. Gen'l. Del., Ogden 10-15-lmo BOARD AND ROOM Mi A NICE front room, suitable for 2 genticmeu. Inquire 732 24th St. j. 10-20-lwk the " linz ROOM and board. 2333 Adam. to " en- - und OK KfcJVf vei- FURNISHED HOUSES. ROCMS AN'J ; APARTMENT ten- FURNISHED modern rooms for ema housekeeping 2630 Adams ll-io-lwk ft ; t w ROOMS for housekeeping. Utahna. 1 di I (tin THREE furnished room for rent, $12 ' li a month. 600 Second St ; no chil-1 skir. dren. Inquire 570 Second St. 11-9-lwk m j A VERY desirable room for r.-nt with k hot and cold water, bath, and furnace 3t7'1 I hent; for 1 or J gents Apply CbU C. Thatcher. 276a Grant Ave Phone I 11-7-lwk ri " ; r a to THREE modern furnished rooms for rt housekeeping. 2032 Orchard 11-7-lwk and i!sh NEWLY furnished up-t--date "-mom jut- apartment, ideal location; no children. er 23-11 Adams Ave. 11-i-lwk ieph " ohn POR RENT A 6-rm. moJ. furn. home; ani close in. Inq Oracle Theater. 11-0-tf I by MODERN 3-room house, nicely fur-5 fur-5 Dished; 555 20th St. 11-6-lWk of lett TWO modem housekeeping rooms, 523 22nd St Phone 13S6-J. 1 1-5-1 vk 8 I tm THREE furnished r-oms for hou.-'e-I keeping; 20".4 Wash. Ave. 11-4-lwk et- : cue 3 WARM rooms, pantry, cellar, no cart dogs Ph-.ne 1127-M. 1 563 Wash Ave Et- 11 1-1 wk it ; I first 3-ROOM Apt. for light housekeeping, they 2743 Wash. 11 4 Iwk died and HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground ill floor. 2759 Grant Ave. 11-4-lwk ONE furnished room for 1 or 2 gcntle-jfli gcntle-jfli I men. 2521 Adams 11-1-1 wk ROOMS for housekeeping, gas, 427 L.4th St U-3-lmo 1 TLRNISHED rooms for housekeeping . 1 Gran. ih 11-3 'J 7 LIGHT housekeeping room. 2338 Wall Ave ll-3tf . FURNISHED Apt? just renovated. EM; laundry In basement; no children Iq0 light and bath, furnished, 1-2 block t-asi ot Wueh. Ave 447 21st St. 11-2-tf ! 18 i 2 NICELY" furnished rooms. 2054 Earr fOt Ave 10-30-1 mo otn HOTEL Lincoln, 330 23d. Furnish'.-d rnlt housekeeping apartments; steam heat itari and gas 10-24-lmo tstet HOUSEKEEPING rooms 2353 Monroe. TEH- 10-17 Imo r P- TWO nice sleeping rooms. Inquire reWf 1 2610 Monroe Ave. Phono 1378-R. jjitis. 10-13-lmo slu HSfO. iJ-KUOM house. 336 21st bt.; partly ( ti furnished. Tel. 152. 10-6-tf -.tat . U - FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES. ROOMS A AND APARTMENTS. 1 ill , ROOMS for housekeeping. 2468 Wash Mt 10-16-lmo . terol a r;c KjTj More room well located on lilt? Washington Ave ; very cheap. J. J-Brummitt, J-Brummitt, Under Utuh National Bank MODERN home on the Bench, nice lawn and large lot Call 1415-M or f 1166. ll-7-lwk TWO-room house, well located on Bench cheap, J J Brummitt, Phone A FIVE-room modern house for rent Dr. Conroy 11-6-tf LARGE store rm , rear 2468 Wash. LARGE brick on north Wash, and 10 A. land. W. B. Wedell. G-ll-tf . : i ROOM hnuse. big barn; close In. Call lmOO 2246-J or No. 9 Wlluon Lane. JqO 11-4-lwk MODERN 7 room. $20; 2644 Lafayette, I near 26th and Jackeon. Phone 1932-W 7 rf POR a nice modern S-room houBe. Cab 2 1415-M. or 2726 Madison, 10-29-tf SIX-room modern house, southern part of city Phone 1240-J. IMO-tt EIGHT room modern; furnace heat; close in. Tel. 2692-W. 639 23rd St 10-14-tf 5-ROOM, new, modern, apartment, 2018 Monroe Ave. ?20 per month. Phone 612 10 5-cr FOUR-room house with pantry and closets, water inside; in the rear of 2731 Madison Ave ; $10 per month. Inquire In-quire at 653 27th. 11-7 tf ONE Rich flat. 24G3 Jefferson Avp Phonp 609. 10-13-tf farnTfor rent! TEN acres of first class land for truck garden, well located near the city, with plenty of water, cheap to right party. J j. Brummitt, Phone 59 THIRTY-acre farm with good brlrk house, near Reese; rental $125 per year cash O. A. Kennedy, Basement Utah Nat Bldg. 1 1-9-1 wk ONE hundred acres of good wheat land; rent for cash, or part of crop. J J Brummitt, Under Utah National Bank. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. 2117 Qulncy Ave. Tel. 1369-M. i l-4-l mo DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring. 2536 Madison Ave. Phone 1261-J Stenography WANTED Private night student?. Gregg Shorthand. Beginners, speed j dictation, and special preparation for Civil Service by experienced stenog- rapher and teacher Wtn. V. Rockefeller. Rocke-feller. Phone 1157-R. 956 24th St 11 3 tf , j Personal Will give home to schoolbov or girl J t rtvhnnr-o frr fiotn 1 rftlinH thn V-i , nan ! Family of two Address "Schoolgirl" care Standard 11-3-1 wk CHIMNEY SWEEP. Chlmnevg cleaned, furnaces cleaned. ; Phone 1243. 11-6-lwk TO TRAC E 160 ACRES for city property, would i take care of home. 2314 Adams. 11-9-lwk FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ELEGANT Estate Oak heater, cheap. Inquire 3055 Pacific Ave. 11-6-lwli FOR SALE. CHEAP i ROOMING house. 276 25th St. Leaving Leav-ing town; must sell. 11 5 lwk ! TWIN INDIAN motor cycle, excep-I excep-I tlonal bargain, If taken at once Bowl-i Bowl-i lough & Mathews. 2325 Hudson Ave. 11-4-lwk I OUR $450 Player Pianos have- no I equal. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 11-2-lmo FINE selected stock of violins, bows and cases; Pantone, 29th and Hudson. Hud-son. 11-2-lrao KINDLING wood. Yard 2348 Hudson. Phones 750 0r 517-J. 10-30-tf 1000 SACKS of select early Ohio seed potatoes raised in Idaho Falls G. Buckley, 3303 Stevens Ave, 2359-W. 10-19-lmo A COOD gravel pit. cheap. Phone 1328-R. 10-12-lmo HVALID ball-bearing cha)r. 2220 Lincoln. Lin-coln. 9-11 tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TWO gentlemen to room and board; $5 00 per week; 550 22nd St. 11-C-lwk A S-ROOM house and barn. Tel. 1674 J. 10-20-lwk CHICAGO Clothing company pays highest price for old clothes and shoes 268 25th St. Phono 95. 10 7 tf 1 1 L or 6lx-room modern bouse, Steam or furnace heat. Must be on the bench. Address P. O. Box 159. 10-1-tf WANTED -Cleea, white old rafs. at the Standard offie. Phone 5C, 360 24th J3t 1 9 tf MONEY TO LOAN DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, guns, etc. Thomas Loan office, Grant & 25tn 3 :s lyr MORTGAGE loans on farm or city property o a. Kennedy, Basement Base-ment of Utah National Bank Bldg. 1 19 tf MONEY to loan on real estate security secur-ity J. J. BruUiUiitt. 4 27 tf MONEY on first mortgage real estate loans. Kelly & Herrlck Money to loan on real estate security 3 15 tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR DL. 218 Col. Hudson Building Salaried peopld can got It without aecuilty Otters on Furniture, Pla nos, etc. Can be repaid in sma.ii weekly or monthly payments. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 10. Receipts of ttM ten-round con lost between Freddie Weleh. lightweight champion of the world, and Charlie White of Chicago, here last night, were $24,000, it was announced today. Read the ClosslIiCid AA. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CityjcajJE NEW 5-room modem pressed brick bungalow, large sleeping porch and cement basement; this place is close la well b.illt and elegantly finished; will take small payment down, balance bal-ance same as rent. FOUR-room modern cottage in good location and in first class condition; wpH worth $2000; will sell for $1700 SMALL homo (new), largo lot, fine placo for small fruit, chickens, etc ; his Is the biggest bargain in Ogden at $725 Terms CLOSE IN ACREAGE. FIVE acres within citv limits, splendid splen-did soil and perfect water right, lays level; land in thl6 Immediate vicinity sells for $500 per acre; will sell this piece for $1800 on easy term6. E. W CANNADY 411 Twenty-fourth St. A SPLENDIDLY located 25-acre place in Ogden in coming residence section at a bargain. Health of owner reason for selling Address Owner, Box 126, Ogden. n 10-lwk AN elegant S-room two-story brlrk house, with large corner lot, within two blocks of Utah National Bank, for $5000. less than one-half of original orig-inal cost. J J Brummitt, Under Utah National Bank WELL located fifty-foot lot on very easy terms; price $400; terms $10 cash and $10 per month. O. A. Kennedy, Ken-nedy, Basement Utah National Bldg. 11-9-lwk NEW 5-room modern red pressed brick bungalow on the Bench; easy terms TO Trade 1 1-4 acres of grounJ good 4-room house, barn, gran.iry. hilfftn run o r A f r-n I, r rr1.i $2100; will take half in vacant lots. R A. Norrls, 1650 Washington. Phone 710. 11-7-lwk NEW 5-room. modern, brlrk house for sale, cheap. Easy terms. Tel. 1678 J. 11-2-lrao HOMES. Any site. Lowest prices. Installments or cash. Phone 14.'7 10-27-1' ONE of the best residences of the city with all modern conveniences of every ev-ery kind, well located on one of the best streets of the city; close In; for next ten days will bo sold for one-half of what it is worth; owner leaving the city. J. J. Bruram'tt, Phone 59. TWO very choice inside vacant n 6l-denco 6l-denco corners At a bargain; easy terms. E. F. Brstz. FARM FOR SALE 102 acres first-class first-class land located 2 1-2 miles from Preston, Idaho. 40 acres In alfalfa. 2 acres In Tr-hard, mixed variety 60 acres good grain land. Good house, barn and necessary out i buildings 1 good horses. 2 colts. 1 mule. 30 hogs. 25 goud milch cows. Poultry and machinery. There is also a good fish pond on the property. Good water privileges. Price $10,200. Will make good terms Will give immediate possession. Federal Ind Mortgage 'ompany, 417 Eccles Building Ogden, Utah. 11-6-tf TWENTY-fle acre farm, close to Ogdn, well improved and with good water right to exchange for rent producing pro-ducing city property. O. A. Kennedy. Basement Utah National Bldg 11-9-lwk FORTY acres Improved farm, 10 miles south of Ogden. Phono 10NJ. 11-5-lwk BKST (arm in Davis county for the price; forced to sell at once Phone 1427. 10 8 tf ' muvLU J. F. Walker Real Estate Company From 25th St. To 416 24th St. Just west of Court House Come In and tell its your trouble. Wo specialize In exchange of eltj and farm property Nothing too big or 8inull for us to tackle. - We have a large listing of farms to trade or city homes J. F. WALKER REAL ESTATE t EXCHANGE 416 24ih St. Phone 1491-W Kead the Classified Ads. PLAY BRILLIANT Glick (top) and Tihbott. Glick and Tibbott of ttv Princeton team have played brilliant football for Old Nassau this season. Glick plays at right half, while Tibbott holds down the quarterback position. )j Read the Classified Al . Ogden Business Directory Classified Alphabetically Abstract of Title ABELS, the Abstracter. moed to 410 -4ib Street, Phone 14H1-W. Quick and Competent Sen-tee; prices reasonable. Auto and Carriage Painting There are a few autos In Ogden that need painting. We hae painted 76 why not paint yours?; Touch up and varnish, 5 days, paint, 10 days. Why drive a shabby car? Ogden Carriage Car-riage Co., Phone 102C-W. 1701 Wash. Accordion Plaiting Done In all :eng?hs 25CS Cole's Court, rear 240 2Pth SL Tel 1180-M. Attorneys E. T Hulanlskl, First National Bank Bldg. 12 11 tf Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing Wo furnish all klndf of rubber tires. Carriages, buggies, wagons, automobiles, automo-biles, etc., repaired. New wagont mad to ordor O. E Savage. Cor. Washington and 22ud St. Phon-3 IS9-W. Biiliarcb Billiards and pocket bMHards: new tables. "The Cosey." -"Jo 25th St. Chili Con Carnc THE REAL MEXICAN. NO BETTER CHILI MADE; NO CHILI BETTER MADE. Chicken Tamales. fresh Clam Chowder, Chow-der, Wholesale and Ratal! Sole Agents Ag-ents for Lester's Mexican Ground Chill. Booklet of 37 Mexican Dishes with each 60c bottle of Mexican Ground Chill. THE BISMARCK, Phone 339. City Scavenger City Scavenger, McCarty & Co, 2723 Grant. Loil phone U1J-W. Counseloi-at-Law Lawyer O'Connolly oor Commercial Commer-cial National Uuak Bid;., JCi ..'4th SL lJhono 11. Carpet Cleaning K Van Kampen Phono S5J for upholstering, up-holstering, mattress making, retretcu lLg of ued springs. Chiropractor F J Frcenor, D. C, Graduate Chiropractor. Chir-opractor. No drugs, surgery or oj-leoiiathy; oj-leoiiathy; try chiropractic. Booms 212 213-14 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phon9 311. Chiropractor and Masseur B. Cowlishuw, 1T4G Wash. Ave Chiropractor. R J. Schultz, Chiropractor. 327 Hudson Bldg. Phono 1090. Dancing Studio Dancing Lessons Dally; 427 Col Hudson Hud-son Bldg 11-G-lmo Furrier and Taxidermist Furs cleaned and p modeled in latest lat-est style. Skinned and tanned. Rates reasonable Work guaranteed, t a. Gajewsky, J51U Wash. Ave. U-2-8m0 Flash Lights MAZDA LAMPS, 13c, ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone i8. Up 24th SL I Fruits Fresh Fruits and Vegetables dcllr ered to any part of City. O Kallaa Twenty-fifth SL Phono oS7. Grocery and Bakery Try cur rest quality coffee, 40c th lb. Also good cheaper grades, 2tc to 2Ce lb. Phone 1145-vV. J. J. 8ch-' 8ch-' wartr, 2234 Jefferson Av. Groceries Also acente for U. 3. Cream Separators Separ-ators and O. K. Lict trie Waahing M 1 caines. RUSSELL JAMES CO. j Everything to eat and then soma. Hotel ftnfetr, comfort, moderate. New ! Brlgham hotel 24th and Wall One I block from dopoL Only fire-proof I hotel tn the city. Reduced rates for permanent guests. Rate9, 75o and up. 'fheo. Gorle, Prop. Jeweler A full line of fine Jewelry anJ wat-ches. wat-ches. Watch repairing a specialty. , U, F Upp. Lraut Ave. Junk Ogden Junk House If you bare any kind of Junk, phoas us up. We will , call for 1L Tel. 210. Meat Market Russell Jamci Company. Also a full lino of groceries. "Everything to eaL" Soe our Dept. of Household Needs, Cor iMtb and LAicola Ave. Phoae 412 and 413. Mechano-Therapist Dr H A White, M T D , Mechano-Theupplst, Mechano-Theupplst, over Smalley's. 336 25th St. A Drugless treatment for nervous and chronic diseases. Try our methods. meth-ods. Phono 1S64-W. Monumental Work SEE MITCHELL BROS, for rnonu- 1, nnn't rnv hlr nmmiu. slon to agents. Pictures of monuments monu-ments aro misleading, 2003 Jeff. P 2213 Electrical otC&lGJic Ceo ucsxal bam BigjwM. Notary Public O. A KenneJy Babement Utah National Na-tional Bunk Building. 1 1 tf New and Second-hand Goodi ALVOHD & ANYTHING "A to Z." SING it and RING it 333-W. 2 2 tf Photographer The NokbIo Studio. Fine portraits, levB. AH kinds of commercial work. Best kodak finishing lu the cltj. Phone 3)i-J 41C-24th SL Painting and Decorating We il- hang your wall paper. Ws will paint your house. Wo will ull you how to do It yourself. Griffin Paint Co., 2210 Washington Ave. Physician and Surgeon Dr A. Fernlund, PhyBlclan and Surgeon. Sur-geon. Office hours 11 to 4 4p m New Peery Bldg. Hudson Ave Phone 1900W Residence phono 2129W, G46 Wash. Ave. I" I Printing For good and up to-dato Printing Call 1166. Dee-Neutehoom. 2362 Wash. At. Poultry. RHODE ISLAND RH.OS for sale. Inquire In-quire 157 Monroe. Phone 1869-W. ii -a iwk Real Estate J. J. Brummitt Loans, Insurance, Real Estate, 2402 Wash in ..ton Ave. Under Utah National Bank. Phone 69. Storage Batteries Recharged, repaired, stored; satisfaction satis-faction guaranteed. Electric Service Co.. 425 24th SL Stove Repairs Summerlli a Stoe Reralr House, new location. 2279 Wash. Ave., Parry Bldg. Repairs and water Jackets for every known stove. A force of ci-perlenceU ci-perlenceU workmen. Stoves, both new and second-hand. Tel. 364. Stove exchanged; ex-changed; hardware, etc. Second-hand Goods New and Socondhand furniture, clothing and shoes, bought, soli or exchanged; ex-changed; also trunks and suitcases cheap. A. Slner, Paono 1321. 179 1- Twenty-fifth SL 6 13 lyr Sanitary Work Tour Garbage hauled regular. Sanitary Sani-tary tan furnished free. Saaitary Garbage Gar-bage OO Phono 6.0. Spirella Corset Mrs. Smith Tel 661 W, 484 24th. Spirella Corsets -Lillian Parkinson. 2461 Wash. Ave. Phone 317. 11-S-lmo Watchmaker and Jeweler SMALLEY'S Watchmakers, Jewelers Jewel-ers and Engravers. 336 Twenty-flfta streeL Phono 1J00-J. Western Foundry and Machine Co. All kinds of brast and iron castings. 1 Machine, Boiler ana snoot iron vvorr. Phono 647. SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber County. State of Utah. Edith M. Harris. Plaintiff, vs. C. M. Harris, Defendant. The State of Utah to tho said Defendant: De-fendant: ou are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after service of this Summons upon you, If served within the county In which this action ac-tion Is brought; otherwise, within thlr ty days after service, and defend tho above entitled uctlon; and iu case of your failure so to do. Judgment will te rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which bas been fled with the Clerk of aald Court. This action is brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ' istlng between plaintiff and defendant. W R SKEEN. Plaintiff's Attorney P. O. Address. No. 826 David Eccles Building. Ogden. Ctah. l irst Insertion, October 27. Last Insertion December 1. London, Nov. 10, 12:50 p. m. It was officially announced In London ioda that the Germ in cruiser Emden bus been driven nhore and burned Tho lon&c-s among the officers and crow of the Bmden are reported to have been very heavy. um l Realty Offerings I $900 4-room frame house, big lot, fySsi shade tree3, $50 down and monthly kHBSI paymentt. itaflsB $1,100 4-room modern frame house IjHtS on 23d St. car line $400 down. $1,300 6 room frame house close to ' . .jji Adams Ave.; nice lawn and shade KM! trees worth $2,500. 'wSiP $1,800 New cement house on Adams v"i& Ave, modern and an extremely good j&'J-Js bargain $600 down. $1000 Beautiful modem home on fAtf Quincy Ave.; cost $3,800 last year owner leaving the city. MUST SELL! Vvfe "M.300 7-room modern cement house Vy beautiful lawn and trees every con- I venlence big lot cost $5,000 In 1912 H temporary offer. LOTS for sale everywhere at from I $35 to $6,000 per lot. H 2484 WASHINGTON AVE. Phone 300 H I London. Nov. 10, 8:35 a. m. An ;'v Amsterdam dispatch to Router's Tele- L' gram company says: "A telegram . I from Flushing states that the Dutch r Steamer Administrates De Bats. I H which left Antwerp with 45 passen-gers passen-gers was stopped by German officials off Fort MariPi, near the Dutch frontier. fron-tier. The ship was thoroughly searched and all men between the I ages of 18 and 30 years were arrested, I although they had authentic pass- ,( ports." j FRATERNAL- I S0CETIES 1 Brotherhood of American Yeomen, i -Ogden Homestead No. 1505 meets on every Tuesday evening In W. O W. hall. Ftatprnlty building. WasBington Ij avenue. Visiting Archers are coronal- H ly Invited to meet with us. LeRoy McKnlght, foreman. 334 2'Jth street. ' J. A. Junk, correspondent, 3202 WTash- j ington avenue. ( Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, L O O. F., meets second and fourth !atl!rd.1V (irenlna r1 HHrl Trll-n' I hall. Visiting members invited. An- ! nine Carlson. N. G , Hazel Wolhaupter, Recording Secretary. ' Order of Owls. Ogden Nest, No. 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening in their own hall (tie old Elk club rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brother Owls are Invited to attend at-tend the next meetings. T. C. Iver son. President; Q. C. Reberg, Secra- I I tary. i ; Fraternal Order of Eagles. Ogden Aerie No. 118, F. O. E.. meets every Wednesday evening at Eagles' hall, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are Invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a m. Wm Doyle. W. President; E. R Geiger. Secretary; Dr. C. E. I Wardlelgh, Aerie Physician. MASONIC Queen Esther chapter No 4, O. E S., regular meetings held at Masonic hall on Washington avr , between 25th and 26th sts , tho first and third Fridays of each month. So- ' Journing members cordially invited to attend Minnie Parker, W M-, Callle E. Cave, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. Weber Camp No 74 meets In the W. O. W. hall. Fraternity block. 320 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening at S o'clock. Visiting Woodmen cor-dlallv cor-dlallv invited to attend. C H. Har-tog. Har-tog. C. C; W. M. Piggott, Clerk. Ladles of the Maccabees of the World, Silver Hive No. 1, meets every first and third Friday evenings at 8 o'clock; and evorv second and fouxth Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock. In Woodmen hall. Fraternity block. Vis-Itlng Vis-Itlng members cordially Invited to at-tend. at-tend. Alice Collins, L. C.; L. Jennie Prout. R. K. Royal Neighbors of America meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall. Fraternity building. Visiting neighbors Invited. Etta Ingebretsen, 197S Steele avenue. Lillian Newton. Recorder, 27th anJ Qulncy. t'tah Camp No. 9990 Modern Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Tuesday night In now K. of P. hall, 3 doors north of postoffice. Out of town members mem-bers cordially Invited to meet wlQ. us. O. F. Olsen. Consul; J. H. Shafer, Ogden Lodge No. 2. Knights of Pythias, Py-thias, meets every Monday evening at S o'clock in Caatle Hall of the Pythian Py-thian building, 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights welcome. A. U. Pratt. C. C: W. L Underwood, K R. S ; W. G. Kind, M.'F. Royal Highlanders, Ogden Castle No. 525 meets In the new L O. O. F. hall, Fraternity block. M20 Wash ave.. every 2nd and 4th Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Visiting Highlanders cor-dinlly cor-dinlly invitPd. A. J. Atkins, 111. Pro.; WlllIamMuIler. Sec -Treas. '. omen ol OOdi rai , 1 'd1 " Clri io No. 681. inewts every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, new Woodman Hall, Fraternity Bldg.. Washington Ave. visiting Neighbors Invited. Dues will bo collected on the 6th of each month at Mlseh Drug Store. Anna Mills, G. N , 223 W. 31st St. Phone 1650-R. Marie Crltes. Clerk. 2731 Monroe Ave. Phone 1931-R. Dumore Vacuum Cleaners I We Rnt Them as well as Sell I Them. j OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY I COMPANY. 44 Washington Avenue. 1 Phone 693 M Bead the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ada. |