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Show I STANDARD TELEPHONES For Editorial, New and Society Department, Call Only Phono No. 421. For Subscription and Advertising Department, Call Phone No. 56. RANDOM REFERENCES AdvortlserB must have their copy ready for the Evening Standard the evening beforo the day on which the advertisement is to appear in order to insuro publication- Increase Capital Stock The LInd-say LInd-say Land and Livestock Co., an Og-den Og-den corporation, is planning to increase in-crease its capital stock to $1,000,000 in the neai future, according to an announcement made last night by W. J. Lindsay. The company Is at present pres-ent capitalized for $500,000 and the officers are W. J. Lindsay, president; Charles Zeimer, vice president; C. ! W. Liudsay, secretary, and James Pingree, treasurer. Its livestock holdings are at present in Weber, Box Elder and Cache counties. Look for ft the Barbers' Ball. 1 Born A seven-pound baby girl was iborn today to the wife of Ncls C. Christiansen of the Logan Rapid Transit company, after 15 years of 11 marriage. Mr and Mrs. Christiansen, were former residents of Ogden and have many friends here. Mother and child are doing Well. If you miss it, you'll miss it the Barbers' Ball. -Mrs. Biddle in Hospital Mrs. W. A. Biddle, wife of Engineer Biddle of the Southern Pacific, underwent a serious operation at the Dee hospital hos-pital vesterday. Mrs. Biddle recov- iered from the anaesthetic all right and is reported doing well. Old Mats for sale rt Standard office, 25 cents per hundred. Depart for Washington This evening eve-ning District Forester E. A. Sherman and Homer E. Fenn, head of the grazing graz-ing department of the local forest i serlvice, will leave for Washington. D. C, Mr. Sherman to attend to district dis-trict forest service business and Mr. IFenn to remain about six weeks on detail work. Enjoy yourself at the Barbers' Ball. Case Continued The case of the . Consolidated Wagon and Machine Co. against D. L. Reeder last evening was IK continued to February 3. The motion mo-tion of the plaintiff for- non-suit on. 1 the defendant's counterclaims was ta ken under advisement. For the Best Coal Call Badger Coal & Lumber Co. Conway Estate In the estate of Emelia Conway, deceased, Daniel Conway Con-way has petitioned the district court for letters of administration. The i petition avers that Mrs. Conway died ! intestate January 11, 1914, r ' DR. Marsteller, Dentist, is now loca- , , tod in Col. Hudson Building, Suite 406-407; previously in Creston Hct.il. j Divorce In the divorce case of J Nora Medcraft vs. John T. Medcraft, I the default of the defendant has been entered and divorce granted. I Don't forget it the Barbers' Ball. I Ray Wilson Divorced In Judge J. A. Howell's division of the district court this afternoon, a decree of divorce di-vorce waB granted the plaintiff in the. , case of Ray Wilson against Howard I J L. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson testified that 8 her husband had deserted her and that he had also failed to provide the necessities of life. Dr. John F. Morrison, OBteopath, has moved from 2482 Washington ave-r ave-r ) nue to 226 Colonel Hudson Building. ! Phone 124-W. j Marriage Licenses A marriage II- I cense has been Issued to Lester Earls j of Stockton, Cal., and Ethyl L. Dlt j berger of Muncle, Indiana, i SPECIAL Fancy Sugar-cured Hams , i 18 cents per pouqd. Washington Mar- ket. ' , B. & G. Butter haB a flavor all its i own. - 1 . Owen Estate In the estate of J. 1 . Owen, deceased, Mrs. Sarah Owen has I .' petitioned the district court for letters i of administration. The petition avers ,i i that Mr. Owen died January 25, 1914, leaving an estate valued at 6,758.60.. Hudson Drug Co. The Hutton j Drug company has filed an amend ed 1 ment to Its articles of Incorporation, jt J changing the. name to that of tho .1 m Hudson Drug company. The Ladles of the Episcopal church will have a cooked food sale. Badcon Drug Store, Saturday afternoon. "WANTED 'Small second-hand safe. , Phone 46. Demurrer Argued The demurrer of Ogden City in the case of the Ogden Og-den River Reservoir company againBt the .American Construction company, and Ogden City, waa argued briefly before Judge Nathan J. Harris today, and taken under advisement. The attorney for Ogden contends that the municipality should not be considered as a party to the action. The com't announced that a decision would not be given for a number of days. Eighth Ward Dedicated Sunday at 2 p. m. dedicatory services will he held in the Eighth ward meeting house. President Joseph Smith, will speak and offer the prayer of dedication. dedica-tion. A specially arranged musical program will be given at the afternoon meeting and in tho evening at 7:30 David O. McKay will speak. At Fifth Ward An Interesting program pro-gram has been arranged for the conjoint con-joint session of the Y. L. and Y. M. I. A. of the Fifth ward, Sunday night. Prof. Wilford O. Ridges of the Weber academy will bo tho speaker and a reading will be given by Miss Wheelwright. Wheel-wright. Some excellent musical numbers num-bers have been nrranged for and they will be given by Rohert Greenwell, Axel Nylander. Marcus Critchlow and Verna Van Dyke. The former will sing a solo and the three latter will give an Instrumental trio. The meeting meet-ing will begin at 7 o'clock. New Quarters Tho "Hostmark Printing company are moving today from tho basement of the Colonial building to its new quarters In the Colonel Hudson building. Moving Tho Ogden City Ice company com-pany and the Frank Moore Coal company com-pany are moving office quarters to the Read block on Hudson- avenue. Money Appropriated Speaking of the proposed gymnasium at the Weber We-ber academy, David O. McKay, president pres-ident of tho board, said last night that a special appropriation of $20,-000 $20,-000 had been made by the general authorities of the' church for the building of the "gym" and that the board was seriously considering a change in the location of the school. He also said that the board considered consid-ered It best not to go ahead with plans for the building until the question ques-tion of changing the location of the school had been settled. H. Hughes and wife left today for New York. City via the Denver & Rio Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Kohn and wife left today for California via the Western Pacific route. General Traffic Manager E. II. Wood of the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha, passed through Ogden this afternoon en route to Salt Lake City. He was accompanied by Mr. H. C Scandratt of the Interstate commerce commission. nn |