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Show II OGDEN THEATER The Family Playhouse of the City. J TONIGHT THE FRANK RICH COMPANY in J Presents 'THE SUFFRAGETTE." K Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents. I j Matinee prices, 10c and 20c K Wednesday and Saturday at 2:30. I Box office open dally, 10 a. m. to j 9 p. m. uu 1 Read the Classified Ads. J HOUSE CLEANING SALE I f J White Lawn Waists, $4, $5 and $6 values .......$ 1.00 I I Suit to clean up $35-vaIues $io!oo I . f I Suits to clean up, $25.00 values 9 50 1 j 1 Suits to clean up, $20.00 values ......$ 6 75 1 Muslin Gowns, Chemise, Combinations, ; ! $1.50 values ggc i I Black Sateen Petticoats, McGee brand, $2 vaiues. . $1.00 Suite, Coats, Dresses, Waists at ,.HALF ! I 1 j 5?e M. M. Wykes Co. NEW NAME NEW LOCATION THE HUDSON DRUG CO., formerly known as the Hutton Drug Co., will make their headquarters in the 24th street room of the Col. Hudson Bldg. about Feb. 1 st to 1 0th. L. J. MORTON, Manager. "Wild Animals at Large" now appearing at the Isis is packing the theater afternoons and evenings. Added to this wonderful feature is Romain Fielding in 'The Man From the West," an orchestra of seven pieces every night of Ogden's musical talent, the finest show ever given in the theater. Come early. Open continuous from 2:15 till 11 p. m. all this week Advertisement. Adver-tisement. 00 aawui "laic pJ'ii' ljls'fSBMi I in : the great January sale of embroideries m sale of undermuslins, some at half, some at less m - the lower tariff of tablelinens, set and napkins E spring waists of lace and net. $6 values $3.95 Jl lowered prices on unnumbered basement bar- fZ gains Ej -: spring foulards at 75c value on sale at 40c M - lowered prices January reductions in all depts. H no matter what you buy there are savings for you E : oo I Read tho Classifleld Ads. J ji SPECIALS I j Saturday Meats Gieaper j MCE AND FRESH I Beef Pot Roasts, per lb . 122C ant 15c I T-Bone Steaks, per lb r. . ...... . l7c I Rib Steaks, per lb , .17c I Loin Short Cuts, per lb ' . . 17c I Pork Roasts (rib or loin), per lb. ."."."ITT. . TT. ."l'7J4c I Pork Roasts (shoulder), per lb. 15c I Mutton Chops, per lb .A.10c and l2Y2c 1 Mutton Legs, per lb . .' 14c I Mutton Stews, per lb 5c I 1 Fresh Ogden Valley Eggs, per doz. 40c I J AH kinds of fresh green groceries in stock at 1 I SCHADE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET I I 2318 Wash. Ave. Phone us at 2064 1 I' 1 |