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Show IVJU Read the Classified Ads. 1 ) GGADAGAmrMm7IOm I The (Jjft I havejthis 1 1 genuine Xl J trade-mark 1 I Baker's lp onfe 1 1 - tmmT package. 1 I Cocoa I ll r I 1" , I Him WALTER' BAKER I Bakers -riJIi ifl &co. ltd.- I i I QlOCOlate Joorchester, mass. I x Those Who Rely on I the great home remedy which has proved its power to relieve safely and speedily the minor ailments arising from defective or irregular action of the organs of i digestion, find themselves spared hours of suffering I. and able to ward off the attacks of serious sicknesss. BEECHAM S PILLS never disappoint those who take them. They help the digestion, stimulate the liver, clear the kidneys and regulate regu-late the bowels. By purifying the blood they increase cheerfulness and create confidence. As actions depend on health and strength, those who know Beecham's Tills ii 1 Enjoy Life A 'V. ' everywhere. Ia boxei, 10c.. 25c. ( 1 Beeetmn Pille hve Ihc lirgcit sale ol any tnedicino in tbc World. '' - ". T . 1 Dumore Vacuum Cleaners We Rent them as well as sell them OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 2448 Washington Avenue Phone 693 I BE AMONG THE THRIFTY I walk right In and becomo personally familiar with the business 1 methods of Our Institution: Our money saving plan, and how 1 easy it is to start. The sum of One Dollar will do 1L Isn't that casy I Tou will be surprised how quickly this small Initial Investment will 1 grow, by your adding to It weekly. And we add 4 per cent Interest, 1 compounded quarterly. This is a great help to its growth. 1 D cqen Savin G5 Bank! Capital's Surplus $loo,ooo 1 M.S.Browninp Joint Watson L.R.EccIcs Clias. H.Bar ton I 1 TRE.E .TREjB 1 L$DEMARK v TREE 1 I TREE X REE 1 I RED DEVIL COAL I STANDS THE TEST I HOTTEST, CLEANEST and BEST COAL I THAT COMES TO OGDEN I WE ALSO CARRY THE GUM QUALEY ROCK 1 SPRINGS COAL. I FRANK MOORE COAL COMPANY j I West Side Wall Avenue Between 22nd and 23rd Sts. I I Phone 345 I CHICHESTER S PILLS H Till: DIAMOND BRAND. JC UlESsS Ohl.cbos-Ure DlAmood Bmaafy H I'lIU In lied K)d Hold ractIUc IH 6fTC&fg hoiei, eeiled TntJj Ulua Rltboo. X jm H - UrntBUt. AiicfjiOiri.Ortk8.TEK F SOW BV MHfifilSTS EVERYWHERE Read the Classified Ad. |