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Show CHURCHES First M. E. Church 454 24th St. G. F. RasBwellor, pastor. 10:30 to 12:05 morning worship, and S. S., theme, of the sermon, "Militant Christianity." Chris-tianity." 6:30, Epworth league; 7:30, third of tho series of sermons of "Modern Gods The Tittering Fool." Thursday night, class cottage prayer meetings. Friday night, K. O. K. A. First Church of Christ Scientist-Masonic Scientist-Masonic temple building. Sermon, 11 a. m., subject, "Love." Sunday school at 9:45 a. ra. Wednesday evening, testimonial tes-timonial meeting at 8 o'clock. First Baptist On Grant. Rev. H, D. Zimmerman, pastor. Bible school at 10 o'clock; 11:J5, morning worship, 1 ' yiilWI.iiJiM.i i mww mJnitimiYi subject, "An Old Fashioned Home,", part one; G:30, B. Y. P. U., topic, "Twelve Great Verses, part two; The Safety; verse; leader, Gretchen Roller; Roll-er; 7:30, Illustrated service on "Elijah; "Eli-jah; The Courageous Life;" 7.30, Thursday, Midweek service; business meeting, topic for last half hour, "Paul's Conversion." German Evangelical St. Paul's At Twenty-third and Jefferson avenue; Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock every Sunday; Sabbath school' at 9:45. Frauenverein every first Wednesdav of the month at 2:30 o'clock in the basement of the church. All are welcome. wel-come. P. Ph. Tester, pastor. Phone No. 1073. Church of the'' Goo8?'Shepherd (Episcopal) (Epis-copal) Wiliam W. Fleetwood, rector, Children's service and address, 10 a., m.; holy communion, and sermon, 11 a. m.; evensong, 4:30 p. m,; the Very Rev. S. R. Colladay, dean of St. Mark's cathedral, Salt Lake, will address the Sunday Night club In the Guild hall at 7:30 p. m. "The Old Bible and the New Thought." First Presbyterian John Edward Carver, pastor. Morning worship at 11. theme, "Profanity and the Profane Pro-fane in the Scriptural Meaning." Evening Eve-ning Avorship at 7:30, theme, "The Message of Present-day Theology as to the Loss and Gain In Flight." Music Mu-sic at each service. Men's meeting, 10. Sunday school at 12:15. Endeavor Endeav-or at G:30; midweek meeting Wednesday Wednes-day at 8. Union meeting in Tabernacle Taberna-cle Monday night. Central Park Presbyterian Thirty-first street and Washington avenue. J. E. Carver, minister. Sunday school at 2:15. First Congregational Church Adams Ad-ams avenue near Twenty-fifth strdet, Frank C. Brainerd, minister. Miss A1-, ice Gray, pianist. Mr. Roy L. Nog-gle, Nog-gle, chorister. 11 o'clock, morning sermon, ser-mon, "How Vision Comes;" Mr. E. L. Howes will sing. 12.15 Bible school; Dr. E. P. Mills, SupL; 6:30, Christian Endeavor meeting; 7:30 p. m., evening sermon, "The Function of the Public Schools." The orchestra and the chorus will furnish special music. Friday night social hour in parlors of the church. Elim Lutheran Corner Jefferson avenue and 23rd St. Erik Floreen, pastor. 10 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Swedish services. |