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Show fllonus Wagner. In two familiar poses). The injuries sustained bv Honus Wagner, the wonderful shortstop of the Pittsburgh Pirates, just before the opening of the 1913 National league baseball championship season, sea-son, la said to have started the "Flying "Fly-ing Dutchman" well down the slide which all veteran ball players are doomed to one day make if they slick long enough in the game. In the hope that his great star may fulh recover in time, Manager Fred y Clarke has allowed Honus to do Just about as he pleased since the start i of the season, and does not Intend to V ask him to get into the game until F " Wagner announces that he feels fit. f Clarke has been filling the shorlfleld jf gap wi'h a oung.-i t b the name of I lex. who has been acquitting him- f self n a most commendable manner. ! Viex has batted hard and consistent- I I and his fielding thus far has been above criticism. |