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Show ELECTRIC GEAR SHIFT LATEST When the self starter was perfected. It was freely stated that the automobilo automo-bilo had reached Its highest state ol mechanical perfection and that In fu ture i In- development would be along the lines of pod) refinements and finish. fin-ish. But such Is not the case for the engineers ol a factory in designing the 1914 models have introduced a feature that bids well to even eclipse the popularity f the self-starting de-Vice de-Vice H is an electric magnetic gear shaft, and does away with the laborious labor-ious lever shifts. By i his electric gear shift, the us-i al gear shifting lever Is eliminated and the various speeds of buttons Conveniently arranged on the spoke of the steering wheel The buttons are clearly marked, denoting the different dif-ferent speeds, such as first, second, third, fourth, neutral and reverse, so that In operating this device It Is only necessary to press the button eorre Bponding to the speed it is desired to. use. The method of this control is a system sys-tem f ek-ctric magnets. There :ire rive Ol these, one for each forward speed and one for reverse. Two switches are interposed in the line between the battery or generator and the electric magnet, first th one on the steering wheel corresponding to the speed desired, and second tch automatically Interconnected with the clutch pedal This second switch erforms the final operation Ol shifting 'he gears by applying the i ut rent to the electric magnet selected bj the button on the steering wheel ... hen the Clutch i thrown The shift is made instantly These buttons are so arranged w no two ( an be depressed at one iim similar to the operation of the auto-math auto-math button telephone. The cpmblna tion of these two switches In the cir cult makes it possible for the driver when operating say at third speed. In congested traffic to have the button for second speed depressed and be in a position to immediately drop back to this si.eed b throw ing the ( hitch pedal. If. however, he changes his mind and desires to go into fourth it is only necessary to press the fourth speed button, when the second speed bullon, already depressed automatically, au-tomatically, files back into Its neutral position The mechanical Interlocking Interlock-ing of the clut( h pedal lever with tin gear box is such that the gears are always in a neutral position before the electrical contact is made, thus making it miossible to clash or strip a gear This device permits the gas car to 1 be operated wlth the ease and simplicity sim-plicity ot the ordinary electric t u and can be handled by" a woman with more comfort, safety and pleasure i ban has ever been possible here! fore in driving automobiles The new cars are also equipped with the C S. L electric and starting in and the same ,i , umr'atnr I terj charged by the flywheel motor generator that operates this svstem Is used to shift the gears |