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Show Good Shoe Mending is ; one of our specialties. CLARK8 Ogden's Most Popular Shoe Store. THE MAN IN FRONT The person who wears our Diamonds and Jewelry can take the position in front. When you buy from UNCLE SAM you save money. I UNCLE SAM'S LOAN OFFICE t 278 25th St. 1 1 (j "TheWrong Road to Happiness" Pathe's Special Drama in two parts I I GLOBE THEATRE I at "The Man From the West" I it I Kdison's story different from the fact that the man goes from the I West to the East to make his fort une. I I ORACLE THEATRE I I I "The Power of the Cross" I y Lubin's two reel special, featuring Mr. Arthur Johnson in an intense I story of circumstantial evidence. I U ISIS THEATRE 1 ) I ISIS ORCHESTRA with special music for this two reel feature. H THESE FEATURES ARE IN G GOD, WELL BALANCED PROGRAMS. 0 TONIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT FOR THE LAST TIME. S M FLORIDA nj - 3 "I Strange how grows flow- TlliS tS pwwwwjpsjpipBaeissBBn Tne ready- j careless om; ers and moat . E Uol I towar Coats, I An- Kg I everything 1 Store 'Cst, Suits, Skirts, i otner ,etter PT K y but chest I "" I that stay found on the i II uts j Sens hZr. good inokingll, SiS.-Tha If MCocoanut Grove, Fla., April 23rd kl Dear Helen: II ' I was glad to hear you found just the suit you wanted at M BR hi Paine & Hurst's I knew you would. In these days of high cost of M Bp l living you have to look well after the dollars, and 1 always found. II HK pr their prices resonable and the quality of goods sold reliable. Tha: fj Br ka is a thing I understand, is characteristic of the Wooltex people Bv; l whose goods they handle, I believe exclusively in Ogden. With SI W Stj income tax and the minimum wage and all the other things of II K r sundry expense that is Looming large, we must be careful in our K bJ expenditures. Is there any reason why you should PAY for good Ig B HB style and transportation and higher prices by going to Salt Lake and II E doing your trading. know the Ogden stores have ample supply w M KA of the latest goods, and further more, I have found they positively w II sell cheaper. L v'i I am having the time of my life, regaining my health, and JB kA hope to be home ere long to help your dear old Dad carry the bur- ki w den. Every your own loving f MOTHER. 7 I i P. S Which stands for pleasant sensations. A new line of jfl fc'' II Beautiful Ratine in silk, cotton and wool, now on display at the store IB where the women trade. Fl f. ImT iSfiKa TSSfrri nr nrSfSfc 'TtrrffrT ttrmrt rwSTTSST TiTTf StJ DRINK I H A B I T I RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT I The ORRINE treatment for tha Drink Habit can be used with ahs lute confidence It destroys ail de-sire de-sire for whiskey, beer or other alco-holic alco-holic Stimulants Thousands have sue- I cessfully used It and have been restor-ed restor-ed to lives of sobriety and usefulness. Can be given secretly Costs only $1.00 per box If you fail to get re-suits re-suits from ORRINE after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE 1 A. R Mclntyre. 2421 Wash Ave I OWN A HOME THAT WILL PRODUCE S an income. A small Ideal fruit, chicken and garden farm. B Close in. New 5-room modern brick bungalow extra well j built. City water, sidewalks, 7 chicken houses, tools, etc. U Half block from car line. Will take I a good lot, or a place in town in including two lots you can build on to I Bj trade rent, or a fine place j for green houses, and II W. H. VOORHIES, Owner 2S, "fT" "w I sell with or without i i I 445 13th St Phone 2445-W. lots. I I The Crowds Arc Far I Beyond the Capacity I j of Our Store., I I To-day I K t inn v a vrnii ..1 ' N;ti l.sfac, nui - I THERE IS A REASON. I COME AND SEE! Ocean of Bargains to greet ' a- you inter II H. L WHITE I "Closing out the Toggery j 320 25th St. IIBIIIIBIH II I III! Ill 1.... JUIIIIM IIIMliWgMWnwmMllTOTffT---" 1 1 |