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Show UTAH BOY FAVORITE Alma Richards, the Champion Jumper Can Beat His Olympic Record With Ease Interest in Big Event Philadelphia. April 26. The greatest great-est college athletes of the east and west will compete Monday at Franklin Frank-lin field in the University of Pennsylvania's Pennsyl-vania's annual relay carnival, and it is freely predicted that more than one outdoor record will be shattered. The alhlotic coaches of all of the big universities are watching over their charges tonight as though they were guarding golden treasures. None of the great galaxy of stars worked out more than 30 minutes at the field today In preparation for the great tests to which they will be put on the morrow. Of course each trainer is predlct-ign predlct-ign that his team will clean up everything ev-erything in sight , but an apprehensive apprehen-sive eye is cast bv his rivals upon veteran Trainer Mike Murphy, of the U. of P., when he hoves in sight, not fully recovered from his recent Illness, Ill-ness, but with a twinkle In his eye that bodes ill for the athletes who are to match their speed, stamina and skill against his boys As usual the relay races are the most popular subjects for specula-I specula-I tlon. but the array of talent entererl In the special events Is attracting quite 8 bit of attention. The high jump Is one event which Is being looked forward to by the followers of track and field meets. The men who are entered in Ihis event are looked upon as the greatest leapers for height In the world and the prophets pro-phets are pretiv safe in declaring thai a new mark will be set up bv i Bome of the men whose names follow fol-low with their best jumps: Utah Boy Is Favorite. Alma Richards of Brlgham Young1 university, Prpvo, Utah, Olympic champion. 6 feet. inches. Burdick, bz -Pennsylvania Intercollegiate champion, cham-pion, 6 reel 3 Inches; Moffutt of Harvard, Har-vard, feet 2 inches. Olcr of Yale, 6 feet 2 inches Enright of Hart-1 mouth, 6 feet 1 1-2 Inches; Lane or Pennsylvania, 6 feet 1 inch; John-j ston of Harvard. 6 feet 2-3 inch' Nicholson of Missouri. Western inter-I collegiate champion, and Sargcant of! Michigan, 6 feet 2 inches Richards has been doing 6 fect 4 inches in j practice regularly of late and he is the favorite in this event. The winner of Monday's pole vault r-M.-nt should hang up a new .vorld s i ; record. The entries for this contest are hended by Wright, who holds the j world s record of 13 feet 2 1-2 inches ' Wagner of Vale .ud KiPk of Princeton, Prince-ton, both of whom have cleared the i bar at 12 feet 6 7-8 Inches, are the next best men. All of the other en- I trants arc "12 foot men." Bentty of Columbia is expected to; r Erin his title of intercollegiate! champion In the shot-put event His iccord ! 4 fret. 10 "-4 inches. Bui it is predicted thai he will have to i e::tend himself to th? limit to out-' heave, such men as Bartlett of Drow n the Now England champion Kochler of Michigan and Whitney of Dart-, mouth, all of whom have put the weight tor a distance of 45 feel The hammer throw is expected to j develop into a duel between Talbot, i the college record holder at 173 feet G inches and Cable, the giant negro of Haraid whose tbXOV of 160 feet won hira ihe title or intercollegiate champion Hoehler Of Michigan ma) prove a dark horse in this event. ii has not oeen announced wnewer Mercer ihe Intercollegiate champion ! broad jumper, will defend his title in the contest, but as he is s mem- ( be of the one mile relay team, there is a possibility that Trainer Murphy will keep him out of the jump. Wesson Wes-son of Notre Dame, who won thlsj event two years ago at the relay carnival, and v. ho is endued with a; leap of 23 feet, 5 Inches, will be i favored in this cent with Mercer j out of the way In the next 100 yard sprint Mar-1 shall of Princeton the Intercollegiate champion, will be opposed by the following flyers: Eller of Georgetown, George-town, Harland of Pennsylvania, Olson of Dartmouth, Robertson of Syracuse and asson of Notre Dame I |