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Show ' J i Spring days arc Ford days. i When the open road allures, j you'll want and need a light, j IS right and economical Ford. But, vo, i unless you gel yours today you re itlinosl ;! p j sure t" be disappointed The supply is l,ig, j but the demand n bigger IV i. r Our greal factory lias produced Dearly I I n quarter of a million Model T's Pri - I Runabout, $525; Touring I ar $695, f o b. .,, j. Ogden, with all equipment. For particulars H to. get "Ford Times' an interesting automo- j I bile magazine. It's frc from Detroit fac- J JAMES AUTOMOBILE CO. 11 j 2612-14 Washington Avenue. j SSS ISBSM '..'' WE'LL PULL YOU THROUGH f I ill ricbt if -our car meets with an accldeut. gets stalled for any median, ical reasou. Don't pass our garage without having us take I look at your auto for fear there may be something wrcng. If there Is we'll make It rifihr In a Jiff) and insure the success ot your trip RACE & GRAY 2093 WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE 688-W. fe3 "Better by E--" test than all the iWhen vou see a bottle think of I BECKER'S I The true health beverage for the family. I Order from your Ogden Dealer I I Seeker. SrettiingJIalfiitfiCExi I Ogden, Utah. j Fastest an Motor made. Holds all World's Records from one to one hundred miles. One mile in 3G sec- B onds, made January 7, 1913. Kg SPEED, POWER AND COMFORT Don't take the other B fellow's dust. n PROUDFIT SPORTING GOODS I COMPANY i 351 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET wt '''aHBHMnLi iff' ISEssssssSS L cut down I tire bills U United States Tire Co. I 132 E 2nd So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah v; . J' " New Home I ''. m. )'! n'U 'larcware I beautify your dwelling, make J W !' lt a cttcr nuse to live in and j ljjf add to its selling value. HARDWARE l is right in every respect. Designs to har- j monize with every style and period of archi- f tecture. Wearing quality the best that I honest materials and skilled workmanship I can produce. Before you build or remodel, f let us show you Sargent designs. I Sargent Locks are famed for Security. I PEERY-KNISELY HARDWARE CO. I 2437 Washington Ave. Phone 203 |