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Show GIANTS-QUAKERS GAME ENDS A TIE New York. April 26 New York aud Philadelphia played an 11 Inning , tie game here today, neither side scor I ing Both Demaree and Alexander i pitched preat ball. MrGraw's recruil ' doin the cleaner work and holding ' the visitors to three hits. An unusual unusu-al incident deprived New York of victory vic-tory In the tenth inning when th Giants apparently won Merkle opened open-ed vvith a single and Herzog bunted. Merkle beating Alexanders thro to secoud Wilson then bunted safely and with Hi" bases full and none out McCormiCH was sent in to bat for Demaree. He hit the first ball pushed push-ed for an apparent single which si or-ed or-ed Merkle. Players of both teams ran toward the clubhouse and the crowd swarmed on the field Manager Dooing. Captain Doolan and other Philadelphia players, play-ers, however, rushed at Umpire Klem pointing out l hat he was not in position posi-tion when the ball was bit. Klem had hl6 face turned to the stand and was announcing that M Cormicfc was bat ling for Demaree. Ho agreed with Manager Dooin that he was not in position po-sition and called for the game to continue con-tinue Many of the players bad started start-ed to cb inge their clothing and II took more than ,i quarter of an hour to clear the Held, When play was resumed MeCormirk hit into a double play and Snodgrasa was thrown out by Doolan Klem explained after the game thai the reason McCormick's hit did uot count was because he was not in position posi-tion and quoted section 4 of rule 28 to sustain his position. Score by innings in-nings Philadelphia ... . 000 000 n00 00 0 New York uoo ooo ooo ooo (Called in the eleventh; darkness i Summarj Errors -Shafer 2, Herzog Her-zog First on errors Philadelphia 1. Sai rlflce hits Murray. Doolan Stolen Stol-en bases Murray, Magee. Dolan. no-vore, no-vore, Doolan. Left on bases New-York New-York 7 Philadelphia 5 Double plays Herzog to Merkle Meyers to shafer; sha-fer; L-uderus to Dooin to Luderus U.isps on balls Off Demaree 3, off Crandall ofi Alexander 1 struck out By Demaree f bv Alexander 8, Wild pit. h I ). mar. . Hits Off D'un-aree D'un-aree 3 in 10 Innings, off Crandall in 1 inning. Time of game 2:04. Umpires Um-pires Klem and ortli |