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Show A, Most Valuable Agent. The r v .1 rmc employed in I)r. Iiercei fetdl clirtT greatly enhance the medicinal property U.ih it extracts from native medicinal root and holds in solution much hetu r than alcohol would. It also propmlia of It own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, and anlf ruicnt. It add ai.t.o COUNTY NEWS; LADIES!! Come and select your By Our Special Correspondents. MCM-fee- HOYTSVILLE- - fflcary the Black f'herry-bar(ioldeu sctl root Mon We wish all a merry Xmas and ro t avl lOiw n't root, contained in T Ooll. n Mi. in .il Diov,ry"In suUtnirig happy New csr. Chfioi, or i.ngi ring rpugin, hrouihial, The sibool i preparing to give an thro it .nut u g .ifti lion., for all of winch in the near future. these agi nt .ire r cumtueuded by standard medical authorities. Mr. John Laraen who had a paralytic where there U It wasting In all aick. away of ill ah, low of appetite, with weak Itroke some time ago, is still very acciItomaeh. a in the early stage of con Kick Birch met with a painful lumption, there ran lie no doubt that glycerine acts as a valuable nutritive and dent while working t Portland. A a .d- - the c.o, till s.,i root Mone root, on his Queens root and Buck (.heir) bark in wheel weighing 700 lbs. falling promoting d'cestion and building up the leg. He came home yesterday. neh and sir ngtli, controlling the rough end (.ringing aixiut a healthy condition John , argent got hurt the other day Of course It must Of the whole svstrm. not Ik' expected to work imraeles. It will by a pieie of timber falling on his not cure i onsuniption except In IU earlier It will cure very Severn, obsti- shoulder. etages chronic coughs bronchial nate, hang-on- , Mrs. Ileber Brown has been quite end i.iringukl troiiMi-- , and chronic tore In acute cough throat i rL hoarM-nessbut is oetter at this writing. It i not oefleitive It Is In the lingering sick, of hang-oC. U. West is building a new granery coughs, or those long standing, even when accompanied ly bleeding from WTtg that ft ha performed n mot and it ham by the side of the store. nurv Ion. cur C. II. i always improving. lien-ne- tt l'ri H:.!i KllingwiMkJ, M Med i dlige ( locago, says of glyMrs, Mann m still on the sick list. - ti th- t f i- I: iM.irm t. Dolling Powsr ( uu Absolutely DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OP TARTAR BAKINQ POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of phosphatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of slum d sulphuric (which is add) substances adopted for other baldng powders because Cf their cheapness. -- one-thir- . n -- i it tor?? an f ucHlent purpOM Jolthnir ((oaniity of Ihw proii Ide of tn poiutton, H in one of the bent mintirtu turetj prului fuf the present time to it in t Itrii ujw n t nf(H hleii. iimlend mom urhia, wpaTiHj' If thcrt ii ulceration or arilotl Inflammation of tonoo h, it n a tnot fti lent preparation rliit- mil n in vf !,.iuiy a of pyroaia (3b (bf art burni and excniT gantrk: utooiach) It) d At SUM CO., MW VONb SOWMf and at 5 per cent discount for cash. . Pictures to give tor Christmas Presents. The most beautiful pictures ever brought to the city at the price. SANTA CLAUS IN ABUNDANCE '' Salmon. I,of v cerine SOT Also Dress Goods and Waistings. Goods all New clean up,la a - rtdltr begins to look as though Christinas was going to pass witheut any amusement lor the children, as we have not vifiteil his parei, lb, Win. li. Maker, last week. Mr and Mr. Win Stembridga visiting relatives in Park City beard week. It of any yet. lloytsviile is a small town of about seventy families has a modern school J. E. Malm and wife of Park City) MARION. MOVE Is COUGH THS BOWELS Aim Marlon, Dec. 18. Tbe infant ef Mr. aud Mre. Ernest J. Mitchell has been a Ponltlce. Acts like WORK OPP A COLO WITH TH OR1GUAL BBSS bonby Best Famwere the guests of relatives and friends 37 ily hnh.se, a graded school with three duriiig the week. quite ill for the past week, but is now teachers and lo.'i students enrolled ; one Mm Vf. Stxkur ami wife have gone improving. amusement hall, meeting bouse, Relief to Ztou to spend the holidays. Eldar J. A. Woolstenbulme, who has society house, a general merchandise on a mission in Texas for the past been store, a marble works, a ciearuery. poet There is at Ur pi mt, w r H.rvd, 11 1 a w : 11 oi ney months, teturned home last ofhie, saw mi and Ihrce 'phone in least nr t'Jcd' 'mi, uie, and reliable twenty S He look well ano says he enweek. pV that we re and want, Ceii.li ire Hr li'Aii Now, what we & EVANS fur the youngest joyed ins work in the misriou field very a- - suitable, even is the electric lights through here, a gard in Eor years, lr. Mioop bitterly much. He was released on account of AHAi HOCK, child. railroad switch down the creeroery lene SALT LAKE CM. of or narcotics th illness of his wife. opiates opposed ths use and a waiting room for passengers. in medicine, offering $10 per drop to Telephone 1 ml. No. 1; Hell 20H4K, Wake Mrs. B. V. Anderson is ou the sick up! Lets see what we can do any one finding opium, Chloroform, or Let this week. FRANK EVANS i. nun po. on m or narcotic ingreto improve the town. There is room i Ed isorensen has moved to Kama for COdimiE, UTAH. And Hr. Cure. dient in Cough nboops for Improvement Office at New County ('unit House. the challenge is as vet unanswered. th winter. Her is one manufacturing physician 2 Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Peterson made a t IT! Office Pbone No. 13 2 rings. THATS w ho welcomed w ith much satisfaction, Residence Tlioue No. 6. business a and fit of trip to Park City today. spasms Cough yourself into the new liovernment Pure Food end then wonder why you dont get well. Biehep Daniel Lambert and counI.vw. The public ran now protect If you will only try a bottle of Iiallards Drug Aietracler itselt si all timer, by maisting on hay- sellors of Kama have been visiting tbe tlorehound syrup your cough will 1 a ing Hr. Hboope, when e cough remedy lints in Marion the past week. thiBg of tbe past. It is a positive cure Sold by .ohn Boyden A ie needed. for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis end Holiday Rates Tickets on sale Dec. Bon, Abstracter of Title for Summit County ell Pulmonary diseases. One bottle will 20,21,22, 24, 25,31, and Jan. 1. Loconvince you at your druggist, 26c, 60c Under 10, 000.00 Bond. KAMAS. Pacific and O. S. L. By., on Union cally let Estite, Insurance 1 Firm Lous. $1. Bold by John Boyden & Son, We will have the finest line of Candies, nte 2 cents per mile in each direction Dolls, Picture and Kamss, Dec. 17 Aunt Ruth Pack, as Office at Residence, Coalville, Utah-Phonfor round trip Games ot all kinds, Table croquet set. childC. I. ticket books, Story only. aged and well respected resident of thi No. 25-- 4, ren and Ladies hand purses, Doll on. carts, Express carts, fell down a flight of etaire Xtm Sleds of all kinds, Cut Glass, Ladies and Mens silk muffItock port, Dec. 18. Mre. Fannie Hor piece, Tennessee Louc Fight. should bead her and lers, Handkerchiefes. Phpldan and Surgeon tin visited her daughters, Mrs. Louie Tuesday braising Something new in waist nieces For twenty years W L Raw is, of Bells, ers quite badly, At the time, she wu And many other usefull presents. Suker ol Menan, Ida,, and Mrs. Nellie nasal He writes: Team, fought catarrh. unon-iiou- s foi over an hour but nolle W. FRENCH, pi. D. Malm, at Perk City, lest week. .Tbe swelling and soreness inside mr serious resulted and she it BfT note wm fearful, till I began applying Wm. Reynolds of Perk City, is visit- ing PkjtleUa tad Bargees, Bncklens Arnica Balve to the sore surrapidly recovering. of this his eon Theron, ing piece. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. The Kama Dramatic Co., it no face; thie eaated the eoreneet and of Mensn, Idaho. Edmond Coalville. Iwelling to disappear, never to return. working upon a play which will proV Beet taive in existence. 25c at John Fffic hoars from 2 to 4 p. m. Souvenir postal cards for sale ably be put on during tbe holidays. Boyden & Bon druggists. Outwit the Surgeon Alt whoean should observe these hoars at this office. Tbe play "Jemima it a purely eoatk A complication of female trouble M nesrM possible. MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. with enltrrh of the stomach nod bowels one and all who see it will surely be reFollowing ere the missionary appointhsd reduced Mrs. Thoe. B. Austin, of NOTICE. paid. Baked rwent applet, with toms ments for Sunday, Dec. 30: Surveyor Leavenworth, lnd., to such n deplorable relief for Coo stipe tion. people, State of With other? of Summit, in Prompt Utah, County Commissioner eoene John County Hoyt bread wlUhava the same effect. an advised doctor her KAMA. condition, that hatura undoubtedly has a veritable Peoa precinct of said county. the Geo. E. Wilkins relieve eveirllment known to man. if remedy to operation ; but her husband fearing while riding to kamas lat .sundty Levi rearson I have in my physicians .A.. iTOHSTIEB, the possession to health. And SVa1,'11 Nauir? following Elecfatal results, postponed this to try PtOV. ( cam true with regard to Constipation. eveniug on important describrd animal which, if ol certain tree in California Ck. tric Bitters; and to the amassment of near Lambert Park Joho K. Lemon claimed and taken away, will be sold at 2? 2 falling headlong into a creek. Hk Graduate ol the tnlemaiinnal Cnrrew-- , A all who knew her, this medicine comwith Egyptian Senna. J?ut park city pableys park. jwndewc School, Scranton, ia. public auctian, to the highest cash bid Pry Elm Bark Solid horse slipped on the bridge and fell isle th5 Tbos. L. Allen Jas. B. Rhead same Cascara bark Is given Its pletely cured her, Guaranteed cur for der at my corral in Peoa precinct on grsateM possible full water the length A .correct constipation. John, Jo COALVILI EAST ?wr E. soma disease, biliousness, tooth vstj toipid. liver, kidney the 24th day of Dec. 1906, at the hour of Osndy Tablet, called Lx-eis now mad COUNTY SURVEYOR. jaundice, the chills and fever, general de- fortunately, had just removed his feet Geo, Smith G. VV. Young oop Labomtortes, from this ingenuousatand 11 o'clock a. in. most effective prescription. Its effect on ConstL blood poisoning. from the stirrups, and escaped the bility, nervousness and VPT. Hffwatsness, Sour Ktomaeh. Bad One roan cow with some white Breath, Best tonic made. Pries 50c at John ' etc., is indeed prompt sod aTtis f r nY m I x Kotetrj Public end Conreyuncur. R. W. Maxwell spts; Silas M. Pack hunted. off each ear; blotch brand on left ducking crop No griping, no unpleasant after effects are COALVILLE. UTAH Boyden A Son drug store. Try it. HXNEFER, and Lax-eare put up In thigh ; scar or brand C3 on right hip. Pearl and Ella Pack rc tamed botw Robert Walker M. W. Taylor lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and beautiful 25 c Said animal is held by ms to aecnrs box. " from the reservation a few days ago. WOODLAND. the payment of $5.00 damages dona by Medlrlnr Wm. Anderton C. Paskett John w a A iuak ha! said animal on lie premises of nueti here last Frf Parley ECHO. P. Walker on tbe l2ih of Duo., lihW. dnv A laige irowit was pressnt night. MARY ANN B. CLARK, IV. H. COmCTISG CARPENTER. Wilson Ames Sargent UtJilen Medk) IliOTpry enrtrhe pvrtflp th hhjuU curUir MoU'hw. yUupIra, erupt Urn. crofu)ou wt4Unif and of u) era lend to Ir H. V. Pirret of liulfalo. N. Y for fiw tukl?t teUtn all about thn native Btdh'inai roora ompMlnr thl wonderful Thor la uo alcohol In Ik Bwdliln N-- -- -- n n n , EVANS A Nice SaIti. Line of Christmas I Goods Just In. :: ii -- .M. E.'Rhoades Milliner. l2ai22mI3S.It3SISJtSSSi3l3t3assjj3j EDWARD H. RHEAD HOLIDAY GOODS... ROCKPORT. 0. Geo. W. Young, fctr Constipation R. WL-- u Frank Rippon, I uit the CAN FURNISH PI AN AND SPECIFICATION For All Chesses of Building. I OXEN. Flremus of "IUI me a, though W COB H. B. Wright, l'lUHiIkPcper Peoa precinct. VNSHIP. Coalville, Insnranci r I ' I - A oapany, Dlsoonry a MH ay for th Kitf Mia In ud Bliidsr. JOHN BOYDEN & SON. WKIto is always a reliable help for your you frequently grow hoarse, White Pine will prevent the vocal chords from being so sensitive. If you are troubled with tickling m the throat and have to hem frequently, White Pine will relieve you It you have a hite Pine will cough fresh or cure it. It frees the throat of phlegm and SOOTHES THE THROAT throat. Fisher If old-W- Utah Temple next Is put sp Lax-e- ts For Your Throat HELP Pine Batlsatm ROCKPOBT. Resident Agent - I David Van Waguer and Celeste Pick Leonidas William Russell are to be married in the Salt Uks 80TTSV1LLB. I can fill Send nre your orders them for von. NOTARY PUBLIC Fuad l go :.nt-ke- County Tor C. R. Jones, li.vd a d Edmond Bees Wm. Archibald pitratn elv few GRASS CRPI K. liobt. Im k of tins pi, he broke kis Tbomas Beard Wm. Carruth ankle a short rime agn. D is thought HEMIPIB. be will be unable to use lav leg for F. . Merchant. Marion Frazier FBABCIS. month. Particulars not known, John Astin Bert Smith and I.vla Lamhert and E. H. Rhea " the Agent for Summit Public. Molar anil all bdiiK'in.ikiTs. Chas. H. West Wednesday, Dec. lfch. W. R, Smith OAKLEV. Both couples are on tbe hilitop ef Benson. jollification. The gi. are both highly Jededieb Woodard J. J. . t of Kama-in Mr. Smilk k thong . Sew Cure for Epllepay V f" III S.nl I vk,- - , in 'Vggoaeri B Watermsa of Wstertown. Ohio, J h Mue is m XI is u Rural free delivery, writes : My daughter afflicted for years with epilepsy, was Latsrrh of tne noe and throat shotld New Life Fills jo rad by Dr. King lead you to at least ak us for for aver two attack an had t ghs hs not trial box of Dr. ehnop Catarrh and life cleansers Best body ears.' years." earth. 26c at John Nothing so u re proves morit Ws) giving tonic pills oa actual test and Dr. drag tore. 'P.,t0.yrMe Boyden this, e:irnet! v ti, it w. Ton been installed during make th.r te ' F J Snow g'Rbonea have White he, Ling jouthes ths throat lb week in the homes of Walter Cald-woimi notriis, and .j.iuklv ptirifie,, lo, and L. E. Eldredge. Some few for feverish ( , ; and iBwtj ! had an inteeks ago C. R. Jonet gate. Jotin I' .v ien A won. strument pot Grand jm .,w Car tor r Nipple. inlanders on s,,lu is doa .lints that thev nursing A soon M th child m uui-- t lit ng n. Wipe it off cissof fiTe ?ply Chamberlsias before allowing vitb a sort cioth Many trained to nurse. the child the 5nsl(i cleanse :be best resnlts. the with this Little narse nse Pills nover gnpt. ,s01ll by Job Lim box. For sals by cent per 25 Price den A Sons drug store. John Boyden A Son. White Pine is not disagreeable to take. Children dont have to be coaxed to take it. Two sizes2$c and 50c. John Boyden & Sons, Druggists i Specialties in. the line. of. v (!e-i- re Imported China Novelties and Various Kinds. of Toys at Peoples! Meieaniile Cn ALMA ELDREDGE, Mgr. "!. ; od brt-ui- , i. 1 1 61. i ) v 10.000 BElsls Telephones in.Salt-Lakin Utah 18,000 Bell Telephones UTAH, and 35,000 e IN 240,000 a Circulation! R MONTANA, IDAHO WYOMING. At FED BY TEI8 COMPANY A Jit ns C nnei Ticks East and ttss: Quite Took a gejod many years and cost a good deal of money to to build this up. 1905 added more telephones than anv previous year. ' IT L OO KS E I 'EX BE TTER FOR 1906! Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company r J L |