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Show GIRL IS SHUT IN CAVE WITH BATS AND MICE I Frightened by Dear She Jumps Into Dugout, Closes Door, snd Almsst Goes Insane. (laleslon, Pa Fifteen year-old Sadie McMlckcn of tho Kettle Creek section been mo frightened at Iho sight of a black bear In Hie woods and sought reftigo In u dugout or envn, thu door of which become fastened by tho heavy wnodtn hitch on tho oulsldo nnd mado her n prlsuuor Her presence In the tave stirred up n colony or bats, wldili repeatedly struck the girl's laro and hands wllh their ugly bodies Hho ulso feared tho presence of copperheads or rattlesnakes rattle-snakes In thu cave At tho end of four hours, when u party of searchera wero attracted to Iho ruvn by tho glrl'a sci cams, Ihey found her In a condition bordering on hysteria Shu had gone out nt live o'clock to the maple grove, a mile from Ihe house, lu bring in the tows In the drove wero two undcrslicd heifers At the edge of a diep wood that runs for miles bark Into Iho Kettle Creek region the girl heard tho welher row's bell and started across the woods lo Intercept hi r. She had got Into the deep timber whin shu saw what sl I bought wns onu of Ihu little black lieu is browsing In a laurel thicket She had gol within a few- yards of It whin thu animal, hearing her for tho first lime, suddenly turned nnd fared her She round It was not it heUer, hut u black bear She ran for refute tn Iho dugout, iistd for the storage of ramp kettles and other sugur-miililng aceoutermi nts, which was loe at hand The door of tho cave has n latch only on Die outside She rained It, slipped into the enve, and Jerked the door shut, the heav) wooden latch dropping Into thu catch again nnd milking her a prisoner Peering through u knot hole In Ihn door, sho saw tho bear scampi ring awa through the wood When she found that sho was a prisoner she shouted, but her volte hardly penetrated pene-trated thu cave llsilf She waa com pilled to be n companion ol Ihe pats and mice fur fnur hours |