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Show CHARGED WITH ! KILLING BROWN Woman Respon.iblc for Death of Prominent Lawyer Has a Hearing. Verdict Wat That Es Senator From j Utah Came to Hla Death at the Handt of Mrt. Dradley, who Now Occupies Cell Washington -Mrt Anna nni' ley, who shot ox Senator Arthur llrown of I'tah, In the Hotel Hnlclgh, on Decembi r 8 was called heforo tho :oroner'a Jury on Tliumli). Tho In juest wrw one of the qulckoal on rcc srd, Ihlrtyilto mlnuloa being: consumed In taking testimony nnd Identifying the prisoner Mrs llradlor waa Idcntl flcil by four wltneatea to tho accno in flnmn's loom Immediately after tho shooting and waa then excused. Her part In tho prmctdlnga wn homo wltt etldeut minaiir, although the Itaneil heat lly on Hie. arm of tho matron mat-ron of the house uf detention, who accompanied her during tho ordoal. Tho erdlct stated lirlclly that llrown eamu to his death nt n result of u gunshot Mound In tho abdomen limit led by Anna M llrndley, In tho ltnlelgh liuttl Decemlier 8, nnd or-deied or-deied her liM for action by tho grand lury. At anon ns the Inquest was concilia rd Mm llradley wna taken tn tho ilia Irlct Jail, whin she waa searched and taken In tin- hospital on tho second floor, lint Ing purilully collapeed from the stiuln uf ihe day's proceodlnga nnd shock of llnmn'a death. Slio Kwn recoven d her usual equanimity nnd later was placed In n roll. The grand Jurt which will tnko tho next step In the pnicmluro In Mr llradley 'a disc l now lu session and nn Indictment i hunting her with murder mur-der will he sulimllled In It by District Attorney llakir as soon aa It can be drawn If an Indictment la found b)' the annul Jury her enso will oomo up for trial In May or June. |