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Show HADIT OF EXTRAVAGANCE. Jutllce Drewer Lilts a Warning Voice to People of America. Now York " We are busy denouncing denounc-ing trusts, but the mott danttoroun of them all la Hie trust In the future to pny iklilB." rinld Jiittlro Dn Id J. Ilrower of the Supreme court of tho United State Sunday nt a met ling - of tho People' Forum of New Ho R chclle R "Our great expulsion nnd rapid 0 growth In population and ruaourcca aro tleMlopIng a hnhlt of cxtrava 91 gance Wo hato been mott unwisely M" discounting thu future II "Wo nro trembling on Iho verge of 13 wondroiit -.iclnl nnd political changes. M Thoso iiinat liiiiortnnt, muat profound- ly liiiulvInK tho aoclal, buslntsa nnd I political life of tho it public, dt not 'It spring from railroad rates and ro- bales. Inspection of packing houses, I thu coal trust or tho Standard Oil cvimpany Par more profound and J tltnl Is the building up In Ihla nntlon J of n universal boil) of honest. Intelligent, In-telligent, pilrlutlc cltlinthlp In our J success I nthls direction lies tho prom- Ito and the prophecy of the future" . : |