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Show PIONEER IN FLASH SIGNALS Nature Hat Provided Antelope With the Apparatut Another remarkable detail of the an telopo's niiatomy It the tthlte area on each buttock Alttiutigh It ait ma M first like the rest of hit spot a mere patch of while mat. It It found tn be peclallted for nn Important service It la compused of Imlr graded from abort In the ccnttr to long nl the front dgea t'nder I In' tkln of the part la n circular mutcle, b moans of uhlch tho hair can In n moiuetit Iki raited nnd spread radically Into ttto great blooming tln chrysanthemums, more or lit flattened at the renter When this la dona In bright aunllghl they ahlnn llko tin ant, git Ing flashed of IlKht that can m seen further than the nnliual Itself arfordliiR n conspicuous Identification mark that muse b of Croat service to the apeclea Aa toon, therefore, nt nn antelope aeca aomo strange or thrilling object till" mutcle acta und the rump patch la Intlantly changed Into a great double, dltk of wliltu that ahlnea afar llko a patch of snow, and b Ita fla-.h Ing tprondi the alarm Ihlt, It will bi teen, It tltnp' n helloKrupli Man llnllert hlmtclt that ho ttn tho In ventor of flush communication, but he la wrong. Ilia nntelopu had It first They utvd It thotitamla of generations boforo man over dreamed of It. |