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Show IMano on an Autntnoblte, Whllo the automobile has been retching out Into various fields ot Industry In-dustry nnd crowding tbo horse from the shafts ot the cab, tho tiro englno and tho delivery wagon, It was hardly expected that It would assume the place ot the trudging pedestrian who pulls a cart behind him. Tho Invention Inven-tion of a clever Chicago lad, whoso father runs a street piano, however, has opened up a now lino of thought and has at tho samo time relieved the head of tho family of much work, The boy hat been employed for tho last two years In a west sldo factory whero automobiles nro built, tomo of thorn to bo operated by olectrlcty nnd others by gasollno. The lad kept his cos wide open whllo tolling at his appointed ap-pointed tasks and kept constantly before be-fore him tho Idea ot learning how to build un automobile which could be utlllted running his father's strtet piano. He Inclined toward the gasoline gaso-line type, as It was cheaper than the others, nnd he failed to see where the electricity would come from were he to succeed In building an electrical machine. Finally be set to work upon the device, de-vice, putting In all his evening! and tparo time. He bought be parts from time to time with bit own earntngi and such money at his father could spare from the receipts of tho piano nnd fitted them together as he had teen the workmen do at the factory. He had acquired a good working knowledge of tbe principle on which tbo machines were ronstrucUd and the result was eminently satisfactory. Tbo piano wat loaded upon a little wagon conttructed for tbo, purpose, and the operating mechanism was flt-tfj flt-tfj Into a box at the rear. Now tho Itinerant musician goes torth dully on his rounds with hit hand upon the lever Instead of with his back bowed under tho strap with which ho formerly for-merly tugged tho piano. Ills wife tits up behind, ready to. leap down nnd pass tho cup when her llego stops bit macblno to play a few tunes and tho baby rides llko a queen Iu front bo-hind bo-hind bit father. The gasoline required to run tho automobile au-tomobile does not cott much nnd nt long nt the little englno holds together to-gether the Italian has n novelty which nltracts fully ns many pennies to his wife's cup as do the tunes he grinds out. |