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Show tri-llanded far If. A hostcta often finds itimculty In entertaining en-tertaining her young frlendt. Hero la a novel way to tpend an evening which will afford amusement to old and young. In tending out Invitations request each guest to come with the right hand tecurclr bound up. tot no ono bt exceptrd. When tho liottcta grccta them aho extendi her left hand and beg them to wrlto their namn In a blank book on hrr dctk. Tho pago will aoon havo an appcaranro of n 3-yrar-old'a flrat ntlcmpt to write. 8orao tololtt mar plar her own left-handed accompaniments, nnd an elocutionist recite, making all her gestures with tho left hand, Tbo men mutt Include, something that will demand the uto of a spoon to add to tho awkwardnctt ot tho left-hand community. |