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Show SSI Aatrraata' raa. J' It la a mlitaken Idea that octreaiea B aro tt a general rule bandtotser on Hp. . tho atage than off, wrltea lranklln M' fjle lu tit Iridic) Home Journal. SH The rercno la at likely to bo true. M Navortbeleaa, all Uttrl(l facet hare BBJ to be painted. It may bo aeaumed aafe St. , ly that none of the eompleilon It gen- taB BH bVHBH "' -, r- aBWaHBaHl fa . '- - ' UHB ,-, vviBh? -- l aBBWaamc: ulne. An exceptionally clear ant flak akin laay require no faltlty. A dark one may chance to tult the character to be attumed. But thete eiceptloni to the rulo nro rare. Tie glare ot artificial light would make mott facet ghattly wblU or unpleasantly tallow If bright huea were not laid on The art of coloring a pretty rltage Juit enough, and not overdoing It. It one which all actrettea thould learn. Many do not, and ao wo ace beauty dltflgured Inttead ot enhanced. en-hanced. Othera aro verr expert There are two dlttlnct procettea. One maket uie of colored powdera applied dry. The other rolxet tho tame powdora with create, making a aubtUnce called grrata paint |