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Show t 5 1 ' v The Coalville Times, r j i LETTERS FROM , Gras CORRESPONDENTS C'rcek mill be considerably ,heuce,ib5r the christening. lota iu a name. j VTUEMlHs. Decoration Day. will not be bo muddy iu bad weather, aud that "th prestige of the city of , Wednesday morning Early en- - peopli were seen wending their way to tbe corn eteiy with arnu and basket load There's R. Amiutun. Jsjia tdieJtrouble a p.ourer from S. II. ol Fair- - lrest. Burt's Opinion. L. ! The last regular meeting of theS.B. When seen yesterday President HorLadjournment for the season ace G, Burt of the Union Pacific stated w.ts held at the pleasant little home of that he was in town limply on one ol Mis. Jehu Callis Tuesday. May 29tb hts periodical tours of inapection. Later The campaign of Alexander in India R reMerated the statement srd scoffed ad- was the ml jet t of sn all e litsti-rua- l jj4e nit that there was any InisiediatS dies b Mre tali". jjiance of there being any railroad build- head m read of Aiexanoei s , ji,g o eiationsiariied ou iu the State ol rel tun to Persia, alter w hicb be went to Utah, at It as f ti as tlie Union ic Id r lun where he contracted a fever was concerned. When asked fiorn which he never recovered. Thus whether the miq lina weald redoe dud the famous "Alex.tndei the (beat. any curves and ttieighteu up tha linos After 8 nie splendid selections ou tLe letwren Evanstou and Ogdeiv. generally piano byr Mrs. CHi, the ladies were anil otherwise be diverted betaeefc- entertained by the busts sa at the dining 'Eehoaiid Evanston via Chalk Creek' table where delicate and enticing re- - Lnd Coalvillg, be laid that that! waa frishmenU were served. Thus ended no immediate proejiect of the tame be-- another successful ceason in the literary j ing tJone ncrald. - disease lung with beautiful tfoweis, which were Uoit enslgi.ir Mcrtir sl'i the repr sen'a- ' Eider Hansen has a model Sunday fully at ranged on (he graves of thedeav , teftbe P. pe wae jn c,,;t I Tu, Around the CODDty ID SCVCU school. Last Sunday morning all but The cemetery rever presented a mots thfCU-.h'-war to Gie ta-- , ai,,l was two tchclars were present t the hour of beautuul appearance than it did ui tflsrUine the baling Cathuln- - of 1 oclock, at which time the exercises lecoration Day. Tne trees and ffowei ild etty. heg'n. corps of efficient teachers were at tlicir best, and it showed thi t l?eTy Mi Peril The Happennings of the Past Week ot, i g igivl w hi, (,. of the the living hail not forgotten their dea I contribute largely to the suc-et- s Workman Molay .nrtiiigbig ti V- Told in Detail by Efficient Sihool. C. 0 .relatives. Sexto lluchannan anil it t w - oY a r..- w ne- - m jtaae folic ol men he has at work tl Correspondents. lUNErER a sh tk w hlil. came IzEC, feie.M i,e.,r past two week tiiaued up the real, Utah,. May 31. 1900. reading iu death. he man hung bv M AKIOV etc,, 80 that evervlhtng presented a fim Editor Tims. lijarto oi tr tin cri ss ai m alike pole t r M'ariun, CfUr, May 3i, A number of our young meu lrave,c 1 si api ear aiue. mltisnci iimuiui eute until he was Editor Time . At 11 a. m. memorial servicea wei gone to Wasatch for the shearing sea-- 1 the work n.en. His slunk was Miss Retta Lemon returned home held n the Tabernacle. Frank Evais . son. sotatcrv seveio and he soon one, from the Park on the 28. d. as master of ceremonies. A sell s Abraham Parker and Mrs. EUen world. To day is Iecorution Day and eveiy tion was nicely rendered by the ebe Nichols were mar'ieit In the Temple Sam-8- 1 fhft.ff and Jise TjYr Deputy The 8. 15. L. wss erganied in 1MV6. and Rev. A. C. Warner offered tl s thing seems to be going off eery quietlv. Wednesday. c! Grand county . were shot J nhin; The work covered in its four years exMiss Nelli e borenaen came over from opening prayer. After another song j A number ot our iu death Ubl sSttturd.U lr people viewed the the UlfUiWli County Assessor Miller has practically -istence includes principally ancient Mr. few r Evans made a the Park on tte 26th met. and speart chon, tbC fsilliOU eclipse with smoked glass ; the weather UbHiMl HulrtjtflS marks. An organ solo was executed y history, although current ayents have J completed the County assessment roD, Sunday with her fobs. conditions were all that could be deI tboOi of' tiicK'b iiotth o( Tho.iipBon not beeu neglected ; scientific subjects wbich at present is, as felipwi: I. M. bhaw. tupt. Frank B. Cooper pf H. C. Larsen and family of Teasdale, sired, rtfctu The ofiicus ran on to the Valuation $ 800,611 or, have been studied, and the results of Salt Lake delivered the oration, a Wayne county, are visiting with relaThe telephone is being located near um xecte1Iv, and were murlocation Lets, 287,893 such investigations have been most which he showed up the object of obtives and friends for a few dajt. dered. claima. Henefer, and it is to be hoped that the Deputy Day aiso hnd a narrew beneficial. 22,180 The best of harmony and lining serving Decoration Day, The meet igg A pos-- e of 28 escape. men .ttt g21,3iKI composed good feeling have characterized the Dnprovunentf was closed bv the choir and eongre ' and regularly, the food of which mei hod of communication in the near1.. ilSOw on the nail o( the outlaws, and valuation actively Horses, 2.488, 69,480 . meetings. tion singing and ben Aiaenca, it is the receptacle, is transformed into futnr8 its aie determined to find them. ( j CDl, 8,635, valvation, 138,645 of due is credit the Great presidents tion by Rev. Earner. blood of a nourishing quality, which! 31,341, valuation. Flair Coinmitnonir bharp has re the past (our y i an and also to the other J 78,621 The baseball match on the 30th here There were no exercises in the a furnishes vigorand warmth to thewhoie . valuation J 464, 1,807 between second of word conthe nine office! all from of in Park the fact and have who warden Summit body. HERBINL gives tone to the City noon, and the jcople spent the time! Jjsived Merchandise. itomaih and promotes digestion and and the Iftuefer nine, resulted in a tj,e 100,703 cBUiity- that he has placed 12,000 young tr ibuted to the work acioui (dished, but cemetery assimilation. Price 50 CU. John Royden 11 for itenwer. score, "UlnllUn,)! 218,540 ish in Chalk Creek and its tributaries. the ladies will join in saying that J Itt'P'ements, Machinery, etc. In the a victory waa dance given evening gon Solvent credits on inning to spare. It was a sociable the Si far if J53,700 been remunerated have was thinks Ir that the creek they arp amply Ojera House, which was atten 14,340 being plunder d, as repui ts stated, the their every effort in making the Clubaloney game and the visitors were well entei- - by qmte a laige crowd, J Personal . Property not enum.. 27,095 tabled. bFaoa, Utah, May 30, 1900. varicn woahl have written to him grand success. Editor Times : will resume next tbuiu but Club no The of work was thc'ie mention SepAt 10 a. m. Decoration Day, the peo-- ) A TVeallli of Beauty, it, Total valuation ..... ....... 12,708,28 The weather is lovely . E. A la often hidden by unsightly pimplft, it ip the letter received. Commissioner tember. pie of Heutfer met at the meeting, This does not Include the assessment Our town will be well lepieeented at house, and tha brass-ban- d played a eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt rhetijj), Sharp will receive this week fiom the W lint Tbe C ensus Ban tVIU Ask. of railroads, telephones, tha output of Coalville on baturday, SoVeniniciit station, .a.t Uiegon City, numher pi selectiims. The people their etc. Cuckiens Arnica l Salve Here are tLequestionslhat theUVrUd the mines, "nor 11m totsT ssiessmeht cr j glorify the face by curing-alskin eripl for LaU.hing ,,fad tronl to the wl Six young people were baptized here proceeded cemetery and decorat- tions, also cuts, bruises, Stales Census man will put to you when I tbe sheep Industry. The railroads, burns, bolk ed tlie graves with flowers on Sunday afternoon. hilethe j felous, ulcers, and worst forms of pilei it the State 1 atchery south of this city he calls this jear. They may seem in.-- 1 telephones, etc., will be assessed by band discoursed music. No seeules' Only 25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed Tribune, Very little interest wrs taken .in tlie pertinant but they must be answered, the state board of equalization and will wers j byJohn RoydonA Son. who left so it is well fo be bat ad present enjo? f d ' Vi Ilf hi:i made, iscpti It. eclu-r- , eclipse of the sun on Monday morning. prepared to do so j likely bring thff total'valiixtiouStip td-- ' themseves. In the evening a dcnce Utah May 17th for a mission to Call and R. G, Lambert, the gracefully : . promptly representing Itlarriages a given for the benefit of the band: fofflia, was found hi hre worn at Lot 1. Furnaine! Chnsfalu Deseret News, was here the laBt of last name, initlat. Last Saturday a marri.ge license The from ,ead( asphvxiatiln. 2. Week. Residence,' street, number of granted to Mr, Abraham Parker, igej1, A 3IOMTER DCUDriM, deces.sed is at 'Aillard, bouse. f.the ' Mol U sited fitutea i jay,wi.l take a large mu.. osar Destroying its victim, Is a type o( TO, of Ilonefer, and Mrs. Ellen ' ha was un " Office, Fait Lake C 3. Relationship of each other to the car citizens to Coalville to attend the constipatien. Tbs power of tbia mal- aged 08, of Coalville. They went tot-i- ; Ltah. It is supposed tbat with tbe uie ol gas and left head of the May 1, 1900. District court. family,, ady is felt on organs, nervee , muscles Lake Monday and on vt ednetday wce1acquairvted Ta Ilfiom it Sfny Court m: tbe knelt at on hit while turned be and brain. But Dr. Kings! New Life married in jet . 4. Golov of taco, the Temple. Notice is hereby given that the Btats P. T, Peterson, who taught in the dis- in prayer. He ieavet a wife Ptils are a safe and certain ease. .Best 6 !exf . ot Utah has filed la thla office a list. No. trict school here winter before laet, was in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys ThO groom is prominent cU'mOf nd two children, betide a number t 9. Ago at last birthday. 87, otlands selected by tbe card Flat a visitor here last week. and bowels Only 25 cts at John Bo, n Henefer and is engaged, quite extensiu ether rgla'ivesto mourn his loss. IDs of permanent of (be,eabn8-n.r,- t 7. Day, month and year when born, & Son. in the sheep business, ib which lie has water rcrervoir for irrigating purposes, - " Our citizens are observing Decorafor to Utah home 8. Are you aingle, married, widow or body was brought " been very successful. under Section 12 of the Act of Onrr-e- s, tion Day and tbe graves of the departed Preil. Burt Una btrial. divorced? Scrap approved July Ifl, 1804. The Mohws 6f The resident an old bridesroom is loved ones are being cuvered with Willi Siipt. Ilnrris. embraced 9. Number of years married. in said list, are ia a tracts, , un-most Y w If j ou are troubled ith that Coalville, and has raised quite a flowers. con 29. to children. township Co'o., How 10. Derver, May taintrj mineral claim of Special many eom for table disease called piles, dont here. She is well respected ' , : six, Tke bounty on squirrel tails should the IleiaKL Pret. Burt of the Union family f t 11. Sfex of these childien. all who know her, and the many frien ii neglect it. Dont let tbe complaint g The east half tl the, northeast be extended at least one month longer, j Pacific forcibly ejected Supt. Harris disease is x firm hold. Every day the 12. Where wetevou boru? If in tbe quarter and th east, half of the of Mr. and Mrs, Parker will pin even if tbe bounty be cut down one- - from his private car yesterday neglected it grows worse. Commence United Pta'es, give state or territory ; if euuthcasFquartertrf Foction thirty, them joy and bappinees t e Jn wishing t once to use TABI ER'8 BYk'KEAE Township three (3,y north, and near Green Btver, tVyo. Mr. Burt has third. of foreign birth, give name of the of Range seven, (7,1 east, gait Lak their days. BILE OINTMENT, the relief is immedEase and Meridian. The invitation to go to sheol Is res- - been over the line in Wyoming in com- iate, and cure infallible. Price50 cents country. A copy of said list, so far as it relates with the western officials born? father famil our travelWhere' We pany was arc not 13. Tubes 75 cents. John in bottles. pectfully declined to eaid tracts, by descriptive subdivis inas the iarizing jjjmself with the great task the Bey den & Son. ing the same way as the oue who jour mother? (Same conditions Mr. Joseph Huffman, aged 27, ot Up ion, ha beeocojssplcuouly posted ia will rsilriad undertake in the Sherman vited us. this office for inspection by any perforegoing.) Miss and Underwood, Annie aged ton, ' Lwke hull hill cut did off, when son interested, and by the public genyou of If 14. birth, foreign Among the speakers here on Suuday 18, of this place, were granted .. cense Ladies M. 1 o. Harris Young the erally. division Young Mates? Supt. United the Wyoming to aflei noon were Eiders J. U. Williams to wed Tuesday, and were todat united A. conference One fare for round trip. cobve During the sixty days next following wa in Mr. Burt's Car resided have the 15. Ilow many years you discussing of Coslul.e; J. Woolstenhulme of , in the holy bonds of matrimony To Tickets to be sold June 8th, lOlh and dateof this notice, under depar- t- ' the Wwk in "'yoming, when he entered States? United the of iu W. 29ih. Geo. mental Wauahip; Young Kai.ua, regulations of November 27, here 11th ; good returning June ict0 diePu,e i,h the PBident. Mr. young couple have many fmnL naturalized? How 18181 '23 L. D,, 459), protestsor contest Have joubp-e10. I. Agent. C. Wheadon, II. SeyKarnas andj. g.M. lackoi who will wish them a long ard rosper-ou- s ' Burt criticized some Actions authorized many jean biime y da .fa rum a citizen? against the claim of the same to any mourof O.iklcv. journey through life. 'I'1 y will the tract or, subdivisions hereinabov by the superintendent, and the disonte at Killed 10. Vhatisyout occupation, trade or Ieoa. make their borne up couth F rL , where there -a rei'crt that eome suspicious became heated. It . said descrilrcd.oir The ground than th samp Mr. Harris is ? Word was received bee yoturduy-- yiofi " is more valuable for mineral that for v a Beat residence has 'been per soWTrnrrtThrrg the iange and that lost his head and made a of sge or over ) pass at Burt, Charles ten i. that years effect to the some oil piTsons morning agricultural purposes,1 will be received"' them. who had the train stopped and ejected the and noted for report to the General month of during son 18. Bishop Ilow nmny the 1 Walker, t good looaout Will be main-Land Office at Washington, D. C. Fail.line superintendent., Mr. Harris was A Srtati,-i- l Ankle Oulsklj Cured, Stephen Walker of IVoa, had been acc- the ygi are-o- employed? tatned and if any tiling of the IriueL is at- - left at a ure so to protest or contest within tha at10 lonely nation with some hours At one time I suffered fri iu a severe lit. Ilow many mouths have you identally killed at that place about time specified will be considered sadlo tometiling is likely to drop to wait beiare he ould catch a of 1. the'Wikle, sprain ey Georg train, tended sclmal? SerA evidence of tbe oclock. chari with a dull thud. of editor the Guide, Washingtoa, Prest. Burt wired to Omaha that Mr. Cary, Can you lead? Ah IV stem that tha young, mail and his of said 29, B. R. E. Yirit.- acter selection... and tracts, well rfecom- Va. "After Using sVveiii Harris reignaliin was accepted. Il thereof, being otherwise free from' ob-- r 21. Can you write1 cousin were going to the canyon, each CK--(iUVSS for ap about fact It your jection, will 22 ( iite the main a team, and when near Oak y Gra-- s Creek, May 30, 1900. D. Frank Tntendent of the Nebraska diyision, with Jam pleased to say that relief .came as having IIobbs, Register, proval. Winn education. stopped to water their horses. ' nl8 t9 Gxo, A. Switu, Receiver. Editor Tiwua headquarters at North Platte. Mr. Patk800" 8 I bagan its e and a complete the 23. Ie you Own t e house in wbich " pass tried one started op they followed. John Boj-dpThe miners are working four days a ig confijerej oneo the best men to- - j y0U jive? other, and the horees came suddenly A gentleman who travels a great deal week. the Union Pacific system, and will n6 the and Do you rent tbe house in which 21. wagons tbe gether, upsetting relates the following experteaoajMj Gra-- s Creek merchants report an doubt succeed Mr. Jlarfle as superminisewiooi teams ran awajr. Mr. Walkers head you live? Conjoint he hadou a train not long ago, asva an tendent of tbe AYyoming division, -re ie in the mercantile si, neik was 25. If )0U own tlie house, is it free or On funday evening, June 3rd, a con- caught "in, the wheel, his exchange. A lady traveler was weeping U!lcil lia' acCidl?d l Tbe t,1w n and" he was otherwise badly mortgaged? (The earn t,ustions apply Y. Cbe5 ennft Wyo., May and L. M. Y. broken, tu of the 'I. session joint profusely, when a gentleman in the opboul- to forms.) Picadiliy avenue and Oliahenty th ueraUjBgt wbat Ch w Etjgin8,r I. astQciatkms w ill beheld In the Taber- margted, so that he'dmd instantly. posite seat ad to hen "Madam, to evard sprinkled every day. The above is as near the particulars Berry Las todo with the difficultiet be- - nacle, An invitation i extended to ah there anything I can do to consol A Life and Ikenlli right. obtain yesterday. The religion class under the leader- tween Prest. Burt and J?npt. Harris is to be present. The fo owing program at we'could of Manchester, A. Hines W. your troubles? -- fhasaid her trouble Mr. . known, butitds asserted he came in will be rendered : ship of MwBarber is fiouriehtng,.At mersculons CorngU were incimsolable, that thaws on. Jher almost escape hU 2 of 00 remarked by one of the class it is dt- - or a ebre of the president g after It apeak well for Chamlrerlwju Song, Joseph Smith's First Prayer" way to California to cremate her fifth Exposure use R from death, sya: : a great businaes. Choir Cough Remedy when druggists serloua ing, and also tendered his resignation. trouble, induced lung husband. Just across, tha aisle 'and measles in preference to - I 7777. ..77. .: in their had in ended consumption.which FrayerT. 7.77 which A salesman has been employed to There is a report hare e two seats back another lady burst out ; of Joseph Smith's any other, have sold Chamberlain and coughed whole- - comes from a l, source that Lecture, Divinity frequent' hemorrhage with all bef might, and the genassist Miss Lizzie Walker in the the past for b Frane Croft Cough Remedy Mission my doctor said I crying of ihe the three officials hae been asked to night and day.--Alto my satisfaction aale department. The services . J. W, Simister tleman Mueie stepped back to gether trouble. with use to Dr. Inuumental complete must soon die. Then 1 began J8 Tbe Martyrdom of Joseph and customers, ( which she was forty-tw- o assistant extend beyond the regular take a lay off and give the preeident ,Paper, said She New years of a wholly Discovery Kings K. . time to consider their action before acVan EHaaJ. Etten, Barber smith. on Smith. used it have Hundreds hours. to me. catch a man been able cured had never and working J menta by Cornelia Branch, Annie ways need it in my own family fall to never It all and j the aisle their !!al advice resignation!. any cepting Commissioners across while my that thing. The Board of County yeti Walton and Belle Calderwood ...... ordinary coughs and c0,d eheet and lung hobbles. cure Harris ia find throat; out inand It road and no west, Supt. to the she didnt canyon gnppe. will be asked to dignify Trial bottlea bad husbands teWnaud Quartette and Chorus, Halt to the Wugh following .ale by John ' Regular size 50c. and 1.00. formation can be obtained at beadquart for ia ' J bighway.-Iiwaa . think it a right.county Choir w it rerfficclou. seat by making free it Johfi Boyden 4 Prophet.. A to Son. the ara relative Benediction''. . difficulty. (joy den roiiiti tbat the road tbua dignified 1 y a- -t -- ' "1 1 I f tf Pa-nf- f ft, 1 1 - ........... , . . j - . 1 rru. j ..u T-t- tu W-eid- e -- - rec-erd- ! HVKrMAK-VMitK'VOof- 1 of' , non-mine- ml - . v j u-- 4- onn -- 29.-!8- pefiai g fault-findin- owa-familie- s .I semi-oflScia- Ur 1 thought t J V V - - a I |