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Show JOHN L. SULLIVAN'S CALLCnS. VTlif " VVIm lama with a Stti.ni. fl -..oi.r,l WllPmnl a I' until?, H John L. Sullivan was telling about H the queer schemes people hays to HiisbbbI make money, says the New York Bun. fX9l It Is Impossible to reproduce nnxlhlng QuM that John L. saya exactly na ha tells SbbWbbbV It for the reason he has n picturesque CTHK style ot narration that la Inimitable. HnSfi but as nearly aa It ran be reproduced MawR In print the story went tliua ' A con- JHsaaW aumptlve looking fellow rnmo In to hrQKS see me and says I gut a great scheme SasmTSTW to make money, d S" want to come In? KjuKj I says to him Yea If Ita on Iho level' hKbTit Ho anva It la lln alia nrmmit find CCtf tTfaanf.. hla skin full of Ikhitf When he a bust- ESBSsif Ing to tell 1 tell him to out with It, StjaKf and he saya Julin aya he you JtulxS know the Fnglleh and lkrara are fight- uSzKfl Ing and every Irlnhmnn la with tho 9hbbbb Doers' I anya to him r He nays, fflHR Well anoiher fellow nnd meeeire HSSS goln to print a million circulars and EJwaf send em to every prominent Irishman Hss In the country nui alln for a dollar to LbbbbKj help the sufferln Hurra he says. bbbbbHI What we want he says 'Is a reprc- sbbbbB sentallve name to head the lilt,' he gHI aaa Now, John everybody knows H you re on the level, ha MS, 'nnd we'd B like to get you In If we can't get you H we thought we'd try Gen O lletrne,' ho H aaya v. on see the scheme, John?' he aaya Buppoeo wo get only 1200,000? I ou know It's easy enough to get that 1 money at a dollar a throw. Well, wo J sends the Doers IIS 000 nnd whacks H up the rest,' he says Well, I looks at H him He waa a consumptive ao I rouldnt till him, and I aaya, 'G'wan, H Sou crook' Dye call that on the lev H el" I enya And he anya, -Sure It'a on H tho level, everybody's doing It,' 'Well,' H I ansa 'get but, yuu crook. I don't H give n whoop It everybody else Is Go H try Gen O Ililrne You can't get me,' H 1 says and with thl ho lighted I was M sorry he was u consumptive, but If I'd H n hit him, I'd a gone clear through jl him Mas bo ho waa on the level at H that nnd that's the way they run thoso H f ui.ds H |