Show I lllkh The Mllknuliln ConvpntlMi given in Chimps Hall on Salimlur eight laM one notai well nltrtnl 1 mil ibonlil hour been for the pufnunanee J < K 1 a > d tho object a worthy one Twentylour young lailki urereon the program and carte and every one of l them aegnltlel l thtmrclvfi with fllt The omvenllon woe hlitlity iinnini and kept the Ironre In aOOlI jfilrti tl < Millrn doming Alter the ldav I tin tdolii whlih the maid had bronchi 1l I nlrelv ilvrornted were nnctlonol niflv 16 V II llrnnch and broiinht 101111 1 pent In tlW earl h |