Show CLIfJ rATE ALFALFA I I THE PANACEA FOR FARM MORT OAOrI i I It list Maven llfMrnMralril hot It tlfilU llmln < Iho ilmriiotr Mnl lo llttre I us InenraiMtlMlltr nf relapse HUH am Mnoer het Itlrh In theM the-M ck lwlao 4 A trlr 11 Ihr atrlrsteu A xincKpindont of tit 11 I Inpnln I lonrnnl wrilin from Iianbury No i I liraika nays 1 lilt in the placu where alfalfa drat tnlent In Nebraska twelve I ear ago h le I worth ponilnp all Iho I I tray from the Mluourl river to see thia ono greed Kpot I Before I deecrlUi lhee alfalfu farms I nt lianlur let me fo look Into the ronntrt halt nav between Danlmrjr und fbBnon l nliero I left ham Meaner 1 I Mea-ner on hlo tarns 1 met him tint nl lttlniiion where IIP woe Inedlnifn car I of fat < tow for shipment til Omaha I tines these uow ait I tot off the train Hi Lebanon Hint they I were unusually flea looUlnp and Mr Mcmier Informvd me that lliej bad not tunleil Rruln either winter or milmupr but had heel roltad nod fatlenml mi alfalfa alone I Tnvnlythrn years sago a jouuff i c i man then he lived at Pnlrhnrjr I livery tody bad the bin them thou Ihcro was n Cory Ilirlit crop nlimwl a total failure In IHti nnd loft Nearly every wily WM illKouraenL 1 All tho iMWplfl were honor them then und the farmers placi 7J lbtIII = i 1 placml but little vnlim m that land now I north 13 to sin an ucri 1 jmt as MIIIO people here plain hot llttlo value in till laud now iiino of the fiirm era there who hail borrowed eol 1 each on thor farina nbnndimeit them nnd oatd tn Sum ua the tent ou Wi ran havo Hint bind JIIt us II Ia l for notli I Inf If you nnnt It U In no u > o to tim Hut I Sam was Jmnff then unmarried and lie didnt l auO lit i had liaanl nf the tiiilliilo I that lorry then pl nly In jf t17 I llcil Willow wiiinly nod lid longed I to Ret on n strong honv iinilcrn big white I f t ol Ild r llll lint und rtdo free and Iwll t uiuonir the I I Imlfnlci on the plain Ha route with tomp other young lure and tusk lip hla temporary I abtxlu In I u Mimll cnbln r = lr among the tepee on time lloavcr near hvra lila prpMiil tnmforlable farm dwelling now olnnda tar I xavvrnl yenra ho lived much In tlio aaddU alpvplnir I I i rt I lit night wherever night found 1 htm I on the wit brow buffalo gratis lvlnino hiiiiirlit to land or lionia nr wttliil t wmmioim I nt lire Komo of tlto lays look up I Und and they wanted Sum to Inlio Mime but land hero had no vnluo then and no far as bo could ice never would lima tomo of the boys took up I land built themselves little huntea and narrled wive hoe liy ono thc o bold Idcriaclllrd down Into 11I1t and civ llrid life and Sam llnihiif tho long rides Hcroe tin plain li > the 11I1111 11 till II I nml leek lunvei mo wllbuut Ills old companion iimrrkl 1 and alIId down UHVUp to IKWI the Mnxins Hero fuvnra bio and time crop 1 conditions runt I llul two was n dry viar hero wnsn aeareit of liny and rouclineM and tfnrr many fanmiraon I thuuplanilssold i their I I Mnvk for whatever lluy could yet Sleurr 1 whn hat turde wine 1If tis liittlfalfn I bidplciiTyof f hay nnl trlnld l k buy und icoil till the Mock tlmtcnmo Ills way llrr Is whtra nlfnlfn hay I Vjf11 brbol hef gnrr hum n boy IKKWI Ilo had I a supply of old bay on hand II so III fatten Jim and ctiltlo as to rll when It is one or too nrsold us when III Is I now Ihonl falfn fnrnur nlwHa k aePs n supply on band MI that 1 I lieu Ills nclfflibors ore hurt of feed numb offer their > 011117 stock for solo Lt fan tale tbvni Ho I uinde enouuli monvy that year to viv off 3ouu nf debt Hint lio bad 1 Incurroil by th is purilmut of ddUI not s1 land I Alfa Al-fa If Im I svrvid hint MI wvll dnmi > the dry ycant if litui that Ito enlulcid fields in IIItu uml ua Irom hcf leinber Imu to Scplcmlcr Poll I ho old from thu nrm in Tuo worth o hogs thai had teen brought to niatlir sty and futlrnol largvly on alfalfa Ha Mild that collie your 01 MOO worth of rot nlena thai had aubtl t Ulilclly on nl > fulfil He > I IM I tliia inoiipy tiibiiy moro t tl basil Ile now hnaeott I ucmt tIII llii farm He showed me n unrload of tot hga nearly ready for the market that nro now IHIIIII fed 1 n little corn to linnl en thorn up und uh themntlKlit lIe diowed mi UK hal of lee nhoatt In the rioter field frmln rapidly and thriving wlihoul groin I Ho shoivcd mo Inunlylltu fut alrcra tint will bu must lo ahlp In thirty luyi Ilo thonrdme 1 I t0t1 I tons of ulfalfa hay In be staclc besides IM acres lhit will laid 1 another cutllnir yet thUycur Last t 1y I a t year hv rut tnvlvu ncrcs for MM t I from nhlch liu threnhcil lul bushels which Inhlt Mn bushel IIe hat a goal bank account and does not owo it dollar MCSIUT WllevcH that nlfalfn will ray oliillonUe the atooli Induatry all OUT nrttcrn Nobnsa Ho bell ovrIt will I Inaugurate a new a atetn of farm man accnivnl thai I will j run moro In hognut hog-nut moth lout I to wnrot and Kits and atop the saliMif 1ccut sort Ito thinks Iliu corn und wheat rnUers work too hard with thrlr hands and not enough with their bralnt It I not hood wont but iron itiuimxemimt that makes n fnriurr rich Hosas thai alfulfit will nut nay on a farm your aflr year and work ailu l by tilde I rro harmony with u tutirtiraire II henevcr nlfnlfn brains to get In Its work begins tn II put rat on I collie and hair iliu inorliriicu folds Us 1 tent llko an Arab and silently Meals awn Now I has proven sntikfiio torlly toinjMlf at leiist In my out > ou-t > rtnllon hors In the last ten data that title Is I llternlly true In all my Inquiry I have not jot bear of n slnylo nlfnlfit farmer who la I not wvlModu and out of debt How rould II bo othcrwlie with tIme phenomenal profit that hove Iwen reaHinl iroin this clover In the bat to yenra It may bo true that theo enormous urolils will never ngalii la rlIkt I Und man every day who luc no alfnlta of their own men wna fro ninny ready to prophesy evil to every new tnierprh repeating thl sucBectlon that ollaflll still soon be ovirdon that the aeol l will coinedawn In price to IS ubiilu1 and tin line hay when It Uwomea plenty will not wl l for amore tlmn tr vr 14 n ion und some of IholO men when they speak ol this act M If they really wblied I tlmt ti might I come true rtl say lot It mine true and till It 1 will U worth more by the acre Leah any ether I crop tad will go light Olt making boat i and I Uh t thrill unit I pr j tt i n lust Hi Mril wrl Iv I north 11 u uliallonr view to lki ill I t ic HIIII > tiratinn It la I Hi meal pnxlucinfr 1 power that give I It lts value ot ell nays be valuable val-uable I and KI i ver crop will produce hs Ir h toe mot mnti per mere Will beth I most rn m d i Ii i pont of the ground tnm Sl eon rr nt winter alone n dr semi I hru I in > s stacii yard where I tt ct nte the Ma > n0 down little by lit tie ever straw all through the winter I win-ter unit Ire in In Fowl condition without a mouthful I1 of grain Phony U may be raid If ill thaw thing are true about thli new clover why Ie there not n I green spot on every Nebraska farm 1 cant answer that 1 cannot explain I ex-plain why Nebraska farmer snot nil other farmer and all other eople will I upend their time mid money and mind force In reaching out for reforms that I can eome only by evolution that are beyond the reach of the IndlvMuHl while those practical reforms whletiarx I within the reach ot the Individual ace overlooked and neglected from year ti year and from generation to generation I genera-tion II has alwiys Peen l true nolonly lllnonir fnniiem but ainonc all loses of mn thAt they are too slow lo adopt anew urMcm that ehantiraradically the detail of their business nffalrs or I the cvrry lay roollno of Iholr live I It I you ask me to prophesy na to when nil the farmers of weslern Nebraska will be linltnllnir the e alfalfa farmen of lha lUpiibllran and heaver vnlley when they will shako off the environment environ-ment of 1cent corn and COcenl wheat and Inaugurate In their stead n system of meat production that will lift every inortirngu und lel put every farmer on hli t reel financial then I any hnuwiiiffas I do the ImlcrAllRKble grit and the pro Crelve spirit of Nebraska people liimwlnu that the record of tliU farm log state In the last twenty yvnni for progressive development notcqualcd lt t iII III i by more than ono state In the union nod Is I not excelled by ally community of farmers In tho world In ten yeara I from now our allcys will nil be green I our upiands n III all bo siibsolteil and iMiooflouo bushels minimi corn 1 I yield will be continued unit converted Into meal on tha farm where It U I produced pro-duced I lha campaign uralnst Ilia I ernln peculator i Is already I begun not I by Iho blathering pollllvlun not III tlio brawls of political Jealonsy but Hi the homes of Industrious penc tovlni men where cows give rich milk and where white lioiuy from the alfalfa meadows 4 Is on tho farmers table Now 1 taut talk nan I dont Know the K > lnts I am only a student I mil trylntr to leant about It oath In my Invetllraliona I mil simply recording result us 11111 I them where the Industry Indus-try has been Inaugurated Iain I not 1 ramie and 1 do mil presume lo letturn rarmcrit or also them ndvlco Hut 1 lovo Nnbrntki and bellovu III Us future fu-ture 1 believe that every mini who Imsn farm home In this state and who holds onto I will see iliu day mil far In tho fulurc hIl there will bo plenty 1 or bu Nabratkit buyers and few sellers or oolrnki land und whin tho farmers hero will be surrounded with such condition ot comfort thai they will 1 feel nmply I repaid re-paid for nil ol utixlvty I ot tlifw I hoot e lime In my next litter I Snout this point I will relata I tliu results alfalfa luconllnif to 1I rxperlento of tliu Half brothers and the Ashton brothcra here and 1 will try to flvo as I have received from them soinu of tits practical details de-tails necpMory to sueccM In the mllii k ot nlfnlfi Nebraska and In milking money ou western land |