Show site 0taitseii Cul One of limo mod singular looking erratum that ever walked on the earth or swam Die waters under the carlo II 1 Iho world famous manraced crab of Japan III body he hardly an Inch In length > et the brad ho I flaw with n faro which la the perfect counterpart of that of a Clilnne coo lea veritable mllng Unit with eye nose and month all clcnrly denned The curious and nncenny rrenture betide the great Ilkentm It heart to n human lit Ing III the face It I provided wllh two leg which Heln to trow from the tsp of Iu bead and bang down over the tide of Its bar Ilralde there leg I two feeler each about an Inch In length grow from the chin of the animal looking look-ing for all tlo world tike a fcrktd beard Tlieto mon faced crabs swarm In the loatid seua of JIIIIII I |