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Show I T XMAS DOINGS. and will he remembered by tb thankful recipient. Tbere it not a city of It Well Satisfied with TVs Wk Was Wall tpewilta CaaWUle me in Cub that can boast n wore Stisraiasa I The 18M. rEIDAY.DEC.27. COALVILLE, citizen than Coalville, Christmas week wa a bosy 0Mt. in We learn tl at John Booth received an Coalvilland from every quarter-wordwurnt rMi. tiutn assay from rock front bis claim on Beaver of goed cheer and the voie( of happy Nearly forty years ago, after n COAlfllXt Creek that went 5.62 in gold and some children could be beard, Christmas i IIUTI All some weeks of sickness, my hair I VUp-pMe. Ml te Far City... . . silver. Mr. Booth is down about forty the day of all days for the children, and turned gray. 1 began using AyeraJ ' . Uft, U feet. no pam were spared by our citizens te Hair V Igor, and was so well satis-- , raoa so,x tuill The Ctah Patriot reorts that on make their hearts glad. fled with the results that I have , )20w.i. .S,Ws 12 28 never tried any other kind of dress- Monday evening a meeting was held at ' W.l, wrt M tlfcmafda T. O'Keeffe-lug. It require only j cigar factory for the purTii MiIkiuAtiltt' Convention iLiven tn w.a.tMt. an occasional applP" Labor Federon Cu. -i pf pose organizing Clufa Hall on Saturday night last aas -- , catlciof Bark short the For notice t in City. wmS Anl H a well attended aa tt should have irtlwriiwl was a there good attendance, given T, M Ik been, forth performance waj gc.vi at 4 y itror re Olwm among those present being representaKssiw the object a worthy one, j Sosp .UK v Hair Vigor to keep tive ef thecigarmakers, printers, tailors, O F LVtt 0)ej Tweutv-fou- r young lad.ee ere on the Henry and barbers. hair of good my iiBpon painters iuuiil h jf, and every one of ..Aur - H. program, and Wni IttsrUcolor, to remove PL4LrRhead down town Christ them tame John (Mark acquitted themselves with credit. tlpun . 'dandruff, to heal A it. Krtmra um morning with his new coat and vest The 1M convention was highly amusing,' W hrewer llli.ra . . . and prevent the humors, itching absent-mtided On i ly and kept the house in good rung side out and liwepb lull HiMtrh spirit- - the from falling out. 1 never hesihair Well h Itisfrt-llurnmt, hi ten in for and jane pistol pocket entire evening. After the A. H. Ad.ly feeling k(.snycu,jr. ink. This ail came from a new boss stools w hit h the maid hail j,;gv. thej tate to recommend Ayeys medicines brought, ad to my friends. weighing tea pounds arriving at his nicely decorated, were auctioned off bv Church Directory. Avoca, Xebr. honse that morning. F.d says the new W. 11. Branch, and brought frt. ii 10 - hATTLK-liiAIT. arrival has alt the surveying signals cent to ll.fto each. t 10 down pat. Bondi; School Jvcry Hundiy tWrauueni House. n. in the 2 Flake Nsw West hrlslmas Tr, V One of the pleasantest gatherings in ery Funday. meeting at p. m. On Monday evening the Sew I st M. M. L A. every hominy t 7 30 p. tn Coalvilles history whs the wedding reachool and Sunday school held tt.fir in Flake Hotiee. ception given Friday last by Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Fisher at their residence in Christmas tree and exercises. M. OH CoNUNEOXTWNAL, The tear her, Miss Lour, had detoted Son second honor of (heir daughters marriage to Mr. service fKpsrcd by Dr. J C. Aysr fc Co., Lowell, Xssw. every Breaching mnch time and attention in everv hcinml -Frank Croft. The house was filled with day eve "m. Sunday. pouring Y.F.B. C. K, invited guests, and the evening was de- the little ones, and the program, ( on Take Ajer's Ssruparilla ter the Ctsqilexisa. Funday t 2130 p. of solos, choruNCs, etc., after Sunday school. A splendid banquet listing passed lightfully spent. Oaoaoa If. PkfhV, In "tor, was served and everything was a decided off pleasantly and was highly p eering MS, E din Ft., Ogden ML RHOKAl., success. A large number of useful and to the audience. The schoolhouae w a Goose Mother packed. a well valuable presents were received by the part -- Mrs. Stokes i quite ill with erysipelas, taken by Miss Nellie Rhoades, wa young couple, and also the hearty conH. West was in Coalville on busi0. visited fianta by Clan, and after the gratulations of a host nl friends. children had cluamfl the latter to pre- ness vesterdav. A Milkmaids' Convention is to lie held Frank Evan made a brief visit in side over their dreamland, the dirtnh'i-tio- n in Clutfs'hall tn a short time. Watch on Christmas. Coalville of was made. LEADER A Smoke the present tree had for announcement. Coalvilljs Tinea. Bmifhoame F. homefrom Salt Lake been w ith J. loaded choice and better None presents, CIGAR. The Bugler suggests that a splendid Pant Claus did not omit a single mem- Fridav last to spend his holidays at Manufor the money. lrawing attraction for the pro (rosed con- ber of thia school iN his rounds. Ttie home. vention of the lair milkmaids would he factured by the Leader Ed McCarthy rameont from Salt Lake children were all made happy, and the to trot in half a doyen lame old bossies 03 Comon Christmas fo viit his relatives and thank Cigar Factory, expressed in their bright faces and give a prize to the girl who proved was heartily appreciated bv Father friends. Fait mercial - street, herself rnoet expert in , Bants. M-- s. Lena Thsckerav retnrrrvl from Lake City. Brigham Bugler. That is exactly what Sait Lake Monday to spend the holidays Tl School EnUrltitiMMl, did happenjand the minute the beast at home. The entertainment given by the wasted on the stage everyone of the pubHenry Seamens was down from Rock-po- rt leaf milkmaids look to their heeis, lic school at the Stake House Christvesterdav and mud Tn Tivasa LOCAL BREVITIES. while the cow quietly chewed up tiie mas night was a grand success in everv call. pleasant way. The prog-aminutes of the meeting. printed below , was Mis 4Bre I.nv rnme dojrn from the carried in ont detail and with credit to Weighing ia aplendid. Burk to spend the holidavs at home To the aged, with their poor appetite, each on participating. The teachers with her The day are getting longer. parent. feeble circulation, and impoverished have worked long and diligently to preRev. Terrv remained over Mendav in Murninga are toletahly chilly. them blood, Ayers Sarsaparilla is a boon and deserve piui b praise for pare Coalville to attend the exChange in Co-o- p ad thi iaue. price. Its effect is to check the their successful efforts. ercises of the New We- -t school. for. been called of not Eecruita bare TH P HOOKAH. ravages time, by invigorating every yet Mr. and Mr. W. W. ClnfF, ,Tr . K. D. The mail 1 very regular In it irregu- organ, nerve and tissue of the body. Opening clioroa ... Schools Beanhien and Mis LBlisn Clnff went Recita-mnp See Ayera Almanac forth new year. Nellie Car.olh larity. ifth Grade to Kama in a sleljh to spend Chris'mas t A a hole week without a marriage, CITY COUNCIL-- Mot her Goose Exercise .. Second Grade with relative there. . Primary Grade Something wreng. Andrew and T,indv Faddieveame . Five liojs down from Meeting was called to order Monday Dialogue... ., A case of diphtheria rt Park City and the Park Tnevdiv rn a short Hattie Iteming visit with relatives and 23rd, Mayor Wright in Recitation night. Decern one at Heber have been reported. friend. Tier .... . tvimuls returned last nieht. tiie chair, with Councilmen Clark, Dew- Chorue Reeitation Coalville merchant jeport the beet Willi Allen Hirst and Wilde present. hxereiee Mr J. Evers of Fvanston arrived jvn Chriatuuaa trail thie year for some ing, After, preree hr ikmmuilmmn - Wilde, I met. Maggie Stones nd M. A. V Ilians will handle-th- e throttle on the minute of the previous meeting Recitation . . .irr..Libbie Calderwsod f2S0 durine George Fdgingtona engine Vowe Female The Provo Dispatch ha died from. in- were read and ,nP . ' approved. Recitation Till Mnmlord absence to California. digestion. Cause of trouble, nothing to Bill of rvid Frisby for street lighting, Kxefcu Four Girl J. T. Hudson, Mr. Neil and other left digeet, 21, was allowed. Bng ..bpring Hollow School this morning for Deep Creek to do asRecitation .. ..Virginia Smith A little etranger took up her permaBill of Coalville Co-ofor f4.lt) for Recitation ..Alice Wil.n sessment work and other mining businent residence with Mr. and Mra. Walter merchandise, was allowed. Fifih Grade ness in that locality. fon? The report of Treasurer Ball was read Recitation Clark lat night. Iabbie Barb-- r Miss Irv Loar, teacher of the New SchiwU West school, left Tuesday for Born, Friday night lait, to the wife of and referred t thecomoiitteeon finance, Chorus . Ogden, Alexander Calderwood. at Reliefer, a as wa also the reiort of the recorder, w here she will spend The The petitioirof Thomas Wildeasking daughter, AH wall, New Wet school will open again oo The t evenUol he week aa the council to hint for two cow that crowning Monday, January flth. Theontput of coal at the Wasatch ware burned inpay the alackpile in Spring the grand eleighridu given the childiwn mine ii increasing daily and the miner Mrs. J. E. Ifosmer left for NcnM on ef the Hollow waa referred to the committee Bnnday School this morning. At are kept steadily employed. v eve. The wife of Dr. Christmas 10 o'clock the Btake House on claime. yard was full brother and alo their little hoy The Coalville Bras Band was out on Of little ones, big ones, middle-size- d The rOmmitte on claims, to whom ws are ill with typhoid fever, and Mra. the etreets for a while on Christmas ' and all other ones. referred the bill of John Boyden A Bon, one, Ifosmer has gone to take care of them. and played several lively airs. f r 13.25, lecoinmeuded the same be Taenty large sleighs were scon Wind George- - Edgington left- - thia-- morn ing TiwKSJabseUBtion with the hamlwuneft and best children JiaUs rapidly pi Id, which waso ordered: Tng Mra. Edging-to- n for Ogden and increasing. However, we have room on E. II, 'Rhead presented the plat t be found in Utah and aw ay they sped will and hm there, join family owr books for a few more paid tip name. ordered under the resolution on their tnerrr ride. The roads were passed when they will atari for Ln ineriea and good, the day perfect, plenty ufwaim . Mercnr ia still oo the boom, and bids Decern tier 10th, and after seme discussion Southern California orc a protracted fair to keep op its lick for aom time. Couucilman Claik introduced the fo- wraps provided, and if anything was evermore thoroughly enjoyed by the visit. We venture thstOeerge, himelf, Another paper, the Mercnr Miner, has llowing: wifi not stav two weeks. of been started, by editor Scott the AmerJfrsofrwf, That the eity council of Coal- children we have never heard pj t. Di nd O'd sore and wound, nicer ican Fork Item. ville City accept and adopt the neap and They were ail made comfortable, are never inenra hie where Dr. Hr. Chambers went Into Salt Lake plat made and prepared by E. II. Rhead carefully looked after, and the ride was II. Mcl eane Volcanic Oil Liniment J. Is of a portion of the land within the not over until Eho, Grae creek und used. Its remove foul mstter. Tuesday on business, end it is whi pnrifiea oGier place were ' the sore and establishes a healths, heal-in- g pered that the object of his visit is on corporate limits of Coalville City, which A we said iiefore, action. 25c, 50cand ft per bottle. thediiLlrcwaretne loekit g to the establishment of a manu- map and plat was made and prepared under the authority of a rceo'dtiop of prettiest in the whole territory , and any A facturing Industry In Coalville. lslM)ll me man who could not with pride and iMark Hopkins ofii'alsuilehaa ahinped give another dance at the city council ol CoalvilltfCity paaed tletirclmikon;stivha"gAtlor,ngand Union Pacific car No. 12,151 loaded with the Pavilttm New Years jevsrThe KTaim December 16tb7wd farther bear their glad shouts of joy must be a ThUt of said the Reimlvtd, coal to the Ft. Anns orphan asylum, furnish are acceptance to the music. Lady Orvhestry dead letter. ' with hia compliments. The present was The home hand will also give a dance map and plat be endorsed opon the face This afternoon a dam nod program ot the saute, and that the same be called a surprise to the ladies intereried in h at ClufTshall on New Years night.-- -of exercise forth children is in A of Coalville City. aa and known Flat who were delighted bevnnd aavluin, Oue of the handsomest articles on at tha Pavilion, and to a measure when they were adv ised of the The resolution wa adopted. ngt w in last week was Coalville exhibition The bill ot E. It. Rhead, tor fiX) for dance for the benefit of the ehipuient yesterday. painting of a scene up Chalk Creek, the survey end plat, was allowed, and eehools will be given. The above ia from the Tribune of Fun-daby tieorge Beard, The picture the meeting adjourned to Monday even-luTug Time this week lo printed I man Mr. Beard has shea a Every that card l,nl.l ing Mngetnand December Stlth. Benediction-b- y eme It an even and faturnl color, and very flnecvrJa, reading A Warm i rata act talent, Councilman Clark. twYo is the- - Wish of the Christmas if is it not so use already, BuckuTghamt The dance at the Bavilkm On Christ Theae card Coal Company. Hopkins Of all disease, Bright' Disease of the iyeand appear tidy. ma eve was crowded, over seventy coupwere distributed in Bark City and Coalacmost on is the dangerous, le being present. A good time w had. Kidneyof " ville and each yard accompanied hv a ton till f count its subtle and insuhou nature. to the poor, and The dance in ClufTt hall on Christinas Usually it la firmly fixed before it presRemaining uncalled for atthpot-ofiic- e of coal. They were fsent there were thirty them. in Coalville on LKc. night wa also well attended and en- ence is even suspected by Its victim. For this reason it is important that the When for any joyed. treatment he commenced on the appear- please calling sar resiadvertised of the oldest ; oue George 1nuce, ance of the first symptoms; even then it K t richest t!cr.c.f3 V. orid'A Fair. Wilwn dents of ndy, was found near his home requires careful treatment to stay its Warn Jo DHL-IrJHbllleten bout 6. 30 Wedaewtay morning in an un- progress. Bam in the back, irregulariMr,WAiHl. of limb in the the ties nnne, swelling conscious condition. He lived only a or Geo. W, Jenkins, editor of abdomen should be the subject of inthe abort time after the discovery. He had stant Investigation and the proper rem- Marik Times, Cal., in speakmg 0ftl.e himself and fallen injured edy immediately applied. I'r. J, H. vartons ailments of apparently id- McLean's Liver and Kidney Italia has children, by the fair. When my children have in thousands of severe cases its proved croup there ia T,ii Tmx i informed that it is the etficacv in curing tbi terrible disease. only one patent medicine that I ever intention ot the U. I. Cpmpanv to lay Brice f 1 ocr bottle, nse, and that is Chamberlains Cough new rail and widen the gauge on the Remedy. It possesses some nodical Her t took In in this mines the to city. fact, epur that relieve the little sanerera Call at Mrs. Hartley's and ee the proertie several loads of rails have already been It is, in my immediately. candies new uiF received. Irirc delivered along the line. Traffic ia an freshdown. best cough wiedicme in tle opIai0,u ,he 2,t way market." If the increase. this remedy i freely given a. - test. the cronpy cough appears u will 0B A. Our merchants, we learn, eent out From my place ip Upton, one sorrel several loads of provisions to the deservpinto mare, heavy silver tuana ar,d tad. for whoop, ng rough. There is ing poor in thi neighborhood forChriet If the party having her wdl inform me MOST TERFECT MADE mHarr mae. A substantial remembrance of of be whereabouts, 1 willcsll for her and ingiunguto children, it A Grape Crein of I- - 1r Bow Jr. Free pure and thia kind will not gw unrewarded, I will pay all expense. Jt nothing injurious. For rle (,v Ammonia, Alum o try c Birr adulterant. 6om John . Thomas Ciabx.-' ' 43 years The sVasdard. Boyden A Son. the generosity of the donators should COALVILLE TIMES. gen-nucla- ' ii ZrT f ... Ayers Hair Vigor. s Special Sale! . . - Curfi.ill AYERS " J , Y -- In the interest of our numer-ouspatron- s and the public generally, that nil may be provided in this line for the HOLIDAYS, WE WILL SELL Until Jan. i 1, 96, 20 lbs English Currants for $1 20 lbs California Raisins for &lra Hair Vigor 10 lbs Home Made Candy for 1 5 lbs Lemon Peel for 5 lbs Citron Peel for - I LEADER. ui le-yo- Ch-ist- 1 1 o- - IN THE LINE OF DISHES, Our new stock of White Granite, and the latest styles of Decorated Queensware will prove of special interest The Sale oo Clothing Will continue, as previously in these columns announcedw n lr ... SS Ho-nie- rs ab-rcs- t I - The public generally invited to call and see our line of general merchandise before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, Mer. Co., Peoples ALMA ELDREDGE, Manager. The Coalville HMl 9 per Year. $2 Larger Circulation in Summit County than all other papers pro-gr- es combined. y. l' IN SUMMIT COUNTY. THE TIMES , ' Job Printing Department Nr IS CODyCFXjET E |