Show U InoLLEV TROLLEY HOADB IN ENGLAND nlllhh I oneomsa thin I 1111111 icy l the tYn J John Hull hat at lengths come to time realitatlon that them art niieh thlnirt II electric road In the world and that w ilbly they may be a 1001 Il1lnl An Amertran ayndlalll hoe aeriired tn franrhl for an electric road In tho cIty of Coventry which line about COW CO-W > iiopiilotlon and the work la I going ab ml 1 An eiperlmental road ot alx mile woe put down In the auburb of the riO of leoaha l antI the city father of raroua clllea and lawn hire been Junketed oter to Ueile and Intro d neil lo the m > ntcrlea of the American ttillc a > tem Tho Coventry nttthort Iin 1 I were Ihe flril lo jlclil to 111 static 110 4 Ihe method of bulldlnit Mreet toil VIMI In Kngland really leaacna the iov of Inanllatlon 10 the promoting i ipll illat The city ptita down and I no tue IrIks or plrmlotlt way The op rntlnR company leaaea there the-re k for ienlone far and at the expiration of the lean It may Iw I ve ni wed or the city may buy the plant jmt ralllut alack at an appralMil vnlu at Ion The Iorentry road haa eight mite of track which la I all tingle track but with lone aiding The eatlmaled coat of rolling ttock polo wire end power notion la I tJMOOO literythltiR It I to bo furnUheil from America 0111 to Ihe poles for the lrM I U woe orlRlnally nippoeml that llngllah iwlea b would do but oilmen put up they nero found unequal un-equal to tho mInim of aunportlng the wires anti the Decenary pole had lobe lo-be ordered from Philadelphia If the Innovation liken with thy Itnglltli public there will be n pot of money fur the American syndicate which will probably be called upon to put In similar road In nearly all Iho Kncllsh l elite The contvrvatlim of the Kngllsh I people on this subject iHeraa to be at pronounced today ni It was in the time whon lItton leorgn Iranel Train put down hit first tramway tram-way In Parliament street Iomlon and w then compelled lo take tip hIs roll by the outraged and Indignant public Tho continental cltle have taken moro kindly 10 tho electric railroad system nnd In fact the first trolley road In the worll was In the atrcet ot llerlln This road had a trolley riding l rid-ing ou a wire at tbe aide of clue ttrret with flexible wire connection 10 the car Tho upward prraaurn system with lImo familiar trolley polo of lodiy wot n later Invention 11 A firm of Ingllth H jt lioe recently tackled thjWffllTTO electric road problem and prCducod something In tho nature of n mall tunnel nnd inolot therein 1 with a projection which I l lrr 17II readies through the slot I and putliea the ttreet ear along |