Show nirllirKl il1pn illrt pr llnrlMCr All > r > t1miit H hwlBK tried I In tan 1it II I don Kloti will be watched with I peen lulcr t by municipal authorltlci in thin nnntry Hre the dlinoeltlon of city glrWft la oft nor thin not a axnirrv of inpIojtUy but In lingland l they seem lo hare made up their nilndi thou the toper thing lo do Kith refuse li tn make money out of It Many tonal ire itlrlrtng much of their lectrlc current cur-rent t supply from the twoeplugi or the iinota and the vestry or 8horedlipli n II rt0 tot hoaton I about to auo that loll titllliallon r in IM turmd 1 to more varied uses than hIv yet Ijoon cmulderttl The vento prompted by the knowledge that the furnarea In which the refuse li I destroyed may beery be-ery advantageously employed for tho generation of team or other purposes has bought a plorp of Und upon which 1 I la going to erect a dust Instructor on I the newest principle 1 will make the iloiimdor dn treble dutyIt w u u < 1 slray utelPM refuse generate steam for 1 Muhllog the parlih clactrlcnily nnd i supply electric tower tn those who aced II and at tha Imo llmo It will afford a upply of hot water for rmbllo bathi end wntli hOI f Tho smoUcstnok will IM 190 fret hlili Around the foot of I will b the electric light and power station tho bathe and wash house An abasing haw little objection on limo corn of noise and dirt can Ira shed to he Initallatlon of such n plant I this In lh heart of a crowded city It In worth while la mention that n large and aaidrotno public library la t h 1 < crettcd lon l-on a corner of the same plot of ground Xow York Time |