Show OAL I II i I UTAH'S BEST COAL Urge Large lump Domestic lump Stove lump Nut Nt lump OGDEN CASH COAL CO Phone In 5 short months it has won wide nation APPROVAL CLINCH INCE Gulbransen air an- aireS eS this amazing ama ing irIg Small Grand Piano an outstanding value at It has met with immediate approval The growth of its popularity has been noth noth- nothing nothing I ing short of sensational I The Gulbransen Small Grand has genuine golden I grand tones in a compact i graceful cabinet only 4 feet 6 inches long responsive action Exquisite Exquisite Exquisite I site finish in walnut or mahogany Du Pont Duco I GLEN I ROBERTS PIANO PIANO CO IN MEMORIAM I Peace Peaceful CuI be thy rest dear Mother In life lite we loved you jou ou dearly dear I In Iii death deaths we do the same Moro More and more each day we miss I you O friends may ay think our wound Is Is' Is healed I But Dut they know v not the tho sorrow I within our hearts concealed i In loving 10 remembrance of Mrs Eliza Elira Jane Raw Rawson R son who passed i away five years ago aso today on No N November o vember ember 29 1922 FAMILY FA I NOTICE Quality Tailor has moved to 28 All uncalled clothes over 30 50 das are for sale for tor labor cost BY DY MANAGER W Wrestling Match Wednesday Nov 30 P. P M. M Twenty-third Twenty St AUDITORIUM Pete Visser Intermountain Champion vs Milo Champion of ot Germany Also Also A Splendid Card of Boxing Preliminaries Tickets on Sale at and Hemenway Moser Cigar Stores and Corner Cigar Store Promoted by Corporal Fred J Grant Post No 1481 Veterans Veteran ot of Foreign Wars and Hospital Co No Utah Nat Guards w Q THE GIFT SHOP Paine Hurst Store No 3 next to Kerns Kern's became I popular overnight Thou Thou- Thousands Thousands Thousands sands of people voice their appreciation of o the GIFT SHOP NOTHING BUT GIFTS LADIES' LADIES FELT SLIPPERS Big Dig range of colors a style ribbon laced with porn pom pompom a porn pom trimming All Alla a sizes Very special 59 a the pair C CAll All stores atoru BOYS BOYS' FELT SUPPERS a With boy scout Bout trimmings Soft leather soles All Ill sizes sires a in brown and anda a a gray graj pair r The Thea 6 9 C CAll All stores MEN'S MENS FELT SLIPPERS a In brown and oxford combi combI- combination combia a nation check trimming All sizes Very rf r S special the 75 K pair r C CAll All stores BOAG BOAC RIBBON NOVELTIES Including garter sets hand hand- handkerchief handS S kerchief ca castes es es slipper trees flowers beauty pin sets etc Beautifully made Prices range up upa 25 a front from fr S C CAll All stores BOX PERFUME 5 Of Ot a good Quality Clever Cleser Cle er 5 packing Y 5 ull uil be surprised a at the two prices we are fea tea featuring turing at a All Stores BEAUTIFUL LINENS S Importations of ot beautiful hand made handmade made linens from almost I every ever country In the world Ve We challenge competition on onI I these lines We Vc Invite In you to inspect them Attractively Priced ed HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION J. J 2 THE i DOLLAR iLAR COAT AT s 's SALE i GOES OVER BIG Notwithstanding the heavy storm orm yesterday many customers availed themselves of this unusual opportunity There are still about seventy five coats left Buy one at t regular price and a second sec see ond one of ot equal value for one dollar The sale will continue for forone or orone one week If It there are any coats coat left Beautiful B eau u I Coats C oa t s You regular pay t. t price for forone Many or of our sport models are ad one coat vance sprIng styles and of oC the very and finest materIals and workmanship get a aBuy aBuy Buy one at regular price and an an- second other of a like value alue for forONE one of like value for forONE forONE ONE DOLLAR DOLLAR Dg ONE L R The Popularity of Our Art Department Is Is' No Accident Hundreds ot of the ladles of or Weber county counts have e told us that our our Art Section Is the most moat complete completo In the city This fact Is the result of ot long lon tedious efforts Torts In la studying your needs and then theis seeing to it that this department is well stock LUNCHEON SETS NOVELTIES Forty inch five Inch on ort a beautiful Largo Large assortment in itt pack pack- packages bleach cloth with wiLls six napkins ages stEel bound edges b tamped Clever designs for or and with floss to lo complete easy embroidery embroIder loo Specially prepared Complete 00 for tor gifts girts Prices 50 range up front from C LUNCHEON CLOTHS Kitty four Inch wIth six nai nal QUILTED PILLOWS kins klos complete Clever designs Just received a handsome new to be embroidered lot in irs small and anti eighteen Inch on oil a beautiful 1 Very er ery reasonably bleach cloth clotts 49 priced 39 Up from fron C CLargo BOUDOIR PILLOWS Largo Large assortment In very PILLOW V TOPS s clever designs and styles With Wilh back floral design n New These pillows are oval shape un on a fine very popular 49 quality crash 1 39 Up from Crom Special complete v C PIECE GOODS PLENTY A f A AT VET m coat velvet elvet One width will wm make snake the OAT COAT C VELVET I coat coot or Jacket An n extra nice nl e goal t y r rIt It Black Dlack only 75 value 7 65 DRESS RESS D VELVETS VELVET S A good la assortment o of rw colors rs Including l lU black b a 33 39 to 40 inches e wide t o 4 50 values 3 95 inches Staple wide colors Special in costume velvets 36 3 2 25 and an d 1 98 We have Just received a new shipment of ot ART A RT TAFFETA spin Bows a beautiful two toned effects e The Tho proper thing for cushions and lamp shades Special 98 c We Ve c aro are now DOB a lot ot of nice linens napkins LINENS L table cloths and sets lIets in Ia plain and also with colored borders Ask to o see sec them E the Dont Don't n Big Miss PAINE HURST GIFT THE l E Coat Sale ALWAYS RELIABLE STORE T a o a o a a e |