Show REMUS SCANDAL TOLD IN COURT Bootlegger Driven Dri Crazy Claim By Wife's I Actions CINCINNATI CIN Ohio Nov ov 29 By The Associated Press The Press The first of the scandalous tales George Remus pleads drove him Insane was related from the witness stand in his trial for here today It came in by virtue of or a ruling of or Judge Chester R. R Shook that ev ev- evidence evIdence of a diseased mind In Re TIe- Remus moo mus having been established by bythe bytho bythe the tho testimony of lay witnesses tho the causes for tor Insanity might bo be re re- recited re- re recited cited For Por the first time lime the tho names of Franklin Frankiin L. L L Dodge Do ge Jr former forme department of or Justice agent and the woman Remus shot to death his estranged second wife Imo Imo- Imogene Imogene gene were mentioned together from the the- witness stand Three times they were seen to together to- to together together gether at the Hemus home In the absence of Remus Hemus run ran the story and upon two of the occasions Dodge hodge tried to lo hide his identity Twice Dodge was driving expensive automobiles owned by the man he had caused to be sent to the peni peni- penitentiary penitentiary for violation of the pro pro- prohibition prohIbition prohibition law said the tho testimony |