Show DAMAGE CLAIM PLACED ASIDE New City Administration A mir Must lust Handle Handlo A Valley Water Yater Case City CIt commissioners Monday aft aft- afternoon after aCter considering a claim calm calmor of or filed against the city by Simeon Jensen of Ogden valley passed the buck to the new ad ad- ministration They The accepted the recommendation of ot City Attorney A A. A W. W Agee to take no action this tills year ear filed his claim several months ago asserting that water which had lead flowed on his property near the Artesian park had lead been drained by the city leaving him without eren even water Waler for Cor culinary purposes It is apparent that this claim should not bo be allowed in full Cull Judge Agee set forth Corth even if tr It be conceded that the claimant is en en- entitled entitled titled tilled to some somo compensation In n view of ot the tho fact that thal my term torm of ot office will expire on December 31 as will also the term of ot the mayor major ml and one of oC the city commissioners and hence the lhee matter ot of financial adjustment of oC this claim by litigation a. a tion llon or otherwise will devolve on the new board I think no action should be bo taken by I y the present board and that the question of or whether or not Dot the city is s liable be bo left ert to the opinion of oC my sor Bor Il II recommendation commendation is made that thal consideration of or the claim be post postponed postponed until after aCter January l' l 1 I. |