Show Depart Tuesday For Game j Farmers Prepared For Stubborn Tilt Leave Ogden Tuesday Afternoon On Trip West Eighteen EI and possibly twenty members of ot tho the Utah Agricultural football team will make the trip to Hawaii wall for Cor tho gamo game with University of ot HA JI wall at Honolulu 1 December 17 Tho Farmer are now hard at work ork a at j Logan in prep prep- preparation 7 ration for the tho 1 grid feature a at Honolulu They The y resumed practice Monday Monda i Coach E. E L L. wt Romney Homney will at al attend at tend tho the enter once ence pow wow OW a at al Denver Friday F rid a y yand s1 an and i Saturday but light Ilg 11 g h t workouts will be bo staged under tho the direction of Captain Howard Linford and George Georgo Nelson trainer With 31 men on tho the roster Coach Homney will wll taco face a serious task In making his final selections Captain Linford who was under the tho care of oC a physician following game with Utah is back in togs and will mako make the tho jaunt Tho The entire A glo party part include ing ins members of ot the faculty and Lo- Lo will Vim consist of oC about 36 people Under present plans the Farmers will wm engage in a short workout here next Tuesday morning prior to boarding tho the rattler for San Fran Fran- Francis cisco cis o A final warm-up warm situ 1111 b be b. staged ed at Berkeley before the Jaunt over o the Pacific Is started Tho The Aggles will depart over the Southern Pacific at p p. p m. m Tuesday Harold Bish Kay Ka former Cormer star athlete at al Utah Itah university and Og den High a former teammate of oC Lowell Romney Is 18 In charge char e of oC the entertainment plans for the Aggles during their visit at Honolulu The Tho Farmers of oC up state will make malo the trip determined to give I he hea a good account of oC themselves Last year ear Utah won over Hawaii 17 to 7 In n a a. stubborn battle bailie |