Show Today T 1155 1 NOT OT YET YEl YET I nU W nH MIC six SAIl SAID SOLON TO us Dy Dr Ni Copyright 1927 1517 by tho the Star Co Two doctors of New Yorks York's ly- ly in inc hospital are lire said to have de do- developed a a. method of ot bringing chil children dren dr n into tho the world orld without pain anti and lIn 1 without tho the danger that at nt attends tend tends use uso of ot ether or tho the called co-called twilight sleep The T e new method Is called the th analgesia method eliminates pain with t S eliminating consciousness If It Doctors Ass Asa Davis DAVI and William 1 Gwathney accomplished this re result re rc- suIt sult their names should live lI for ever Professor ProCessor Fisher of Yale Talc says UI thit th t 80 SO per cent of Americans earn urn barely a 1 living It H depends on what you ou call tall a 11 living The average In Income In- In Income Income come of those in gainful professions professions is ts 2000 a 0 year Once you ou could have o bought two strong trong slaves for that money and nd worked them all 1111 their lives without wages wares Two thousand dollars a year for fot forthe forthe the gainful gain Cui emi em I cd ed however ol only means OO a 11 year average for forthe forthe forthe the total population Tho country's total Income 1 I- I million dol clot dollars lau lars not enough by far but ns us the comedian said better than being b hit on the head with a 8 sharp Ihu stone A Chicago lady lad la married to six Ix husbands husband is in jail That would have seemed harsh when polyandry was wan W lJ the fashion in many parts of ot the tile world Head big bit history of ot marriage for full details and learn Irn I rn how nicely the tho numerous husbands got along one or more out hunting while one or more stayed at home The husband group were often brothers The oldest married the lady first the younger brothers marrying her Iser r- r they tImes grew up Ul Th The oldest kept tho th superior rights Perhaps he didn't have to go 1 0 hunt hunt- huntIng tog InS Time The trouble with will our domestic felicity elicits however is Js not polyandry but polygamy ane mans man double standard According to W estr eliter st r- r marck see aeo chapter 49 45 n. n of his Or Origin OrIgin OrIgin and Development De of ot moral Ideas as page 58 38 volume J L tho the thone ne nc- 1 of Angola are arc suit frank IranI about It They asserted that they th were not able always nl to ea the same Mme dish 1 Therefore Ther fore they were We Vc rich in material things possessing moro automobiles than all 1111 other put together and according to ft n federal survey radio st more than nil 1111 the he rest of tho the world combined Too hall bad we cant can't say eoy tho the same about flying filing machines When Croesus showed all his hilS gold Sold goldo to o Solon Solon Its Its It's worth repeating repeating- that hat wise ge gc eman said If J any any- anybody anybody body cr c comes having better iron than han you he lie will bo be master of or o all this his gold 01 1 Croesus remembered that hat ter when w Crus Cryus shot hot Mm him and tied him on top of oC a bonfire If It an anybody body comes having better boUer lying flying machines than thane we e have hare lie ho will bo ho master of oC all our radio stations and automobile plants plant Men olen committing suIcIde Interest us for Cor soc v all Know wo we must die dlo and nd wonder why hy anybody should bo In a hurry In romantic for for- forway away way Vienna ienna a Il 1 lOt mt young the the- l manager in his early carl Iwen- Iwen twenties ties tics Ics handsome but discouraged rat at before be le a a. mirror minor took poIson and nd watched himself die In prorate pro lc Newark N. N J. J J a man waited until dawn to kill himself wrIting t his hia brother brothel I 1 am afraid of 0 C tle the darkness and tho the mice lie He Ic also wrote Booze is the tho cause cau e of f everything e Bootleggers Bootleggers' cut cus- tomor take lAke warning w That man afraid of darkness and nd the o ml ml may meet deeper darkness and worse mice where ho hohas has bOIl as gone one Evolution a new magazine has on the tIme front page pago a big gor cor- lila ills labeled Mans Blood Cousin Cousino The ho magazine will combat bigot bigot- bigotry ry y and superstition and anol develop clop the ho open mind by popularizing natural f Ne Ne tho the gorilla al althou thou hour ha blood Is liko iko that of ot hu an beings is 18 er- er te c I Is' Is not mans man's cousin mentally If H f lie ho were wert he lie would woul l eat cot other oth r animals rs ss man does docs and antI lull Isis Ills own wn Kind for fOI glory elory as man mart dotS docs Europe expects I t between Russia end Poland In ng Poland of ot stirring up trouble In Irs Inthe the he Ukraine Germany watches In such uch a a. row she ht get set back Lack territory that tto tro P r kindly handed to Poland at Versailles Two big steel teel companies the thi and tUo tho Trumbull on a a. merger Once Oneo good cooJ 1 radicals would have hye shuddered Now ow they murmur Poor little baby trust we wo hope you survive 1 I leaders arc in in- inv Inv inV v V to org no a a. wet n ican campaign fur for 1028 That probably wont won't amount to more memo moren tI n r 1 s use tho old 01 1 party amount to before prohibition Many Republicans and Democrats too oo ro 0 wet but Lut they wont won't say eay Jill much ut It at ot election time t 4 |