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Show ONE WOMAN'S ENDURANCE. Southern Woman Suffers Torturs Without Complaint. Harked find torn with terrific pains, nlghtlr annoyed by kidney Irregularl- ttlos, Mr. A. S. Payne, of 801 Tfllrd arc, So , Columbui, Mlas , suffered for jcars. She says: 'The (Mini In my back, sides and loins were so terrlblo that 1 often smothered a scream livery move meant agony My rest was broken by n troublesome weakness and the secretions se-cretions seemed to burn llko acid, 1 was In an awful condition nnd doctors did not seem to help mo. Doan's Kidney Kid-ney Tills benefitted me from tho first nnd soon made mo a strong and healthy woman." For sale by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foitor-Mllburn Co , Iluftalo, N. Y. COFFEE Poor coffee lias to bo sold in bulk, it isn't worth packing. Your sroctr rtturni your money It you don't lilt SchlUmg'a Did , wt pay him dTK. si VHaa I.m. ski Smni IKwava iwr-nantirHa? iwr-nantirHa? If Kllaauraal Nrr flaMofi-r p.l lr PflSSJ (. m inal Mil aM IMIIw. Ilr. It's eaay for a deaf mulo to lovo a girl more than tongue can tell. tin. Wlmlow-a N.M.lhlm Syrup. Far rbllarro !UIm aufMM IIm sunt. rMarti to. IUmmuwi,ftUipla,curtu-lUu- Sacilwiua. Moro people nro fooled by the truth than by Ilea How's Tlil? IV 9r Out Ilaiv4f4 ItolUti lUwtil (or aer CU ni,1""' "" ,,, M '' t "" .. . F J.fllKXnTCO,Tol4i,l., W, tha B4ritf1qtbt ktnWB F J. Ulflnvr totaalau lliaart. aaa tollait bin r-ttftctlr Son ortat la all bailnaia iraniaatMia aaj Baattdallr bla M canj el u tllaii,i mija hr bu ami WLi.ip.KiAUiai. ,,,..,.. .. ,. Wbolwala litut.i.,Toltl O Itain Cllarth Cuia I. Ukm lauruallf, arllae dlratllr im tba bMuu aae maaost aartartiot tha bujlla, .SI4 W all llrua iUU. Tat Uall null l-iua Im eouUl-atloo. Try Murine Cys Remedy for lle.1. Wesk WW. Watery Eri-a Murine Ikwatit hnuri Hoi1im Eye Pun Ml tliimti.la Ml Murine at Mr I. Till- It Pane H'k In eaili Pkg . worth Ili.lUi in rtrr hAme Itra.1 It We will Mull nil our Etc It. nka Kreo Write ua to-day Ak Your Dnisfitftt Murine l.je Itemttly I'o . Chicago, Bix'u"Jenna B acts ftently yot prompt- W$i Wontliobou els, cleanses W$ mo system effectually sP1 assist one in ovorcommg mi& habitual constipation, fflffij permanently. To got its SH&j ueneficial effects buy Wan tnc (genuine. mSH CALIFORNIA Fig -Syrup Co. mi SOLDtJi'ltAOIHODWJCWStS-SOtf.lVimt bBI SICK HEADACHE 9 A a a-aPl,0,,lvlycnrnlbl laBaH CARTERS TTT"L H a Thar atao rallare XMa saalB R)tTTir lraalrtml;aral,li BtBH E iwrTn liB"tlnii4Tinnf afafafa(aaJ F' IVtK KallDf Apar(al,aa VM K niiio aJf fur Dllilnaaa, Na- IH Ui rlLLOa Drowaltiraa, lla IH it Pea TaatalnlbHoutb,OD jH Hbk lrVlfl t Tunaii. fftta In tbe BBBBfBBBBJ ""J" luu., .nn.r. ....n BBBaaasaS Tbaj rriruJau lb Ilowala. Turely Ttsatabta, B SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PfllCE. 1 I In i dtcdc-I Gonulno Mutt Bear lH Sl REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, 1 A" DAISY FLY KILLER H if"'ji'i;,i',,Ljil.'Ti '" m- bbH BEEKEEPERS fiSj I I on ir frrlilit m m tin. ..In only. lauii. BBlfl a.M.pLUMU,Mtr., l,I.N..t,tl!lcol.,N.6. H ' W. N. UM Salt Lake City, No. 25, 1108. jH WT 8(Jl'ilS 1' M Bl Th0 lclMd You 1IftV0 Alwnya Bought, mil wlilclt 1ms liocn rint, Wzy" y1 ln uo fop vcr OO year, lioa liorno tho algnntnro of M jt'oerf' iT'-'fcJ J? - "'", ,"1B l"-"ninilniiiiili.i. Iil pnr- H l-i oiioLsptiictNT jt&S-Z-f-., Bonnl mipon-Iilon Hlnco Its Jnfhiicy. B !-j3fi Ate alklVrnjrsilonErAj "-V, J-OXcAltt Allowiioonotoclocclvojoulathln. M i.c-;9 S'MjJlSllicnxXlandlWtll All Counterfeits, lniltnt!mflnml"TiixUiM-rool"nro but M fiag iMSUieSloraadanalllawbtf Experiments tlmt trlflo ivltli iiiiilciuliiiiKertlio liealtli of M f?' ILnLT-r'jtlllliej lufunta tuiil CUlltlrou Kiiicrlcnco iigalnst UxporliuonU jH Hil?r rromolcTiystoEknTi What Is CASTOR! A H ,aic , nessamltoironuimrflcn H i'qj, Oriuni-Morphlncnir liberal Caslorla la n. linrmlcas eubatltiito l'or Ciutor Oil, Faro H ljipi ftOTNARCOTIC. I gorlo, Drops nntl fiootliluc; tjjniiu. It la l'Jcnsnnt. It H W' ... contains noltlior Ojiluni, JtTorphlno nor other Nnrcotla M 'eW! V"fiilBcSttaiuaa nubstanco. Its nso Is ItB riinrnutoo. It ilcatrojn 'Worms H - JiSmJ' . nnd nllnys 7oTcrlshncu. It cures Dlnrrhrcn and Wind M y'-" jkuhia- I Colic. It rcllovos Tcotlilnp; Troubles, cures Constipation H iSFft Z0! nnd hitulciic. It ruslmllatcs tho l'ooil, rc(.ulito.i tho H ISn jtaSii f Btoninch nnd Ilowclifi glvlni; licnltliy nnd untiual sloop. H 'tfj' lr- I Tbo c,,lldrcn,a l'wiacca Tho Mother's l'rlcud. M M AperfeTilSaTcMe GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS I '-tai YorrajjCom-uUlciuJ'ntnia yj Soars tho Sifmaturo Ol JM if$ ngsaflndLossorSmr. jfT& ..innanw 1 1 iium i " M adEHH The M You Have Always Bought I .y;f a.iiriWMrwssgy n yBQ por 0ver 30 Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. t. ..., ?r.u..V.t.iiT, .... arm. H rfse ALLEYS F00MASEJ 1 U rQ lxwdor ' 'l0 "I'in into llio bIioch. Tour cot ho Bwollon, H Wi H fiPW norvouB, hot and g-t tired oanily. If you lirwo aclilnp, nuiartnig j jD fl feet, try Allen's FoolKaao. It reals tfio foot nnil makes now or n nSt W tight auoosoiuiy; nlwnys uso it toUrenlclu Is'owHboos. It euros B K I rtSiS Httollon, hot, nwcotin;; foci, blister, liiffrowlnff nails ami callous K iJH vJ ,11 1 A epolH. ItullovcH corns ami bunions of all pain and givos Kent B Hj j.?i .1 f) and Comfort. It cmoa vlillo jouivtilk. Wo hayo over tliirty jH XklJA thousand testimonials. Tiy it lo-dwj. Sold by all DruprHsts 1 HI -U$) oTorvwhoro 25 cents. Bon t accent any substifuto for Allon's H M I J8xl&&T Jl l'ool'l'aso. Triid jiackngo ntKlj. Auurcts), Allen 8. Olmstod, ffl nH QpfltStW Lotoy,N.T, Ktu-opoau Branch Ofilco, I'ctcrboroagh, England. H HB UJ'VSyJ?! lSi7'A'01VTrTs, Success bniii imitations. Scores of H W TJrNgSgl WVHllllWUr. worthlpss imitations aro sometimes fl WNA lv$aVi. oucrod for sale. Insist upon having Allon's Foot-Earn. Tho B 9B 1 ltl&iwMt Original ponder for tho feet. Twelve yoars boforo tho puhlio. H BB a lWik Annua w'68 OTOr w0 million packogos. Do not accept a WD ffl sJvys iipuriouB nubstltulos claimod to bo "just as good." Imitations H qB H Al!'iM-. fi " lBy U' dealer n larger profit olhcrwiso you would never bo U JUI H 7TiW '' - ollered a vubstituto for Allen's I'oot-EaEO. ABk for Allon's n Hj J V'xUi root-Uano, and iusint upon having it N B l aJ iWk Itomoinbcr, Allen ul-'oot-KnKo is Bold only in 25 cont packages R HJ H Nl4 boaruig yellow label with oar Undo mark and facslmllo Blguaturo B H fl ., .!Iln.'rp,n.c SLtv5Mfe&. I H Un Allan's Foot-Etii." M H Hol.l lir all DniRidila everrsiliera for 25 mU. Tor FlfRH Trial nnclaps, also Tree Ramplo of the 9 H l'OOT-CASK HANITAItY COUN-1'AI), a new Invention, mUrcsa Allen 8. OUwit.l, I.o Hoy, N. Y. j Hj |