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Show Fliel Nution Reckless of kit , Its Treasures WaSte of Wood and Coal Ivy DH. I. C It HIT!'. I Otolotflll, W.,1 lijmla. """"""I Ulil A I' geologist otice mini " I In- nations that have coa! and f 'fen iH rule tlw world" lloiinliftil nature has dowered tho . imrican profile with a heritage of both tool and iron richer dhflfc ln 'lr '',R" '"st of nri) other iolitical iIimoioii of the eartlu a? W Whit accounts can we, an a nation, give of our stownrd- UgV ship of such vast fuel treasures? Hate we cart fully wn-gsftuat wn-gsftuat crud them, using onlj what was nccesssrv, in our domestio Pfywfjiw nd industrial life, and transmitted tlie remainder like pru-KitiHH pru-KitiHH li nt husbandmen, unimpaired to succeeding generations? Or havp we greatly depleted this priceless heritage of power and comfort and source of world wide influence, bj criminal waste and wanton destruction? '1 he unswer should bring a blush of shame to every patriotic patriot-ic American, for not content with destrojing our magnificent fowls, tho only fuel and aupply of carbon known to our forefather, we arc with ruthleM hands and regiirdlcs of the future applying the tonh and d)ns mite to the vastly greater resource of this precious carbon which provident prov-ident Nature has stored for our use in the buried forests of the distant past. 'J he wildest unarchists determined to destroy und otrrturn tho foundations foun-dations of government could not net in a more irrational and thoughtless inannir than hate our peoplo in permitting such fearful destruction of i the ury sources of our power and greatness.- 'I lie prosjiect is not n pleasing one to contemplate. True, the natural wealth of our beloved Union is so gteat nnd varied j our richness of soil, of forest nnd stream nro so vast if preserved, and their boundless nihilities ni-hilities thoroughly utilized, that wo would probably hnvo tho ndtantago of nil other nations in tho struggle for existence evm after our fuel resources re-sources have been exhausted, but this is no reason why wo should not do everything possible to conserve them so that we may retain to a r.tmoto future fu-ture the great benefits which their possession assures. |