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Show Nelson Dies of Injuries Victim of Explosion at Portland Ccmtnt Plant Could Not Recover Re-cover From Shock. Simon V., Ni.Ihoii, the employe of tho Union Portland Content com pany who waa fatally Injured by a Kaauxpluidonatthe Portland Cement Plant nt Jlovil'a Slide Saturday afternoon while attompllnjr to repair thu machinery, paaaed away Hun-day Hun-day morning at 4 o'clock at tho OKdun Clvneral hospital. It ta ho-llovod ho-llovod that I.uke Wright of Ogdon, who waa nl.o badly Injured will recover re-cover aa lila Injuries wero atl nun-Inlnod nun-Inlnod oxtomnlly couaUtllig of it tinaty cut eight luchea long ncroaa hi forehead, and lovcrat brulaea. NoUoii'a death waa cmiaed by Ida Internal Injurlea. The itccldinit uuk valued by allotting allott-ing loo much gas to enter the compartment com-partment while the repalra were going go-ing on. Nulaon waa Miry clone to the generator while Wright waa Home dUtmice away. Tho two men were takuu to Ogden Immediately aftur tho accident, Wright being I tnien to lila homo nt W) Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth atreet whllo NoUou hum taken tak-en to thu lioiinltul.wlioro ho gradually gradual-ly aauk until the und cniiio. Ill younger brother, lllrgor, tn with him until the laat. NeUouwaaitjouiigmnn, huttwen-ty-threo yearn old, and had it brilliant bril-liant future before htuu He wit born III Sweden mid there graduat ed from the Fnlu School of inlncn of tile IJulvortlty of Snedeu, abort-ly abort-ly after coming to thla country where he waa for it ahort time a-aoclated a-aoclated with the Swcdlah Trlhillie of Chicago and later with thu Unl-vomlty Unl-vomlty Cement company In the capacity ca-pacity of choiiiUt.&From Chicago be oaiuo wcat In Colorado aeveral months ago In connection wltlt the cement hualuea of that atate aud laat boptoinhur accepted it pualtlou. with the Union PoUlaud Cement company of Ogden i a II olllclal uhouiUt of the big plant III Weher canyon. An elder brother ha been wired to and will arrive from Colorado Colo-rado In time for the tho funeral llealdoa till brother mid hi brother lllrgor, who I at till time InOgden, the doceaaud I aurrlvod by three Hlter In Swollen. |