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Show Love in a Cottage. Chorus Olrl Who Wedded Mllllonalra'a Son Perfectly Happy. llurllngton, Vt ' Uive In a cottage cot-tage la the real thing" said Mrs II II Hrlttow Draper aa ahe aat before tho door ot her bumble home crooning to her two month-old baby Sha wore a simple cotton gown and was Induttrl outly working on a dress for tho baby Her general appearance, denoted a altupto country wlfo and mother, nnd an outsider would glean no hint that formerly alio was Queenlo Sanfard, chorus girl at the Casino theater. New York, whose romantic marriage March IT, 1907, to the sou ot MeuLUov Kbeu S. Draper of Maesachusutta created cre-ated a stir. There was onnsternalloa lu the Dra ier household nt flrL Oen William F Draper, ax-ambassador to Spain, wbo, with bis wife had been high In the favor ot the royal family, was especially espe-cially Irritated Hut the chorus girl bride soon wa reported to have won or the lieutenant governor. After a trip wwi joung Draper brought hla wit here, rented n work man's cottage, and took a Job as spin net In a oaltou mill, working ten hour a day. HI fellow laborer are simple folk, many speaking little else but FrejicU-Onrmdlan dialect It la said bt waga ara but l.l( a day. Hut J" oung Diaper declare he will slick It out and work his way up MVo aro perfectly happy here," ald Mr Draper as she leaned over tho baby Tha Infant It cutting hla first tooth ' I havo no wish to return to tho etngo with alt of Ha gajety I have no dealro for a social career. My heart la centered lu my hmband nnd my aon " |