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Show WintWrlMt3Kroln9rrfmM ' to United States Ijimlmi At a speclul meelips here I'll Mnndav of Ihe sharehohler of the Ixmdon New York and I'srls Innk. Ilmlteil whbh Im n rnpltallsatlnn ol t.ooiMifio it waa decided to voluntarily volun-tarily liquidate the concern The assets as-sets will be sold to n new bank, to be called the Ixmdon and I'urla National Na-tional lank of Ban l-'raiirlsco. which Is to be Inrorporated under (he law lit the United Hlate with n capital uf tismi.onn Nearly 00 per cent of Iho capital of the hank now being wound up Is held In California, and Ihe desirability of Ihe reconstructing If the company under American laws has been urged by the larger stock bolder |