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Show I UTAH STATE NEWS jH r. Bait lake I to have a new tank, BB fmik" Merchants' bank, with a capital of Bl aWSO 0 BBj faTdB Experimenting with powder almost BBT fuWaused the death o( I.lle Newton, n aaB "" LaVB ,,OJr Aa " ' he '" kMMK BBj IJirllon of hie right hand H IV Fire at Hnllna destroyed ft barn and BH fE n set of harnea belonging to Albert B IMV I)"r"l' A email loy ami a bonfire V IJF were responsible for Ihe blaie H mf The merchant of Halt lake City BHj r ara making a determined fight for BHj j the rejieal of a ritr ordinance rebating BL to the Impoalllon of a Means tai on BHT all merchant flfl J K Wllllm. colored. In In a Rait BHl ,ak hoepltal with a bullet wound In BBJJ Iho neck the reeult of a woman friend BBJ jointing a revolver at film which the BB thought wa not loailed BBM The town of Kayavllle Iina purchased BH the electric light plant, formerly own BHhp cd by private partle. and will at BHpY onre eitcnil the llnei and Hitht tho BHpF business and residence district BHW In attempting to lumrd a rapidly BK moving street cur In Bait take City pH Jacob Lundberg, of Marlon, Hunimlt BHpJk county a retired farmer, waa thrown BHJhV violently to the strett and severely BHpHpjki BHVHJBmw The eldest daughter of (Invernor HVHHHpM Cutler elieil to Ogden one day laat BfepMpMpMpkr man her choice and BBpBBpJBBpBpBVi married The (mom la Thomas BJBBBBJBBpBpBVj'uil.r a young groceryman (be BHwRJSBJBBFipi'Ki cu HHSjBBBVctuilnPcra are preparing plana for EHBjmDBBBfb'' towir plant to be built In Weber HflBMHBVBf cannon l (he llarrlman ayalem Tho HSaaaHB9jaaal J!-nt will generate S,(nHHmro-povr nWHBaB 1thl '' wll be dletrlbuteil In Salt Lako BBBBHBB unien HBjBBA The ra uf Thorn Vance, charged BBBpJBBpE wirti n unltr In t)i flrat degree fur BjBBHBV l" ade'-d kllUnit of hit by BBBBBBBBBT I a'Jnit and irlng. In November BBbBBmBbJ of usl er. nf HAH lake Clly, haa HpHpBBP been continued until BHhHhHbW Arrang-menta have been BHhHbHVt completed fur an autnmoblle line In BHVHVB Ogdm canyon. The Intention l to BPP havni the line In operation not later BhF capitalised ft lU.fNKV PBV' Tho labor organltatlona of Ogden BH aro up In urina against the reci'iil BHI Movement atarted by the phyalclam BHl of the rtty to eliminate the Indepeii Hi dint telephone from their office and HJ hoinea. In favor uf the IMI niniiany PPJ Hlmon N'elaon. nn eaatcruer, and BH I'liku Wright ot Ogden. employm ot BPJ the l'ortlnnd Cement company, were BH aerloualy Inlured by the eaploelon of BH a gaa generator at the plant near! H lxlla allde, Weber county. Neleon J iian alnce illed &S Aa W A lleckalel altempled to H Dfc. board a train on the Koulhern l"aclllc, BHBBv near UkcMe, he loat hla rooting and WHMmI I(i beneath the wheela Ilia right PB22i f0f'( WM uurrlbly mangled, neceaal pPHBJ tallng amputation when he reached ftBBB th' Ogden general hoapllal PPJPJ. IM rrudence ot I'ark City, n laborer WT employed at the Judge building In Sail ' Jjiko Clly, win cruahed to death In t tho baaement of the alrurlurn under I the deacendlng elevator, hla head Iw. lug caught between the elevator and the floor and frlRhtfully cruahed rcrhapa Iho blgeat undertaking to-wanla to-wanla Iho development of arid land by Irrigation In the etnte of Utah la nuw being contemplated, with Ogden tho center of tho prnpoeed Irrigating eehenie It la tald that 3U.0OO ncrea of bench lands are to he reclaimed During tho bicycle race at Salt 1-ak.. city one night laat week, one ot the motor became unmanageable nnd a number (if people would hate been Injured, probably killed, had the machine not struck an elect rl a light jole and rebounded Into tho arena. Albert llohiu. a butcher, went on a rampage In Halt I-ako City one day laat week, becoming auddenly Inaana, and arier arming himself with meat me and cleaver terrorised the entire en-tire neighborhood until overpowered by otflcera and placed III a addeti cll a- William P. Callawa). for man ytara president of the llrm of Calla' way. Hook Fraud, one of the lead1 Ing crockery and glassware coueerna ot Halt Use City, waa found dead In hla room on Friday ot laat week, be hav- r Ing ukeu poison 111 health led to the deed W Tha audden death ot Urn ltr An- M) (lereou, ot Epbralm waa due to a bee CB Mlug. lie waa at hla farm, which la OS located about seven miles west of UK ou A bee stung him wounding the '4j dogttlar vein. Anderson at once be- 'Vr ??" yvnr ,U!,(' n1 W Hln a Jo ialf hour ju John Ooldborg and C Stoker, farm JJL ra, living west of the Jordan river, JD 'ear Bait Uae City, paid fio each JR laat week for the privilege of flahlng Wm UDy a tw minutes with a cheap hook and line, because they had not thought of going through the formality of tak- pi Ing out a license BB laaae W Kui Uhla oldest and onsl H of Its most respected eltliens died. PJJ on June 11. Had be lived until the? BR, HU of this mostb ha would iav BB been 0 year ,r age. Ha was hont Bj In llatheraage. nerbysfalro Rnglanc' and in icu came to Utah, moving to BB Lchl the year fvllowlue |