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Show Ml lla l-ollte. General Manager Underwood of the Baltimore and Ohio Itallroad has Is sued the following general notice to station agents and trainmen "Your especial attention Is directed to the treatment of patrons by employes of tie company Complaints have been made from varloua sources of dlscour tisy to freight and passenger patrons on the part of our agents, or their rtprraentatlves, at several of our stations, sta-tions, and also Inattention of conductors conduct-ors and brakemen to properly care for the comfort of passengers. There should be no cause for such complaints. com-plaints. It Is a part of our duty to see that our patrons are treated at all lime with politeness and courtesy, not only by yourself but by employes under un-der your charge One of the valuable assets of a railroad company la uniform uni-form politeness and courtesy from all of Its employes to Its patrons, and this capital must not be encroached upon. It la proper for you to understand under-stand that advancement does not depend de-pend wholly on )our efficiency, but In other directions also, and will be measured In n great degree by the treatment accorded to patrons." |