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Show Mr. Trlpl.r'e Mqald Air. from a Washington Letter! A Mr. Trlplcr has obtained a patent lot producing pro-ducing liquefied air by intM) coll I It la a grayish-looking fluid, and Mik' gallon represents SOU cubic feet of ordinary or-dinary air. so that Its eipantho power pow-er is tremendous There Is however, no danger In handing l:. and It ran b easily confined In Jars or cans of Iron or steel. A Mr. Stearne of Zurich bat obtained n patent for reducing carbonic add gas to liquid form, and he proposes pro-poses to sell It to the public in little steel capsules, small enough to be carried In the vest pocket. Uy this Invention every man ran have a soda fountain with htm where rr he goes, for by unscrewing the capsule and dropping Its contents Into a pitcher or bottle of water the liquid dissolves Into In-to gas again and charges the water like apolllnarls or soda In a fountain or a alpbon. A company Is being formed for the purpose of making capsule and charging them with the liquid gas. It Is proposed to put thtm up In tittle boxes, to be supplied to the public through druggist and grocers and furnish fur-nish them to hospitals, steamships, armies and navies In quantity. |