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Show THEYwANTTo Quin COAIiVILLH TIMES, f TAKING NO CHANGES. MINISTER TURK VTE men i:tiiyk kkxiis ELOODSHEtTAT WARDNER. striker W rrck the Bunker ItlU aud Sul1xtr ltahtc Wmr Afiiiut livan Mill With Dynamite. rihpitto HtiJl Continue. acuinaldo Ht knows when 2. ardner has tVariiner, The April 3u. following, Washington. May HAS ENOUGH. Washington. May 4. The followbeen the scene of the worst riots since UTAH. COALVILLE. been received the war at have advices ing cablegram bus been recenrd from 111. Church llamas" tlie deadly labor war of lyj? One man lls ! department from Manila, under date kU Jo. Manila. naraloi Hlni. Lrot Tu Term, of !'eee Frura t.euerat is dead, mini her is thought to be JO. Me Will Not ho. of Nerve declare. sad April n Major General Arguelezes ami LieuOtl1he Pud or the Filipino UTAH NEWS. While t ia the general expectation mortally wounded, and property valued lit Sight. tenant Jose liernal of the staff of Oen- - r ot SJ'itl oM ba-- , been destroyed by at Americans that the Kaptisl among Filipino ersl Luna returned here today to re- - j Atlanta Farmer art already catting their new and largest emissaries will return with revised! IV giant powder press the request of General t tabernacle The damage tvas done by union in the proposals from General Antonio Luna, asliiogton. April 30 The end of bay down in Dixie. Luna for a cessation of hostilities. church of .im, tbe I ilipiuu insorrectHm to So sight, in meu and sympathizers from 4 was Fb-- nt Otis .founnot is to Mt, t'Oflst new bare a thi laoyon ; letting They have fotlnd the held of labor a?i south, and recentll the of army and navy officials. l reek, about twenty miles from Ward-tie- r dry and machine shop. most uncongenial one The two offi- - entered Nunday mghl and considerably prospect interfere with his prepar- A opinion This morning a mob of from 8o telegram received from General Otis A train of twenty-fou- r car of beef cers were received in conference with damaged 'I fie i,Kr weie broken in, ations for pushing the war. Tester, announces that Aguinaldo has taken to 1,000 men all armed and many of Major-Generws ordered he day Lawton up wan o new marthe atrers paml l the eastern shipped Otis carpets tornj hat is regarded as the first step to- liiejn masked, seized a train at Burke, ket from Farmington iaat week. The proposals which they had to smeared over the cats ami a water to return to Angat, a few miles north. ward sui rendering, namely, requesting the head of t'anypu Creek. There of the West of and outside to not Nurzagarsy, advance the On In many iocalitiea of Salt Lake submit differed but slightly from those lank upset cessation of hostilities. were nine box ears and a passenger while the bearing aggressively tacked were. church Uw placards negotiation I which Filipino they brong-- from ccrtmtythe recent- cold irap M consaid re Secretary General and they were black with the last coach, h MacArkbur Alger to pending. lover, n-night that commander-iinscriptions as "Negro tbe first plm-- e siderable damage to the fruit er op. " They while it could not be said that peace mob The visitors brought with them senon other the and same apparently acting town liun him of out sumpolicy, Fannie are all the rage among Halt desired a little time in which to but he is repairing bridges and was assured, he regarded the prospects 3,000 roundsof giant powder Laker at preaent. and the demand lr mon congress, and express themselves timents of that nature as of tbe brightest and felt confident After a parley of two hours, 140 One week ago Dr Hroughton de- strengthening the line of his force, a being confident that congress will considerably greater than the supply. is which stretched out with a four mile that tbe end of the insurrection was masked men, armed with Winchesters, decree peace because tlieir ieople de nounced the burning of Nam Hose st The state fair project la booming, t Newman, and said the lynchers were front end within a quarter of a mile of nar To his mind, there would be a started w ith yells for the Hunker Hill and intercut in the coming erect sire it. Dr. the enemy. repetition of the negotiations which and Sullivan mills and other buildings much as Hose was ss is murderers They represent that tgumaldo were had before hautiago. The possibilities of peace are a third of a mile from the depot. They materially increases s the days gojby. w itliout i Hroughton received one or two pieces tlie surrender to gratifyarmy, power to a is the ing threatThe Richfield city council is considerEverybody sent volunteers, of horse of s great pickets ahead and one of these by praising the army, majority flesh, accompanied and that the congress must de ide that s marked change in the sentiment exwho have regarded Iheuaraaan. undenounced fired a shot as a signal that lie ing proposition for enuoicipaL light pickets ' letters. tlie .Sunday Filipino ening qoelhU Incident ally This was ing. using the water of Serirr canyon envoys asserted that tguinaldo hsd the senders of these letters as coward pleasant duty that must be performed pressed a few days ago, when it was the mill waa abandoned. understood to of the men same that were afraid main misunderstood for power. tlie not American was according declared by he Maand body of that traditions. Ins of not yet made a fair test strength nila is cheerful over the It is now confidently expected that against the American forces, because all the devila in hell. of a pleading to lie brought home I olooel the tnob. who imagined that the nonprospect I unstou came in for tlie most commenDr. Hroughton said last night that return to normal life, union miners in tlie nulls had fired on the I tab volunteer will be boms in only of the aimy had been though there are skeptics who remark that a truce dation, even the regular officers taking them, and they began firing on their be would not ask for police protectior time to take part in the Fourth of Jnly assembled together. note with admiration of the fact that ow n pickets. would enable the celebration. The envoy presented a letter from nor would he order the janitor to stop insurgents to rest his achievements until the were all strictly About 1,000 shots were thus exinea' In the church as a season, minister and rainy upon which precautionary About thirty-fir- e of Salt Lake City's Seuor Mablni, president have been depending as aa im- within the lines of the plans laid down changed between the rioters and their additionthey found sure. Tbe have of cabinet the 7 of in affairs police foreign leading business bouses bar decided for him by bis superior officer, General pickets, and Jack Smith, one of the to close tbeir place of business at 6 p. Aguinaldo, and who is the backbone al placards posted in prominent place portant aid. Wheaton. these on streets. The pickets, formerly of British Columbia bearing of the m. in the future. adjoining Filipino organization. INDIANS ON WARPATH. General Corbin is quoted as saylug and a noted figure in drill contests, of unoffieentiments: do you think What and is lion com tnuniea personal The wool output of this state will ba was shot dead. Tlie fatal error was arHroughton? I think he ought to be Baad of Chllkata Drivs Whits Mss From that every volunteer who participated heavier this year than for many years cial and seconds Major trguelezes - Who will in the fighting in the Philippines since discovered after a few seconds' Alaska Trait. crowd a in whipped;firing, join past, but tbe prices paid for the clip guments. lover?- '- - Seattle, Wash., May 3. Ad vices from peace was declared should have a and Smith's body was brought down, to thece?ro Hroughton, j whip be' win lower than last season. TROOPS AT WARDNER. Sksgway, Alaska, under date of April medal of honor. By the terms of their from the hillside. IN HANDS OF ENEMY. Charles Mace has sued the owners of y that theChilk&t Indians are on enlistments, they were entitled to By this time the strikers had taken the Humbug mine for 50,uoO for in- Strlfclu Slmn Mali Threats Afslii.t Sol. w ithdraw from the the but service, they possession of tlie Hunker Hill and Sulwarpath. Twenty bucku. armed Filipino Htv Tiro Oflliin nod RlevN liters, Hut There Has Krni su Collision. with rifles, gathered from their several had remained voluntarily, performing juries received In the mine on DecemMm Front Amerima Army. livan milt, which they found deserted, ber 22, 1898, while In the employ of the manager having directed his M&cAn villages along the Chilkat river, and more thao w as required of them, w hich Manila. Wardner, Idaho, May 4 Tlie first May .1. General the defendants. was more than the ordinary duty of a detachment of regulars have arrived thur hat aent officers to General Anto- marched to Rocky Point, not to risk their lives by bateight miles soldier. with the mob. 1owderwas called Sunday base ball playing will be from NfMikaue, and were met rat the nio Luna, the Filipino commander, from Heine's mission, where tling eight boxes were prohibited in Salt Lake city this sea- depot by a crowd of business meu and under a flag of truce, carrying money white meu were blasting rock for a It is expected that there will soon be for, and sixty son, but the boys will play ball just citizens, who gate them a eordial and provisions for American prisoner trail to Klukwan, a distance of twenty-f- further negotiations witli the insurgent carried from the depot to the mill. e tbe ssme, having leased grounds The heaviest charge was placed among hile the hope is exgreeting. It is hoped too regulars will in his hands, and asking an exchange ive miles, and drove the whites representatives. tbe city limits. the machinery of the mill. Another be here by tomorrow night. of prisoners and tbe names of such si away, our not commission will pressed that Word was was placed under the brick hole The Thistle tiua clubs first shoot of so out charge severe terms as a to lead to Shortly after the arrival of compuny he may have. sent to the immediately ofliee building. Other charges were the seasoo allows an average of 70 per M, Twenty-fourtIt is reported that the insurgent! United States marshal and commis- renewal of the fighting or the withinfantry. Captain cent and ran up to wo per cent. Tbs Batchelor, commanding, a report waa have two officers and sixteen other, sioner at Skagway and to Captain Yea-ta- drawal of the insurgents to another placed around the mill. Then the boarding-house- , a frame in coromaudof the members of tbe club think they could spread among the inhabitants of the and it U supposed that among the! troop at Taiia. stronghold, further north, it is realized Canfrom was fired. Fuses leading to miners the union a Sixteen that structure, at and are thai General place Otis reus; exercise care to Lieutenant J. C, Gilmore soldiersbnder command of a get higher average shooting yon creek has started down to Ward-ne- r elevemnen of the crew of the United sergeant, were sj once sent to Uayne'e make sure that they do not, in had the charges were lighted, and the strikfor the purpose of wiping out the 8tte gunboat Yorktown, who fell mission. It is understood that ers, carrying the dead body of the e The Provo woolen tnille will parties faith, take advantage of the oppor50,000 pounds of wool this sea- company of regular troopa before reininto the hands of the Filipino last who are opposed to the construction of tunity afforded by a suspension of hos- picket, retired to a safe distance. At 2:36 p. in. the first blast went off. son, of which 400,000 pouuds has -. forcements could arrive. Sixty non- month when the gunboat visited Baltf the new trail have incited the Indians tilities to secure whatever benefit to on the east coast of Luzon. shook the ground for miles, and armed It with rifles Immedmen union been outlook The to themselves make trouble. The Dominion Teleready purchased. may coine from the rapidly in Wardner, two miles away, for th season at the mill Is regarded iately rushed down the road from buildings season. is graph company CASUALTIES OF WAR. making rapid prog-re- s approaching rainy as very satisfactory. trembled. At intervalsof aboutthlrty Wardner to the railroad station ona with Its line from Lake Bennett to CONGRATULATES OTIS. Lost la Spanish War Css. Dawson. seconds four other charges went off, The line has bee a located Albert Jvnsett.16 years .of age. met and a half miles, for. the purpose of Viabwaf Lives wtth Ctrl! War. pars fifteen miles down Lake Bennett and President McKinley Thanks Buldlera in the the fifth being the largest, and comwith, ait accident at tbs 1rovo woolen stopping the unlon'inen. ... -A memqrne poltfS bave lhUI!lnee. . mill lust-wee- k Thf r report proved unfounded ,aud . Washington,.. May. been distributed almost to pletely demolished the mill. that may result' tf'tha dum baa been prepared sV'tiie'ivsr de The loss to the Hunker Hill A. SulliPhiladelphia, April 30 Immediately White Horse rapida loss of hi left leg. His leg waa caught was probably occasioned' by the susupon receiving from Washington the van company ia estimated from 250,-0ia an ascending elevator and crushed pension of telegraphic communication partment comparing the loase In the Spanish war with the first yea t in the. MONTANA LEADS THE WORLD. between Wardner and Wallace. to 300,000. aa far aa tbe knee. dispatch from General Otis, President men have been dispatched civil war. Sixty-fiv- e In a few minutes the strikers went Its Total Production of Mineral Woaltb McKinley sent the follow ing message From all over the state comes the The aggregate strength o( troops of congratulation and thanks to the back to the station, the whistle waa from Helena for this place, 130 are Larger Than Any Other State. gladsome pews that new settlers are 130 employed daring the war witk Spain while from blown for stragglers, the mob soon Fort Russell, coming 2. Butte, Mont., May The anmal aoldicrs in the Philippines: coming In, new buildings are being was approximately 275,000, covering Philadelphia. April 28 Otis. Manila: climbed aboard, and at 3 o'clock, juat report of Eugene B. Braden of the creeled and hundreds of acre of for- picked soldiers from Fort lkmglas, Your veterans of Ran Juan, are on their way, the period from May, 180fi, until April, United States assay office, three hours after its arrival, the train announcing the achievemerly barred land la being placed just pub- ments message 1809, inclusive. this of tbe the citizens hiring feel MacArthur's to and are the division and the beginning lished pulled out for Canyon Creek. shows the Montana mineral this season, deaths from all causes were 6190, or tlie insurgents of suspendproposal easy. by During the fusilade from the guna of 1898 for as follows: product 3 '4 Mas Madison, tbe member of battery per cent Conis hostilities most the ing mob, JimCbayne, a Hunker Hill & The mean Gold, 353,867 fine ounces; value, gratifying. strength of the first year B, Utah volunteers, who waa killed In HELPING THE REBELS. of the civil war was 37(1,371, with an vey to officers and men heartfelt conSullivan millmaa, was severely shot tba battle at Calumpit, enlisted from aggregate lose by deaths of 19,131, beSilver, 14,818,661 fine ounces; value, gratulations and gratitude for their through the hips. It is reported that Salt Lake City with Wedgewood's Heading Sedi- ing a percentage of 6.8. he was carried off by the strikers, and signal gallantry ami triumph 119,159,482,17. recruits. He we born in Denmark, tious l.lt.rstur to Manila. his wound is probably fatal. J. J. Mi Kim ky. Wii.ium CAPTURED BY FILIPINOS. fine Copper, 16,979,354; pounds, and waa about twenty-fiv- e year ot Washington, May 4. The postmasRogers, a stenographer in the employ value, $26, 103,016. 29. WHAT DIEDRICHS SAID. age, Kockfsllow of tba Captain Farcer Americas the has directed ter general of the company, was shot through the postmaster fine Lead, pounds, 21,403,592; value, Falls tot tha Haads of she Kamay, Professor IT. T. Moor of tbe United at Nan Francisco to take out of the Th 3 lew Taken by German Ofllesr of the lip, but his wound is trivial. 1809,055.79. Washington, May 3. The following States fish commission ba decided, mails far Manila three pamphlets leLittle Affair at Kamo. n The men had warning of Total value of mineral production. after making experiments, that it I aned by Edward Atkinson of Boaton, has been received from Maoila: ltcrlin. April 30. A dispatch from the coming of the mob, and escaped to 151,319,069.16. Hockfellow, Ninth infantry, alasimpossible to produce oystere in ot vice president of the The state leads the world in its total Kiel to tlie Vossische Zietung says that the bills. aboat tbe Great Salt Lake. Its water league. This order does not apply to ing since April 28, ultimo. He wmod mineral SHOT BY BANDITS. output, but is the third state naval officers there are smiling at the contain to great a percentage of salty the circulation of the pamphlets by the line commanding a battalion near In the of gold, Colorado and statements made by Captain Joseph B. production visited Caloocan; 9:30 at matter. outposts p. xl, mail la this country, but bars their Calilornia leading in that product. Coghlan in the course of his speech at Fol Ice Captain Brown Killed In counter With Robber. Within a very short time the'Utah A dispatch from this country to the and has not been seen since. Diligent Silver in Montana is the I'nion League cluh banquet in New entirely a Pacific will be ready for operation Jttllippines, discontent and even mu- search waa made that night, twemU,, Utah, May L A desperate York Ogden, Those officer week. last claim -to the front, but nothing was discover. voo Diedricks' answer to battle was fought by the officers and Admiral that through to Us terminus at tha JSevada tiny among the soldiers being stated d. There wae no enemy is tnai. Baa Fnuwhco Abakan Up. State line. For the first time in tha by the department to be the design of Search has been Admiral Dewey's threat was simply: two outlaws in the foothills east of prosecuted ever sine San 3. of of these th Francisco, shocks Clear for action and quietly steam Willard about 3 o'clock yesterday. Two town without success. southern May Private many publications. history papers that Police Captain William Brown and Postmaster General Smith says; were In his possession were found on of earthquake were distinctly felt in through the American lines into the their people will he within easy reach 26th ultimo. It to the belief that all of a railroad. of the These pamphlets actually incite to the George first The Morgan, one of the desperadoes, . harbor. city Sunday. parts he lost his course and was captared. were killed. James Morgan, the other shock was rather mild, bat the second, The advent of warm weather has mutiny and it would be utterly unMr. Ueorc hot Guilty, which followed Immediately afterward, outlaw, was taken prisoner and is now QUIET IN SAMOA. caused a collapse ia the coal business, justifiable to permit their cireulatiou ., April 30. Mrs. Anna E. Canton, in the Brigham jail. The Morof was much lodged of soldier waa the the It and some of the coal mine bare com- among greater severity. Philippine. George has been acquitted of the gans are brothers The Osly Few Bklrmtahas Hrtwcea lUfefc M a matter of comment shocks that the menced running on halt time. Tbe Their circulation I a movement to Inprisoner is the of murdering George 1). Saxton. one Frtoudly Native. who killed Brown . The men are which Brere felt about 3:45 p. tn. should charge past season has been one ot the most due the soldiers to disobey orders and This decision was reached after a trial Auckland, N. Z., May 3. Samoa, bare occurred dnring a pelting rain, of they with whom a pitched battle waa Successful la th history of the eoal la effect to embarrass and resist the advices, under date of twenty-twday of aetual sessions of fought at the Hot 3J, April Springs early yesterbusiness in tbe state. government in whose service they are that the rebel have retired from their and with an unusually low temperature court and after twenty-thre- e and three-quartafter which Captain day morning, Tbe state superintendent baa com engaged. Not only are they drsigned fortifications, at Valima, which they for thin season. While the second shock of hours deliberation in the solfor to American Brown, a with tbe Sheriff Layne wax Incite to responsible together mutiny general fright, d emol i s h ed toge l h e r w it h ? " l,P?rtn?ut otFUtversllF. othoif.Jj, particularly totbose whir were- - higher jnrr rfxltn. It set at liberty tbe wo- and Deputo-- e iiat ley and Relwap; went free scholarshipc for the year. Salt diers oo'Ttittwe'isTan man who had occupied a cell in jail for the coast There has beea Be out in response to the call of tbe Box foment and encourage insurrection on along Lake county gets twelve scholarships further serious fighting, although aom, np than the ground floor, so far aa seven months. Twenty-tw- o ballots Elder officers for has resulted from of the Filipino themselves. no the known damage help. Captain Brown part Utah, six; Weber, four; Cache, three; were taken by the jury. She remained was skirmishing between the rebel and tbe in advance of his fellow officers housetrivial beyond earthquake Sanpete, three; and the balance fif th T AK ES AN OTHER TOWN, iriendlyjjn!ivfs ba occurred In the hold THsastera to glassware and china. n the court room for some time receiv- when he was killed. The fatal bullet counties one each. vicinity of Apia. ing gratulations of friends entered the right breast of Captain Uoaenvl Law ton a Troops C'sptsro tlaliaac, Kodi DMth State Auditor Holiday is preparing DMnm an IMnlalkw. I ha lawofgcnl. Su Crrlng Kraata Laws. Brown, going through a vest pocket May Lvnallis Foly tsuy. to send to the executive committee and Rochester. X. Y., May 2. Three perChilllcothe, Mo.. April 30. Scene memorandum book in the upper vest de Cuba, May 3 It May 3. General Lawton' Manila, Santiago, those in charge of stole institutions more than a dozen of s and desolation were pocket. It made a clean hole, coming column passing westward from Nor. pointed out that a curious remit of son were killed, blank upoaphich to mstV requisitions and fifty less serious- pictured yesterday in the little tornado out at the left side of the back, passing xauaray captured Kali nag and vlllagea Msjor General Wood announcemm; seriouslya Injured for funds for maintenance of a wreck Sunday result the hurt ly swept burg of Newtown, forty miles either near or through the heart. He the marriage ceremonies of aU In that and yesterday, vicinity scattering it Is believed, will aid in keeping Lake afternoon on the Rochester vigorous, impetuous young pursuing 1.600 insurgent troops.. His religions sects are legal, may be tb( Ontario railroad, better known aa th'4 north of the St. Paul rajDyay. A day ? their accounts correctly' of ceaseless search among the ruins and athlete and causualities, two wounded; Insur- temporary legalization of polygamy outstripped his fellow only Utah is experiencing an era o) proa Bay railroad, at Rosenbauers Corner, wreck for the injured and suffering in the chase by sheer physical gent, loss, several killed, large number In any event, there were some miles nortof the city followed one and one-haperity. In almost every town ia the wounded and captured. Number is irregular marriages in this anight of gloom and despair. force. Captain Brown leaves'-- wife state new buildings are being erected, not stated. Ilav open communication during tbe war, and as, thereproi8(, line, when two cars on no excursion Fifty families are homeless. There are and five children-- . He was one of tbe sis no and improvements being made on old with Lawton via Malolos most popular members of the force and train filled with passengers left the about fifteen dead and over thirty inby means of marriage laws except those of th waa generally liked. j track while rounding a curve at full He was also ones. It is hard to secure enough Hale's of the place is in known jured, while one-hatroop and detachments from man tatholic church, the new as one of the bravest officers nd workmen A " ruins. of state the list Financially casualties will that the city ever had. complete ln.nre.the legitimatUation of wrfed' Otis. city. 'being The fireman aodeoffineer never in a better condition. not be known for several days. fearless in the performanceabsolutely of ftuch uoionx. of hi pnng Wlta tkojasta KaysOfficial working on tlie Layton mu, duty. .6 aats DavaagM. to Follow Heroin tali Hashwharker. Flllplnrc Utmujr 4. London, May Representatives of der ease think they have, discovered a 2. FredWhite-tide- . Swept by PrarV Fire. New York, April 30. Advices from Berlin, May 3 It lathe belief iip. Butte, MonL, May cl a to the murderer in the shape ot a the Filipino Junta ssv that they have ML Vernon, S. D May t. from Flathead county, litical circles here of under date Manila, Thlapart that, England to. April 28, are as of South telegram from Aguinaldo, dilaptdatodjivercqaj, whlth Wat fonnd received Dakota is covered with . ihaabroughtSuit for f iqp.OOOagain.t ia a field two miles from the scene of dated April 30. dB Which he slate that leg relinquished theepea door in Cits theButto Miner. Th. suit grow out follows: Yesterday furnished added fire. Saturday was a terribleprairie and given her adhesion to the a day proof that the United State troops ,the crime. In one. of the pockets wai hi gore rumen than nothing! do with electlon' have a fear of bnshwhacking that! is here, the wind blowing a gale from the the present peace negotiations, which of influence policy there, Gernu," f the rwnt Flat-hea.found a mask covered with blood.' south till Boon. Heavy fires south of Whiteside, while senator from above their fear of battle. The Wash he assert ary being conducted by a must follow suit. The Tagehlatt IA iltiam B, Clark of Kansas town destroyed a number of homes. nilgai that he received from an ington Tbe first consequence of the Anjto City, Mo., groupiof half castes and creole who regiment, whevJsholding At noon has secured control ofthe extensive the wind changed to the northof W. A. Hark, senator-elec- t, Russian agree men t must be that with three companies of the anxious for peace In the expec. xgent Taguig. are vote fo in used sit work at Syracuse, Davia county, tation of be and to west, securing 130,009 brought another fire this ' Twelfth regulars, engaged a'large force getting high o Bices under a many, too, must declare the Hoangj, ' The Miner asserted t. that have for several years been owned new govermenL of insurgents in a fight In a jangle. way. A family of four living DiUth ' Aguinaldo adds that valley to be her sphere. It would h 4 the senator-elecand operated by the Adame A Kleael he lies had no direct communication error were Germany that Whiteside had produced th moneyn The American lost two killed and ten Dodge ranch were frightfully burned, Halt company. The consideration ia In with the Americans since the fall- - of confine herself to the on fatally. A great, defeating the many horse were wounded The loss to th Filipinos i province of Shaw far th purpose Malolos. th neighborhood of 130,00a ' Clark. A. burned on the ranch. Ob an adjoining " W. of not known. , Tang." ranch 1,509 bead of abeep were, killed Tiau riRUHIMl Filipino CO. ) new U Vnnlln t rruKMMt. rrK4ar? Re- - HE DENOUNCED THE RECENT LYNCHINGS IN CEORGJA. lusur-rverio- rTU-tc- Major-Gener- Major-Genera- -- - n j -- unc-thlr- fifty-poun- d out-aid- h Fill-plno- a. con-aum- 00 UM -- non-unio- Cap-tai- n -- o -- dw,btiwr'tr -- .Uk-har- uttor-diatres- olfi-fee- rs lf a tC W lf P,r , 'co-lio- - , i |