Show Nw I Law Ve hate bean asked by n great many of our readers to print several 01 the new Mill which bate become laws We will comply with the reqncit ai IOOB an wo can prvnire copies 01 them which are now just being lent out by the printers To Itepreaentutlte Heard the credit due for the pnMguof the animal bounty bill which Inilmlci the destructive ground iqiilrrel and gopher flee bill travel the amount ol bounty to IM I paid nil theie unlmal 10 the county ccitimttitoncri I cent li the minimum 1113 cent hit inaxtuiiini amount that they calm authorise to tie t paid The bill 1 makei coimmlfory upon them to grant oho bounty I on the presentation of a pc tlllun tlgnetl by UK rmldint taxpnylng voter Nn l iintyo lour l than tt will Iw I paid lit any one time |