Show I l imrunrr i > f llrrrn MuniiflnK The RKTleulluril department It Wnnhlnitrn gathers In n bulletin Iho fellowlni remits i > f pxprloiicft In Ihti lirMtlre of green tunurlnc for the Improvement or the preservation ot tli fertility of land I limi mmiurliii Improve the phjrtl I Cal l praperlle of the dill by making the Mil mom parallel and nddlnc Its suit I 11 > of Imnuin It brings up HIP dormant dor-mant plant food tram d p down In I I file mil And 11011 It near the turfae I where It ecu be lined toy plant feeding neat the nirfucf Urn manurlnc with buckwh4t Hungarian traa and other nonlepim Inou plant mid practical > nothing to the mil which wa not there before pxeepl n man ot vegetable matter which dersa 1 tend gw lo form humus Irtin manuring with cloier pass bean lupine ele llegumlnou crop actually enrich file mil In nitrogen I drawn from lie I air Tluse plant ran grow with lery little N > ll nitrogen They store up Iho nitrogen of the air ns they grow and wlieti plowed under give It up lo Iho Kill and lo fiituie civil 1 It IS I the elu < apt means of manuring the moll with nitrogen nitro-gen I Hut nnlnml an well 1 ns plant require re-quire nltniRfii I for food lly feeding the elt I crop of clover eowpea ele only About onefourth of file fertilizing mail rial of fill crop U I 1001 If lip manurn II I properly eared for As the iiltrnKtn of the Air III I Ihn cheapo miuiret of nitrogen nitro-gen for Illnl1ll no It la the cheapest pellets protein nlliogvn forunlmnls file leRiimlnou crop la beat ullllteel when It In I red out on the farm and the manure mini and Applied lo the roll I Thei greatest plant is I linn cured ulid 1 riiitly Ibo Mime firllllly I Is malnlalnid its In green manuring I I For renoiatlng worn or barren foils and for maintaining file fertility when Iho ImriDurd manure II I not propeib cared for green mounting with sueli leKiinilnou crops am eowpea rioter and lupine I it leconltneniUd A drew Ingot potash and phosphate w III Usually Usual-ly I bo auniclent for the green manuring crop cropU lint been proud Sufficiently that n hllo cloier loonsated othe crop of Hie Icgumlmm are the most valuable for this uro they are most useful on Lt least moderate feilllo Fall and will not grow snlllcU utly on floor land For such land then It In I neeeswiry to grow from I exacting crops as buckwheat or eien n craft of weed 1 nnd turn there under thu filling fill > soil with luimus jnd decaeil I egttnlile iuattet on which the nitrogen germs may fred ami Hint prepare the way for ilottr Phil Itl related re-lated crop which then complete the proccn of Improvement Tho practice ot green manuring on medium and Ixller claws ot Soft II I Irrnllonal and wasteful The furmir should mend his Pystern ro Hint the barnyard manure will be III well cared for 01 any other farm product l owi from nurfaco waililiiK leaching fermentation fer-mentation and decay vhould 1m guarded guard-ed against Thin the feeding of richer food will mean richer manure und bet t fee suit cheaper crop The system of willing or feed I UK grctn crops In the barn In places of panturnr cnnlikii a larger number of animal lo IMI 1 kept on u given area of land and the manuio lo IM more completely saved For this purpakv leguminous crops arc extremely alnable flay from IcKUinlnmis crop 18 I about twice an rich In pioteln lIa tiny from granger In one ease this protein nitrogen ni-trogen la I obtained Mrs largely from atmosphere In Ibu other It Udriwn I from the ftrtlllt of title Bull URiiml notes crop leld firmer crop of hay to the aero than grasie Homo Ibo production of fowl material on all acre especially protein la petered time larger with leKUmlnoiii tropn If allowed to rllien the teed 1 of Iho cowpea and vojn Items furnlihcH on rx Ircmely rich raucetnruled feed which call be ground ann Nd In place ot ex pensive commerilai veda Tho ktraw for It II I richer 111 ordinary hay flrow more le I uilnou crop They furnish Iho tliiuixut food for stork and remaining may be fed 01 coarse fodder the cheapest manure for the boll They do till because they obtain from the air a Huh lllllro irreiuir for plant and 1 nnlmala alike Which costs In the form ot firlllltci and fading bluffs from U to 15 cent a putindFarniers Ketlu Ilnntlnrj Icach IUAII long an we till land no matter how little in a locality where peaches ran be grown wo Mill not fall to rulf occasional a few wcdllng for budding This plan given its good tree without cash outlay out-lay and wo know what ure hate lie sides the operation of budding is I easily learned rully performed and quite Interesting to this amateur In a recent Issue of Country leutlemau the followliiK direction uroglteu fur pro paring Ihe pita for pluming Place In molit earth any limo After belui taken from the peach Send belter not let them become drltd through It its desirable that they be Placed where they will freeze III winter and If they have been kept molest tho nced of the pit will fill ties cavity and freezing will expand the need 0 as to open the pit preparatory to Its growth A > cry good plan lo manage a few tells Is to place them on the ground onlr burely covered with earth and over them place aboard a-board which will sufficiently 088uro their moisture find will not pratent their freezing At tha openjng of prlng Ihcy will he fojnd sprouted and C41D be planted bro ilcelrnl lo grow |