Show IN TUB KITCHEN Scraps of moat arc thrown away Light nro loft burning when not In use Soap U I left to dluolin anti waste In water Vinegar and Inurn are left standing In tin Cold potatoes are left over to sour and spoil Tho tea canister and coffee box are left open rhO Tin dishes me not properly cleaned and dried CliMfo Is I allowed to mold or bo nibbled I nib-bled by mien Apple fro left to docn for want of sorting overloud I over-loud new broom are need to scrub kitchen noon I Dried fruits are not looked utter and bacons wormy Woodenwaro Is I untcalded and left to warp and crack I Sugar tea coffee and rice nro carelessly care-lessly spilled In handling Vinegar la I left to stand until tho tin rteanl I become corroded and spoiled I Done of meat and tho carcass of turkey tur-key are thronn away when they could be used In making good coups u fork spoils for want of salt nnd beef because the brine need scalding Silver spoons nro used lu scraping kettles I Mustard Is I left to shall In the cruse Mora coil la I burned than necessary by not closing damper when Iho Ire is t not lIed I Dish towel are mod far dish cloth napkin for dish towel and towols for holders Thcni run im tnull 10 lei but In the animal mo IUM I u I conalderubtn The Chef t |