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Show Vies VO YFTKT? PORVFT? ' COMUXT. ' In Cuba dic- UM tion geta to MuW, T)t RntdM lt Tral Jmmi irkN rt Manhattan Capt At f Vt krtk nrl Jrffar Mlrfc. HaUImiII ERE Is today for our pleasure, Here is today for m- Ready gcntle- - treasure, to occupy siting to give what we ask. Ject to woman believe that if handsome men - - with Standing full of hand blessing, Lavishyl sunshine and song; but onward in haste shb Is presalng. a. Be quick la expected to each one of the the queen he has Cut bow full is the band that Is faithful, How glad Is the heart that is true, When she slips away In the darkness, Leaving only the stars and the dew. York men promise f Jewelry, even rs In public. will be iera of this thrifty The stars to watch and wonder As she passes through night's dark Id to be suffering Ah! how ahall we treat the angel That comes, but will come no more? door. se combination Russell Sage and ompclled to do to e on ita guard. (aptarcd Jilmm liavli. George M unger, formerly a corporal in ibe Fourth Miclgan cavalry, enjoys the distinction of being the man who arrested Jefferson Davis, when the defeated president of the Confederacy haTO orange growers Southern California wag trying to escape at the close of the of investing in land, war. This important capture haa sevhat the growing of ers! times been credited to Captain is Is their buslnesr William T. Steadman, but the facts in hing else; that they the matter are aa follows: President ver the outlook In Lincoln, when It was known the Confederate government had evacuated try Southern by frost is Richmond, offered a reward of $100,000 vw for the capture of Jefferson Dayls. All available troops In the neighborhood of his supposed route were thrown forthe Maine tuprem ward In pursulL - On the morning of decision for th for hevy damage May 11, 1865, detachments of the Fourth against a Bangor furniture concern tha Michigan cavalry reached the little sold a folding bed which shut up like camp of the fugutlvea. It was in the Jcckntfo upou Mr. and Mrs. Frank pins woods about Hi miles from Ga. Just at daybreak CapWhite, making Mr. White a helpless and hopeless cripple and seriously but tain Lawton and about a dozen trooper r.et permanently injuring Mrs, White walked tbelr horses to the edge of the The court woods, and then dashed up to the tents. ys that the dcfesdsnt firm had no knowledge of the faulty design No one was in sight, except a negro, who led Mr. Davis horse, saddled and of the bed which made It a dingerou trap, and that no phase of the rase cast ready for flight. In a moment Mr. Daanv liability upon the firm. vis and hi wife came out of a little tent at the side of the road. Davis V a woman's waterproof cloak, and idiWomaiia Shawl thrown over his He started down ths road. head. Seeming to he an old woman, he was allowed to pass, hut Corporal George god t Monger quickly observed that he wore ,ite boo,8 R,11 galloped after him, halting him and hts carbine, leveling Davis surrendered. Later Davis ,(e he hod taken the rJt himself said waterproof In mistake for bla own, owing to the darkness In the tent, and that bla wife threw the shawl over his i head. Thar is no doubt the actual cap-- J (tire waa effected by Mungcr, aa General Wilson, the commanding officer, Itively states in hia report The re- d of $100,000 was not distributed I lSC&,three years aftec.whea proto arly every one in pursuit received e f ths money. Four officers each. Then 154 men of Fourth Michigan cavalry, 78 of tho rst Wisconsin cavalry, 21 of a accompanying Captain, Yeo-uaand two more of unknown tame, belonging to an Iowa regiment were voted by congress ths remaining $88.-00- 0 apportioned to their rank and the pay they were receiving at the time, Mungcr received $300. Call-ama- ge -- . 1 00 n. U Was Hctrsjrv.l, The tragic fate of CapL Wilson Hub-bel- t, commander of trading Vessel the French war with the Vnlted j, during State in 1798, is recorded by the historian of Stratford, Conn. While returning with a cargo of molasses from the West Indies, CapL Hubbell'a ship was overtaken and captured by a French privateer. 'A pr and two French seamen were put on board the captured ship and the privateer sailed aw ay Jin pursuits Of other adventure. Only CapL Hubbell, one seaman and the cook were left on board the trading Teasel. "Although seemingly resigned fate, the captain felt hla situation keen-- v ly.and determined in some way to recover control of his htp. He made no - show of disappointment butoiMumcd rather an air of atupid Indifference and th French prise-mastlooked upon ' him as a Tout of a Yankee, beneath his notice, and permitted him considerable liberty. The cook and seaman were required to work, hence they were un-- i restrained.. I On Ahe second afternoon out the should prize-mastretired to the cabin, where he remained for some time. The cook .are about to contrived to get near the door and peep lug business In through a crack. The Frenchman amirer to be-- - lay asleep, hla aword and pistols on the boa ever, as floor beside him. ; cook Capt. ;ies his enter- - ' The whohastened to inform quietly made his way to varlety and re-- ! Hubbell, with Interna- - ths cabin and a few minutes later the iding public will Frenchman awoke to find himself a prisoner. It was not difficult then to secure the tw French seamen and ing has been Capt Hubbell waa once more In comt of Importance mand of bis vessel. I ring bis bnal- The Frenchman accented the change ' I'coplt C2 with perfect serenity orrplrlt. I am quite willing you command the ship. he snid amiably, but I like to be tree. And ire made ruth fair promtses , er lollj er II I r'1" ng iis C er , J 1 1 , WnI CM what w old-tim- 1 y. bssL E sixer's Wisconsin grown seeds are bred to earllnese and produce the earliest vegetables in ths world. Right alongside of other seedsmen' earliest, hla are 20 dajs ahead! Just try hi earliest peas, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, etc! He 1 the largest grower of farm and vegetable seeds, potatoes, grasses, elovers, etc I aa4 Jl .M will MS tbU La It to th John A. Balxer Seed Co.. will Crosse WU., with 10c postage you Rad-U- h of Early Bird nt sample Inpackage 16 days) and thelr great (ready 5c postage. catalogue. Catalogue alone w n- riudlna abov oats. free. croMa ManUests Ustil la umtj differed w4), goitre, twellijjs?, running tore, txiij, salt rbeupt and pimples and other eruptions. man is wholly tree from It m some Scarcely form. It clings tenaciously until Um last restige ef scrofulous poison is eradicated from the blood by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands of eoluntary testimonials ten of suffering from scrofula, oftea inherited and most tenacious, positively, per feetly and permanently cured by raoodi8 Sarsaparilla The One True Llood Purifler. All dnicgutx- - L Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mott. act Harmoniously with Iloodx Sarsaparilla, ac. .. .. Hood s Fills The Greatest nedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ms -Th- r Young." t ... DO YOU KNOW Tbst tbe (nest vegetables in tbe world are seed.? Wbyf Be. grown bom MirerS cause they are Nortbero-erowbref to tod sprout quickly, (row rapidly corllaeu, sad produce enormouify! 35 Packages Earliest Vegetable Seeds, $ i . POTATOES IN 28 DAYS! Just tblnk of that! Yon esn bxee them by planting Salsers seed. Try it this year I LOOK AT THESB YIELDS IN IOWA. Sheer Mine Oats, . . , , . 11? bn. per acre. Silver King Barley, , , . . , m bu. per acre. Prolific Spring Rve,. , . , SO bu. per sere. Marvel Spring Wheat, 40 bu. per acre. Giant Sparry, t tons per eere. Giant Incaraat Cover, . . 4 tons hay per acre. SOOtol.luObu. peracre. Potatoes, Now,above yields town formers have tud. A full list of farmers from your and adjoining states, doing equally well, is published In our catalogue. ... ....... ..... oiiowxm wsid. IF YOU WILL CUT THIS OUT (NO SEND IT With Uc. In stamp,, yon will ret oar big c tad a sample of Pumpkin Yellow Watermelon sensation. Catatogne'alooe, fic. tcHs bow to get that potato. ;J0HN A. SALZER SEED CO., LA CROSSE. WI8. N Mr No One in to Blame J tut yourself, to 6t Joseph, lfyourlicler Kenan titv, Denver, Deadwood, Helena, or Butte doe not read via tbe Bur.tnrtoa Root- - Tho local ticket agent has tickets via th Burlington to theca And all other southern and western oitiee. He will furnish yon with one If vou for But you must ask for it. letter of Inquiry ed to the ed will receive (wompg attention J. Fnaxag, Genl Bonn r Agt, Omaha, Neb. it -k oddret-indenls- LEGGINa ed - MASS., Has discovered in ono of our common weeds a remedy that cures every Kure 1 Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never (ailed except In two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his certificates possession over two hundred of of its value, all within twenty Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When tlie lungs are affected it muses shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it wtU ouse squeamish feelings at first Eat No change ot diet ever necessary. the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bedtime. Sold by all Druggists. i (kfl OF ROXBURY. KENNEDY, DOKALO IN-T- HE - HM Wk fr say, because It's the -- -- Doubt-membe- any-vor- hot through its use.. pom-esse- Jfaste to gather the good she offers, - Haste to finish the work she brings; How fleet are the bright hours she proffers. How brief are the songs she sings. It is better to beer." But while mains where it is will buy neither. That cot ty tedofhlm. shoulder. If eaPt,n prige-maste- cuf task; to addto ouf hU ances- tral - - t is an cSco It will never that th j GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE - OLD SOLDIERS UTAH. !? him was oa LOVED SLEEP TOO WELL. IROUHLK l.V A KISS. He proved to be excellent ! Tlit Was What FnmU4 tha company; bo toll gtorles, laughed at ata'l ftareaaa ta rollUrt. Hubbell' Jokes and, indeed, many have j CapL into Latt evening people passing 8. Barn-uni- 'a seemed Is tie s most excellent fellow. - Water t One evening Capt. Hubbell and tbs store, on ibe west side of Kansas avenue, noticed a large man sleeping Frenchman stood together on ths deck cd (teruUltoa Tkrn soundly In a large covered spring leaning over the ship's side. They had Siwtlu of Mui'Ui W Um ta Mde all kiwi a the fiirap (Joake wagon near the street curb, says the and cappassed pleasant evening With JVr-1l- n Allianr A Ippeka Journal, , He waa stretched tain's suspicions of his guest, ss he now across the seat, and, while hla position Xtiff r, were lulled to celled the iK.ltar kia , was not a comfortable one, the man did rest. not cere. HI brorl chest rose and fell ISSING to no rin The Frenchman was In the act of deep that is, when you at regular jwriods, which indicated lighting a fresh cigar, when It dropped 7 whirring from his lingers. He stooped to redon't climb oter slumber. Occasionally cover It, and quicker than a flash the batk fence and noise like the suppressed grunt of a pig escaped the sleeper., Xj.,ws s.t)Ocev hut unsu-pectlcaptain by the play tn somebody hot the ceiling destroy lug kind -- A closi feet ami thrust him overboard, t toe's 5 ard, rays the woulJ'have mealed tho Inspection a was Ilubbeli swimmer Herald. New Yoik strong ('apt. face of a mn well advanced in (hubby followed and the ship for some distance, Just the same U his cheeks (overed with a thick eais. begging to be taken on board. The plunge probably of shoit giuy hair aud his head Frenchman was deaf to .his entreaties into bot water than giowth with an old slouch hat. Then the ob4nd left blmrio drown. human family server the would have been startled to And -The cook who eventually returned to more members of a resemblance to a man who was strong Connecticut, related the mournful story Money, of course well known In public life In Kausas of (apt. Hubbell'a fate. to the all evlt, not tong ago. The man looked like prime fa tot of trouble, it lieu Clover, and In truth An Awcrlrm Jeann D'Arr. of annoying both it was he. a pecultoi About twelve miles from Boston, on by its presence and absence. Those Clover now drives the road to Concord, stands s fine old who pofctao it have trouble to keep it. the reform school wagoh. and may be house, surrounded by a beautifully kept and those uho are without It havej seen on the streets of Topeka every (Jay. ' farm. says the New York Mall and Ex- trouble to get it. He was given the place as a reward for e Into women press. Just at the back of thla men and Ktobes have got political services rendered In the last mansion to a magnificent pine all sorts of difficulties. They always He doesn't know anything campaign. grove, from which the place take its occur before a wedding and frequently ubout boys, but Covernor Mor-- ) training Here live before an application has been tnade to Ill's business administration gave him farm. name, Pine-Grothe descendants of an American Jeanne the divorce courts. They have caused a. Job. When Mr. Clover was in cond'Arc, Deborah Sampson by name, pain and happinePs, riches and poverty, gress he contracted the sleeping habit, whose history Ukea from the gene- and sometimes death; also deafness, and It made him famous. When an alogy of the Sampson family, to unique diphtheria and tonsllltls. Tho puritan impottant measure was being consld-cio- d and thrilling. he was wont to steal out in the rigidity ofNew England suppressed This revolutionary maid, left to the every sort of kissing in that part of the ante-rooand strerih hla portly form care of stranger at a tender age. with that Is, so far as human na- ou the luxurious cushions of a governcountry a mind far ahead of her time and class, ture would bear the prohibition while ment sofa, and whilo his colleagues until she was 20 did the farm drudgery among the blue laws of Connecticut wrested with some Intricate question required of a bound girl'' feeding the (here wag one which prohibited a man affecting their constituency, Congresspigs and rhlckena and milking the man Clover of Kansas slept, and. it Is bis wife on Sunday. cowa. She had a passion for reading, kissing A very pretty young girl got into said, snofed; not softly nor gently, but but little opportunity to indulge It, She I rou hie In Vienna, and all because of a loud enough to be heard in the legisgained enough knowledge, however, to kiss. She waa 17 and very attractive, lative hall. Then Mr. Clovers teach a public school In Mlddleboro, got angry and elected some but had to go to an ear hospital and where the curriculum was comprised one and since then he haa been else, to the confess her would only story In The New England Primer," a spelling-was this: She had a compelled to tale his naps in less conIt physicians. book, the psalter and a new testaconlover who had been away, but who had venient places. Other people have rement. tracted In it hut habits congress, a few days before. lit the proTho repeated Invasions of popular returned to cess of greeting he Implanted a kiss mained for Congressman Glover on of the rights King George and upon the maiden's ear. From that mo- make a departure and become, like part bis ministers made a strong Impression ment she was unable to hear. Tho Dickens' fat boy, a confirmed sleeper. ou Deborah Sampson's mind. She TYRANNOUS SOCIALISM. drank deep of the fountain of patrlotle physicians examined her ear and found that (he drum had really been fracInspiration that fell from the lips of A .VIonlrou IMpoul That tlx Liberals the fiery Otto, the devoted Warren and tured. Are Bound to Krulat. were In there three 1884, September, the dauntless Adams. Her blood leaped No system which the brain of man as she heard the news of the Boston kisses exchanged which made all Euever devised carries that tyrannous has was when This fear. with rope quake tea party. Then came Lexington and so far as socialism, says the Russia repression Austria and formed, Bunker Hill and one fine summer Germany, Review. Liberty, let me reconferThe Fortnightly alliance. the famous triple Mldmorning the scholars in the Uttle means the power of a man to waa peat, ence in a Polish after held castle, dleboro schoolhouse found their teacher Emperor make the most and best of himself; tp gone. She had spun herself a suit of which Emperor William, exar Russia' develop fully hU personality. This to of and Francis the Joseph men's clothes, taken the name of FulThe hts aboriginal, imprescriptible, inalienseveral one times. another kissed ler, and ran away to the wars. able right. Its limit 'being that the corof Russia duke and ezarlna the grand serwaa The girl mustered into the mokissed the were also responding right of others to not Invisiting by vice at Worcester and in company with ' fringed. And private property 1s reala large number of recruits marched to narch. ' Then there was an instance on record ized liberty. Join ths army at West Point. There In first Its It Is, idea, tbe guaranty to she was placed In CapL Webbs com- where a man and his wife were locked of what has been an individual In York for person New all kissing of CoL up night Sheppany light Infantry, In herd regiment and Gen. Patterson'S one another In public. The man was wi ought, through the exercise of his brigade. Here her civilian kult waa Alexis Gtolka. He was supping early personality, by labor and abstinence. It to essential to the development and exchanged for tho continental uniform. one morning with his wife in a BroadIn ber first experience on the Held way restaurant, when, In a moment of maintenance of personality in this world. It la requisite for the attack of the enemy was unexpect- amorous enthusiasm, he leaned across work-a-da- y of the family. But the existence a very kiss side ed and furious, and a man at her the table and imprinted upon was shot dead. However, she suffered the blushing Augustlnas red lips. He socialism, even In its mildest type, less from fear than from fatigue, thirst got angry at the unseemly laughter of means the confiscation of private prop- and the heat of the day. She served In some pf the other patrons and the af- erty, the destruction of the family and the French army under Count Rocbam-bea- u fair ended In a row. The waiters set the annihilation of individual freedom. It proposes to remedy what it calls all told by ber In vivid terms upon the couple and they were Anally end participated In the march of the locked up in the West Thirtieth street not altogether without reason the whole allied army under Washington police station. In the Jefferson Market slavery of labor, not by vindicating the to protect New York, resulting iu the court the following morning they were liberty of the laborer, but by establishing a system of universal servitude. siege of Yorktown. These exposures fined $3. brought on a severe cold, together with ' Former Superintendent Murray Is on This monstrous proposal the liberal exhaustion and blistered hands. Her record for having called kissing in the party In England is bound to resist delicate appearance and having no street disorderly conduct, even when even. If necessary; to the shedding of beard wai often potlced, and she waa j accomplished with the ladys consent. blood. And to the shedding of blood the called the "smock-face- d boy, but her The case was that of John Mowatt, who matter Is not U n Ikeiyto "come lir l h e sex was never suspected. She went was arrested in 14th street, together long run. For socialism Is rather a sect through threw campaigns, sharing In with the lady to whom he waa bidding than a party, Its votaries are animated all the hardships and was twice good-bThey were locked up all nignt by a spirit akin to that of religious enwounded. thusiasm. They are largely of the stuff and fined $10 In the morning. At last beings overtaken with a maJack tho Kisser has appeared in of which martyrs are made. Assuredly, the privilege of sealing lignant fever, and being brought to the many cities and has got himself Into a their testimony with their blood should verge of death, the attending phystoian peek of trouble. discovered that the brave laddie was Gen. Sherman had a national reputa- be withheld from them as long as possia woman, bue be sacredly guarded the tion as a klsr.er. It la said that into ble. But It majrnot be always possible. secret, save to the matron, who had her famous general was never Introduced And aa assuredly the preservation of the removed to her own apartments and to a woman that he did not greet in fair frame of civilization la of far more nursed with the greatest care. this manner. To be kissed hy him was account than are the lives of a few fools On her departure for camp after this considered an honor. and fanatics. Illness, for the purpose of being dls In JSSSa woman In Erie, Pa., died a KITCHEN. few- - hour after kissing a corpsef Sh Gen. Patterson, disclosing the secret. was Mrs. William Savory f who kissed Scraps of meat are thrown away. The general, who had had the young her dead friend In her coffin. The unLights are left burning when not In on his staff, was woman as dertaker had Just bathed the dead wom- use. treated with but her greatly astonished, an's lips with poison and Mrs. Savory Soap to left to dissolve and waste In utmost kindness, giving her an honordied almost immediately. water. able discharge. Miss Sampson was Children often tako an aversion to and sauce are left standing granted a pension. On returning home kissing.' Uttle Frank Celia ran away In Vinegar tin. the did not Immediately make herself from his home in Williamsburg to avoid , .Cold potatoes are left over to sour known among her relatives, but at female relative. and spoil. an admiring kissing emand female apparel length resumed He several was lost days. The tea canister and coffee box are ployments. In a few month she was Quite a pretty woman went fo Brook- left open. married and became the wife of BenTin dishes Rie not properly cleaned lyn once to pay a visit and while there jamin Gannett of Sharon and lived to contracted diphtheria. When she re- and dried. rear s family of three children. Cheese to allowed to mold or be nibAt the age of 67 she died at her, home turned to her home tn Chatham. N. J.r bled with she and her friends kisses, by mice. greeted tn Sharon, where she had sustained the Apples are left to decay for want of character of an exemplary wife and It a as not long before an epidemic of - diphtheria made its appearance In that sorting over. mother a well as a gallant and devotA new Good are used bout brooms le to scrub peop forty ptotviretquetown. ed pulrloL kitchen floors. suffered from the disease. A matinee kiss Is distinctly a kind of Dried fruits are not looked after and wlfli IIImi f4 Villi A young fellow in Missouri got on the its own. .The leas a woman likes an- become wormy. Woodenware to nnscalded and left to railroad track in front of an approach- other the wanner la 'thd salute. Then and track- hands waved his like and train where warp is one there preing kissing place and dominates and that to on a steamship Sugar, tea, coffee and rice r carewindmill Tbe engineer, pale-factrembling, stopped, expecting to meet pier. If you want to see a tight worth lessly spilled In handling.' a hero who had saved the train from seeing Just go down to some ship as she Vinegar to left to stand until the tin some disaster. . The hero" bounced is getting ready to sail. When All vessel becomes corroded and spoiled. Bones of meat and the carcass of turaboard and a!d all he wanted was to .ashore g called there seems to be a go to Kansas City. It Is needless to mighty effort on the part of all con- key are thrown away, when they could state that he ws bounced off again. cerned to get in as many biases as pos- be used In making good soups. Pork spoils for want of salt, and beef sible In the shortest space of time. because the brine needs scalding. , Men are seen to kiss one another forto Jot. firleC Silver spoons are used in scffaplng Last fall Adam Benner, of Philadel- eigners, of course. kettles. phia. nearly went Insane because ho i " A Deep Lake. Mustard ,1s left to spoil In the cruse. thought his wife had sold tn old ket- Want water Is In many way th most More coal is burned than necessary tie in which he had hidden $1,300 is ihtereotlng of the English lakes, and hy not closing dampers when the fire gold. He Is nearly craxy with Joy now, is for a day or so ago he found Ihe kettle 1s by far tho deepest, Halt Its area la not used. more Dish towels are used for dish cloths, under a porch where he himself bad acres of than 150 feet deep, and 217 ita bed are more than 2t0 feet napkins for dish towels, and towels hidden It deep, a point particularly noteworthy, for holders. t In view of the fact that the surface These may Man but dives tn death: em small leaks, but la Dlvca frara the sun In fairer day to rise. level when the soundings were taken the aggregate the loss Is eonriderable The grave Ms mbtertr nean road to was JJ feel abot-- the sea e-Chef. - 1 rt ! Army Dock with Mo w. to. 01.ee. too wHbBaohle. gfi, Snl prepaid on of price. Send sir of hn end moniv of jwtpt IQSL CUU.Nl L.VQTO.V A SOX OmVui d, HAYDEN BROS., St !l., v Wrturor catalogue of Bprle rMhlaed, rimuk grow. OFiua&ffisasgs&g ff wJ Thompson's Eyo Wattr N. U- - OMAHA 8 1800- - oroS. w. S When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. i Ail fii tolS. (KkkL Ci CJ fry flrrvgjrw'K, NSUM y M fi t4 A |